Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

So it seems to me …one plant has taken on the appearance of a seeded bud I broke one off and found a few immature seed casings …my question is howwww …I just spotted one nanner last night on a separate A pheno

It definitely is weird because all the the big nuggets they have pistols and are growing like normal buds all the lowers are swollen and I didn’t even see no nanners just the seed popping out of the catlyx

They r so frosty for being little over three weeks old it’s crazy and to have seed development is crazy ! She’s deff a fast one …idk if i jumped the gun but I put the one with seeds out in the green house …also I’m going to keep my eye on the one with nanners …should I have done the exact opposite?


The same happened with the TC x NL C. I found them mysteriously at bottom of the tops and started scratching my head how is it happening seeing no visible nanners, but it didn’t stop the budding or hurt yield. I may have an idea, since I’ve found nanners INSIDE the calyx of the TC. Mostly interspersed between calyx and leaf BUT some do grow inside that casing so it’s self pollinating, though some developing may be false/immature.

From RIU “ there is a difference between a hermaphrodite expression and a late flower male expression. The first will produce seed stock of more hermaphrodite likely plants, while the late flower yellow finger in the bud will 99% of the time give you seeds that produce females. the pollen from these can be used on any other females that are ready to be pollinated for the same feminised results”

Yes, A is an oddity absolutely no questions about it. Looks like you do have the heavy glazing at the early stage just like mother A. It will get twice that near the end. Idk if the opposite would be best but late nanners have the possibility of YY. I doubt there will be more attempts at self preservation but it’s time to float a trial balloon lab test to a brave volunteer. I will take a Xmas BX and pollinate a few lower buds w Maui. The volunteer who steps forward grows up to 10 seeds, culls males and flips, after flip watch for the nanners/balls (if those still appear after a 5th crossing), the frequency rate coming in and let the females do whatever is going to happen. The idea behind this is to find out, does it really get bad or is it mostly false and sterile when nanner/balls do appear so reactions are overblown to their appearance. We honestly won’t know how to react until this is found out. Probably around the end of May is when I’ll move the Xmas BX in to flip, and I’ll hit it at that 2 week mark IF I have a volunteer. And to the person who’s thinking of raising their hand, both Xmas’s and NL’s are random and had other flowering plants with them, so it won’t be heavy or even moderate. I doubt there’s enough pollen for more than 50 total. You may end up with a stock of feminized seed as a result


Maybe I’ll just keep it inside lmao !?
I truly do love your lengthy hypothesis brother!

Diff staring but As I said before I culledd three plants at the sight of a nanner …ended up keeping the fourth one plucked off about four nothing after that ither


I’m really interested to know if those seeds are feminized since it’s a mystery how it happened in the first place like the TC x NL. Yes I truly understand the concern at the sight, but I think the key difference is it early or late. The first round after a week of flip revealed the balls, so I was smart to dump everything, except the lone A that didn’t do it. I believe it was a few interspersed nanners but no pollination because all the seed from it was from PTK instead. Those seeds as you know showed none, so thought I was in the clear after the NL2. Clearly I’m not OR the nanner is YY if it’s actually late occurring. Was it all clear during the 1st and 2nd weeks ?


I’m gonna go through each plantin my room maybe we could have a unlikely suspect !


Hey, for you and @420noob I’ll intrude and give you a quick summary of the spoon feed BBP program…

At first 2 true leaves start 2ml/8oz apps every 7 days
At 3 sets true leaves apply 2.5ml/8 oz every 7 days. Continue this rate and schedule up till your flip date
(or early bud development in autos)
At the flip date 3ml/8 oz water
7 days post flip anothewr 3ml/8oz water
14 days post flip final application at 2ml/8oz water…

This has been VERY WELL tolerated and effective in a multitude of BBP grows at this point!


What impact do you think it has at 21 to 35 days post flip ? Maybe I’m wasting to go each week up to the 5th when maturing begins :thinking:


I’ll tell you the truth, we originally scheduled the last application at 14 days into bloom because we didn’t want to have any ill effects on trichome production. Come to find out, our seed producers (Pigeonman et al) report there is no damage to trichomes at all when using the 2ml/8 oz rate every 7 days right up to harvest!

I have to say, a lot depends on how long you intend on vegging your plants. If you are vegging your plants 4 weeks or more (and stay on the 2.5ml/8 oz dilution every 7 days), you should have sufficient BBP in your plants to follow the Brief Program Outline above.

Now, if you have a variety with a long flower maturity, and only veg for 2 weeks before flipping, I would advise putting on 3 of the 3ml/8 oz dilutions at flip, +7 days, +14 days and at 21 days apply the final 2ml/8 oz app.

The idea is to get adequate BBP content related to your FOLIAGE. If you’re growing outdoor monsters, you may well benefit from multiple 3ml/8 oz apps during the extended veg and then do a few 4ml/8 oz apps as flowers develop…

BBP does have a very wide safety margin, so it’s somewhat up to you to decide how large of a plant you’re going to have and treat accordingly ! I encourage all my growers not to hesitate if they have any questions ! All I need is a couple pictures and understanding what your individual plans are !
Thanks again for the questions/comments !


Very very interesting to know! Thank you Bob. I believe I understand better, for vegging 4+ weeks at the weekly treatments are stored up like excess nutrients in the leaves, so beyond that 14 post day mark there’s enough to get the plant through the average flowering time, unless it’s a longer flowering time or seed bearing but at a shorter vegging time may need longer weekly treatment in flowering to get the supply needed to equal the longer vegging treatment before flip, is that right ?


Excellent ! THAT’S EXACTLY what I was trying to say !

How bout I hire you as communications director !!! :laughing: :upside_down_face: :wink:


Believe it or not it, the PR role has been suggested before :grin: Hmmm I wonder if that is “my calling” to be


Sounds like a job for free bbp!


I decided to up pot a couple and leave a couple before flip. I don’t have room if they all end up female so will just run it some in 2gal and some in 1 gal. They are about 8" now and keaves almost the size of my hand.


@Rabeats2093 Well brother, I gotta hand it to you for bringing this mystery to my attention. So I’ve found a few, below the node at the leaf. It’s the single calyx and not every node. I did find 4-5 and peeled them open to see a pre-embryo but if it’s the same, doesn’t mature and turns white/hollow, whatever it is, it’s sterile. Now IF there were dozens of bananas or full balls visible I’d say trash it, and I would have to eliminate A from further testing deeming it unfit to scale but I’m not seeing nanners anywhere. I do have to take in account of recent pollen collecting and the extreme high count could be the cause. I decided to tear these calyx off, but if more appear like those my alarm bells will be going off. It’s close monitoring until at least 4th week, after that it’s too late to mature a seed, so I believe that’s the cut off point and would be that familiar white ball in broken up bud. A couple of immature seeds made out of desperation doesn’t stop or deter, but if it continues then I must take A out of the running. If necessary I’ll take a new direction with Corn x Maui, recrossing Xmas and NL to it, and eliminate TC completely from the line, which every tester will get sent around late part of May before the rest are sent to be auctioned

I need everyone from your first week of flip to the end of your 3rd to tell me if you get mysterious hard swollen calyx. Pick them off if you do, but if new ones take after that, I need to know it didn’t stop so I’m aware it’s not a one off incident.


I figured it would be a good investigation

Deff was a odd site to see
The odd part is some buds the pistols are still reaching but alot are capped off and swollen !
I’m keeping her outside !!
I will let you know a update on the other two …
Been doing outside chores all day not a good time to be messing around with them lol


How many days in now ? I hear ya on being cautious but time to get viable seed in these is short as you see it’s rapid maturity is already starting. You’ve already noted the speed so that tells me this short flowering time has carried over and crazy dense glands, so I think you’re going to get what I had at the end of this :+1::exploding_head:


Looking back I flipped to 12/12 around March 26th I hear you on that one concerning lady is gonna give 8 more room if she steps out lol
Some would call it a sacrifice to the gods !


You’re in the homestretch brother take it to the finish line. It’s far too late for anything else. At this point it’s just environmental stresses :wink:


So went from 22/2 to 12/12 so yeppers it’s flower time in the tent. I’ve been waiting 2 wks for B, Nl#2xCrip C, and jenny kush to show something nope. Not a single sign of sex markers. I was hoping to get a few more boys so I could pull and put more in 2 gal pots but oh well here we go! So today is week five of veg and now the first day of flower. So :crossed_fingers: everything comes out nicely. So as of now I have 4 As I believe are all female at least 3 are and they all look the same. 3 Bs I think there is 1F but really 3 unknown they all look the same except for the one that self topped. Also is so compact there is barely any space between nodes. Nl#2 x Crip C not sure on any of the 3 but again look the same. 2 jenny kush lost one to nuts but last 2 no signs of sex. Wedding cake fem, Frankie fem, and gg#4 auto fem

center row B

Center row nl#2 x Crip C
center row jenny kush one has since been culled the back one in-between the rows is another A

All the way to the left first gg#4 auto, Frankie fem, wedding cake fem


Looking very nice. Let me try to help you determine which one should be closer to the mother B. All you have to watch for is branches, the thickest, shortest and real rigid in flexibility is the sign you have a plant like it’s mother. This is really the only way to differentiate the B’s, everything else as you noted is similar traits. You’ll still do great in 1 gallon. Take the best clone/clones to 2 after you know what you got. Great to hear about the NL x CripXmas. Definitely see the influence of A in her fans. If I’m right, that will be a stronger version of NL 2 so you won’t without NL2, just not the original NL2 this time. As you see by the nodes leaf growth can get crowded and shaded out so thin it out from time to time. Eventually those shoots will develop further down, especially with BBP treatment. Definitely sounds like a decent female ratio and could be more than you wanted after the rest show up :laughing: Thanks for your update brother :sunglasses: