Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Instructions say to pre-treat before and one week after flip. I’ve stuck with the spoon feed application each week, with maximum results. Seems to be several ways to apply BBP to plants than 1.


Ya have a new seed pop an auto for outside and wondered how soon I could hit I figured about the time second true leaf is started. Idk I don’t think it’ll really hurt the plant I guess just not be as effective so a possible waste of product.:thinking:

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Do it after the first full set appears. I’ve tried just a tiny bit on earlier seedlings don’t think they couldn’t handle it, but better used once the plant gets out of 2-3 week seedling stage.

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Ya my thoughts thanks. So here is progress as of an hour ago a few things have been written in stone I think.
These are all A

so far 3f 1m 1?
This row front 2 are A back 2 Nl#2

So Nl#2 3m(they showed first and strong) :cry: unfortunately no Nl for me this grow
This row first is Nl#2 and back 3 are B

B 2f 1?
Finally Nl#2 x Crip C
Not the best pic sorry so C 2f 1?
So almost all sexed yay. So now it’s time to pull males in a couple days(just in case I misidentified) and see how much space I have. Then decide if I have the room to He-Man it out in 2gal pots or play it safe and stick to the 1gal :thinking:. If I up pot then I’d have to add another week of veg so the can recover from up pot. We shall see.
Few other plants those can be seen in my grow log.


As I posted in your thread…CRUSHING it! Even seen an A with variegation. Sorry about the NL2. I didn’t have many then when I was sending out, but I do have plenty, so I’ll throw a coin flip in w pollen 10 NL2.


Cool I figured the 2 I had left had to be females lol. So A 60% germ rate(kinda only 2 didn’t tail at all and 2 didn’t make it past 3 days of popping dirt B 100% C100% Nl#2 100% so good on you @Originaldankmaster96 very viable seeds and I think the 2 that didn’t tail in paper towel might have had really hard shells maybe should of scuffed a little.


Ok @OriginalDankmaster96, the pollen has landed. Oh this is gonna be fun. Thanks my friend, I’ll keep you updated.:peace_symbol:


Week 1 (day 7–42 days to go) 4-24-23

Before defoliating




After defoliating the center

All defoliated in the center and I will suggest doing this due to the dense vegetation growth. If not done, will shade out other growing shoots.

2 INCHES is the stretch for A2 and B3😉

ONE INCH for B4 :dizzy_face:

A1 @Rabeats2093 I believe this is what you’re are referring to with leaf interspersing

Personally I think this one is actually going to be the best of the 3 found, although the other collected is a B so only have 1 to measure by from the Xmas. Has to be chopped soon as it’s about to drop but I wanted to see how that initial phase shapes up. I believe the clone is definitely worth collecting later.

Oh wait I have one more update…Xmas BX. They were just stalks a week ago but now filling in better. Starting to thicken the branches exposed to more wind flow. There’s an A and B clones near ready to join next week, so I’ll up pot those 3 to their 1 gall

@420noob Thanks I appreciate it. That is my strive high viability, stable and uniform genetics that stand out :trophy:


So these ladies don’t stretch much A, B, nlx Crip so let grow bigger. So still the C 1f possible other 2 not sure far as sex the B 2 has 1f and other 2 not sure shone sex and 3 jenny kush haven’t. I’m so ready to flip but if I can cull 2 more males I can up pot to 2 gal if they don’t show soon just stuck with the 1 gal. It’s a matter of space oh ya still have an A no clue so 3 AF. If I flip to 12/12 and couple males pop can I up pot the rest quick or will that possible shock and effect yield? Or should I drop from 22/2 to 18/6 will that possible help with the sexing with the lesser light? Or give a week at current light if no males show just flip and go? Thanks

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Another week as passed and this little guys are going strong. Please don’t mind the spots on the leaves as they are from ph down water being splashed around which is unavoidable they way I water my plants in veg. I suspect I’ll be able to take off the brace holding it up in about a week or two at the most. Then I’ll up pot them to keep the momentum going.

By the way @OriginalDankmaster96 the pollen arrived and thanks for the extra seeds! These are going to be used this year for sure! So much fun growing for you my man knowing that I’ll be rewarded with the beautiful pine stench I’ve been seeking!


3-4 days MAX. If not shown by then I wouldn’t up pot straight to flip. I just got a taste of what happens. Fortunately it’s all seed developing, but it’s been ravaged leaves and drooping. I run 18/6 veg/mother closet it’s possible to have pre-sex by the 4th week. I said all 3 at 4 weeks except the A1 showed a calyx and pistil. I’ve learned plants will show their sex regardless of photoperiod at maturity. Maybe up pot what is confirmed to keep growing and manually flip what’s yet to be determined separately out of the tent in a dark area, large box or upside down garage can etc. BUT if by mid week still not showing keep the plant as is. Once it’s past that week mark, the program is in motion and I learned with self TC that veg won’t happen. The plant will go the ENTIRE flowering cycle to re-veg and I actually had to do a clone grow, because the seed plant was a re-veg program to bud out. Many more numerous smaller buds. The clone grow proved to be bigger buds. Self TC was nearly sterile at seed reception so it’s gone. Barely a few and deformed. Up pot the best looking, and try to determine which lesser plants are best to flip to get the sex, that way you have the better plants ready than the plants yet to be determined and if they’re male at sexing if that makes sense :face_with_monocle:


Hell yeah deff what I was talking about …and believe it or not I think the wonky A pheno has a couple triploid buds not 100% positive yet
Also what are you’re findings with nanners !? Sterile ?I believe I just spotted one just before the lights went out and a random ass dark green seed looking thing has a crunch lol …it was weird only around day 24 in flower

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You’ve definitely shown the seedlings don’t elongate even at a diminished light intensity distance :+1: You’re welcome. They’re made to go outside too. Both Maui are being run. You’re doing A and @HappyTrees23s is doing C.


Yes, they are on the floor and my spider farmer 4000 is 7 1/2 feet up in the air and is only set to about 60%. And they will be going outside once they get large enough.


Sounds like you have a mutant on your hands. This Xmas lineage never ceases to amaze me. So far at 1 week I’ve seen no nanners or balls on mine, however it’s important to know if anyone sees it to tell me. The A and B moms didn’t show any, it’s why I got a lot of seeds. The intersex was strong in F1 generation but the offspring still have some chance. I can’t rule it out and sounds like you have an errant seed, not seeds. It may be there will be a few lone seed but never seeded hard. I don’t think it will significantly impact yield overall.

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I’m just curious to see how it works out I have many other flowering plants in the room that’s all ! Tomorrow I am going to take a closer look with precaution …
I remember trashing three plants that showed a few nanners …the last one I plucked and kept …turned out fine no seeds …
At first I was hesitant to say anything but …as you said that is the role of a tester ! Pros and cons !


Exactly, the Tampa Crippy is responsible for it. Could be fem, but so far I haven’t seen major seeding in either the Xmas or NL X’s. Might end up w10 to 20, but that’s so small compared to being completely seeded bud, like the 2 Corns I will have tons of fun shucking 500-1000+😆


Yeah I’d puke with that many haha 10-20 isn’t bad lol
Deff not my intentions for this run
I will post the verdict tomorrow !


When I did the last TC x Xmas, I even tried to pollinate w NL2 and meandered between 2-3 weeks with a few sacks showing up, guess how many I’ve found here…2, and I have one bud left and shake so it’s nearly gone. So they can show, but can be sterile too. Looking back I don’t know if I should have freaked out when I saw them coming when I did 21 seeds, and waited for who shakes out best but the lone A only produced 3 seeds, so I believed it was the more recessive plant. I could tell you haven’t been enthusiastic lately so I’m sorry it hasn’t worked out like I was I hoping :pensive:


Nah bro deff has nothing to do with that !
At all

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