Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Week 2 (35 days left) 5-1-23

NO pollinations to report, and trust me I have eagle eyes to see it if it were there. One more week and then I can definitely say the problematic TC is history and a far better version takes its place for the general growing community, especially structure to build a tight budding cola 8-12” long :grin: I don’t even see the need for stakes. Another thing, accidents. I had a pot elevated, it tipped off and fell on the side of the main branch. Because of these branches there was NO breakage or splits. At the 2 week mark the speed begins, and it’s going to look a week ahead until finish.

I’ve taken an entire group pic with the addition of 1 B and A cuts ready for their 1st week. You should be able to see how each nearly resemble their daughters
in appearance without me telling you which is which,

A2 B3 B4

On to the individual shots




TBH if I got a plant that resembled the mother only germ testing 6 seeds, that should mean all testers should get the same results within 10 seeds grown.

A2 B3 B4

Xmas BX

I’m sure it becomes apparent the A is dominant in Xmas. The jagged serrations are what tells you it’s Xmas. There’s 2 I’m taking cuts from and 1 I’m not. I won’t say which, but see if you can tell which 2 I see something in. They just got up potted today and I’ll move them in next week. Another A and B just got up potted but that won’t be until 2 more weeks. I’m about to get my cycles going again




Group A1 A2 A3


Very nice trait to have with clumsy peeps like myself. Man, I just love the deep serrations and how those big leaves spread out to catch all the rays it possible can.

These are looking pretty damn sweet in my opinion. I already mentioned that I attribute the leave stains to splashing on them as I watered a couple of weeks back. I don’t think it needs the brace anymore but I’ve got around 5 fans going in that little grow room so I’ll leave it for the next week and be done with it.

I can tell they are gonna wanna hulk out when I up-pot them soon. I don’t like to rub the leaves or stems at this early stage in their lives. Very strong little plants.


Yeah it happened several times to both, even though A is slightly thinner, the structure of PTK was the inadvertent benefit to Xmas and TC to be a stronger plant, the Xmas and TC are now mostly internal traits, though it’s glands and terps, it’s only defined by the serration now. Both TC and PTK lend the potency to the Xmas while retaining its unique funky mint terps. This version of Xmas will get repopularize because it’s highly potent unlike the original being of mid shelf quality. You’ll see it thicken to more wind beating. Think even might withstand strong gusts. Yup, everything you’ve noted is what I was getting at the time. It really shows as that growth takes off, but so dense and squat, it’s less vertical growth. I’m looking forward to seeing a super dense bush in the wilds in the coming months. Looking great and thanks for updating :+1::sunglasses: Also can’t wait to see the Maui A seedlings going :desert_island::evergreen_tree: Corn x Maui in 1 week. I’ve decided I’m going to post a poll on 3 choices for a name and let OG decide what it should be

Hawaiian Corn
Island Crippy


My search for the elusive Crippie flavors and stone of my youth in the 90s led me here. I’m completely blown away by Project Evergreen and have lots of catching up to do. Thank you all for your work with the plant. Looking forward to getting that pine back into my life.


Welcome @MikeyMeteor. Glad to see you checking OG. IF it weren’t for a detractor the project would’ve been on ICMAG but here it’s been embraced and appreciated. Thanks I appreciate it. Yeah I was told many times in my youth it’s not a real strain, and I knew better. Now it’s definitely confirmed, finally it’s lineage revealed and the new one may be up to the 40’s in THC, which I plan to have a full cannabinoid profile done after harvest of A and B. There’s tons of information and research, so enjoy and looking forward to your participation in discussions. Eventually I will get testers to you :yum::evergreen_tree:


IRL Hashplant confirmed. The classic “one-hit-shXt” has been unceremoniously upended by the new “evergreen-flavored half-hit-shXt.”

Let me know where I can subscribe to preorders… :grin:


I said MAY, never said IS. CripXmas is the STRONGEST I’ve ever smoked and eclipses G13 in glands and potency, and for 2 decades I’ve measured most by G13 strength


Update coming Saturday, I can give a final count on As n Bs. They’re over two foot and still have a couple weeks before I put them out.


haha okay I gotchya and great to be on OverGrow finally. I listen to the pot cast sometimes and heard about this forum mentioned there. I’ll recognize the Crippie right away and will surprise my cousin with it. He still talks about this herb that we smoked in like 1997. I also remember it like yesterday. I did have more experiences with crippie before and after those years, but lost touch with the plant as diesel and haze came in strong in NYC. Back then my tolerance was higher. Today I smoke less and grow more. I can say with complete honesty if it helps the lore, that crippie was imported to the east coast by children of the Italian American OC at the time and brought from miami or south florida to NY and Boston. It was consistent taste, piney as you described, one hit wonder, and sold for around $60 an 8th. We wont talk about pounds, but they stunk up rooms and were like gold as far as weed goes. You could smell it through the bags. It’s okay to mention since the people I know are gone now for other reasons or not involved in this kind of thing anymore. They always took heavier risks back then and the highest quality of herb was an afterthought or perk of being connected.

But it’s a testament to the kind of thing they considered to be top quality and top shelf in the 90’s. Also south beach was popular then and the rave scene (limelight in NY). Crippie made appearances at limelight from what I remember. That club had a south florida connection back then.

While I lost touch with those type of friends, for better or worse. I do love to share the special strains like this with new generations of smokers with runtz and cookies breath… While we didn’t have a lot of strains that matched todays power in the past, Crippie or Kryptonite was definitely always at the highest level and worthy of it’s legend. I’d love to grow it out and believe your efforts are honest. I can definitely confirm its authenticity as a strain, not only a general term for kind bud - one hit wonder.


WOW brother, that is quite some knowledge you’ve shared. I definitely can tell you were plugged in during those years. Yes, the way to distinguish Crippy is a funky aftertaste that lingers in the back of the throat during cough and you can taste it in your sinuses practically, and NO other strain has this that I know of. Is that how you remember it ? Also the mega lung hit expansion. Indeed about the raves. I happen to know a big time dealer that went to them constantly. I originally learned about G13 and Original Haze knowing them and immediately knew it’s not just a slang name. Being a surfer I traveled the entire east coast of FL, and the Crippy was consistent from south to central wherever it was scored at. Oh I believe it made its way up to big cities, however being worked as other new lines lost the original terps, and it’s clear to me if this is going to be maintained it has to stay within the terp profile of origination. I agree, and before I started growing again I must’ve tried several hundred cultivars being able to delivery order, and only Pine OG OR The White was even close to Crippy, but I couldn’t say definitively, only a close relation. Spent a month in LA in 2013 and had Cookies delivered all the time, then I had a connect get here in DC but it’s wasn’t what I had in LA and didn’t like it. Cookies varies too much for my preferences in taste and affects. I do have a pack of Runtz seed for later so stay tuned. The Tampa Crippy once I could test it, immediately all my teen day recollections kicked in and I had no doubts. Unfortunately Tampa Crippy XI has intersex trait so making a simple hybrid couldn’t be done and prone to hermie. So it’s ended up being inadvertent new recombinant of Xmas Bud 79 and PTK as you’ll notice. I’m waiting one more week before I can officially say the intersex is over. At the very least it’s minimal and non evasive, and vast improvements in plant structure, stretching, bud sizes, shorter flowering, less Mag requirements, faster clone rooting. Once you read through my grow diary of TC you’ll see why I set out to make this plant better and the ultimate amalgamation of pinene terps we all dream of and long for. I’ve seen so many threads across the net wanting it, and now Lady Luck has blessed us with 2 plants that have what was thought to be lost. Anyway, I think you’ll be quite the contributor here. Im looking forward to it as the group continues to “grow” :grin::evergreen_tree:


Ok here’s what’s good so far.
3 B’s

One for sure A maybe three

One for sure A/B bx
One NL#2


Yup doing very well. The yellow pot B looks the closest to the original. BX’s definitely similar (that’s Xmas BX) to mine. A looks good too, slight nodal stretch but even so it’s not uncontrolled or wild. The NL2 looks great. Close to 3 weeks and I’m about to clear sex as stable. I’ve seen no abrupt signs that indicate pollen is loose, so the 2nd part of this run is all headed in the right direction now. @Rabeats2093 should be approaching the full crystalline glaze stage and I’m looking toward to seeing it soon

@Kabuddha Im disappointed you wrangled seeds out of me and have provided ZERO pics of your grow. I live and learn to the errors in judgment I make :pensive:


Hell yah brother they getting frosty ! I will post pics tonight or tomorrow!! The one Still Remains outside in the greenhouse and figure it shouldn’t be re-vegging seeing how there’s not enough daylight hours to put out clones!


Yeah I gotta agree, this particular Xmas expressions is a lone oddball. Probably 1 in 50 would produce it. Now if it was higher than 1, I’d have to reconsider moving forward with A as a new Xmas, but I don’t think it’s serious enough to abandon ship.


I removed alot of the bottom stuff. When these get in the spot (same as last year) there’s no sunshine getting to the bottom. I feel its a waste of plant energy plus I topped most of them once already couple will stay natural. Im unsure where the northern lights is going, inside or outside yet. I still have two in my veg closet that took a little hit, an AB bx and a B I looked in on them one day and they looked dead. I cut the whole top off one. It revegged, it’s still small but coming back with a vengeance. AB bx

And these two.

Shit happens, and we keep rolling on.


Well that’s a testament to the hardiness I originally saw when I had the accident from orange spray and completely recovered from 2 small leafs. When I saw the recovery I knew there was something about them and it proved the right the entire time. Strong resilience, that’s why you’re growing them :wink: If not, I think they would’ve died and we wouldn’t even know what we lost :confused: Yeah, trimming all that bottom growth off is good, less light definitely molts the leaves. That’s the BIG challenge w mothers ugh :expressionless:

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So 5 days into flip and got some pics!

Missed a B I think. Just added bbp yay so 4A female 2B female I think 1 idk C1 female 2 idk still so riding out and hoping for ateast 1 more male 2 even and I can really spread these babies out and make em produce.


They’re starting to get some momentum going now. Very nice brother.

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Very nice. You’re doing great. First B plant definitely has the growth of the original. I’d say it looks like the one I have B4. Parts of the leaf missing indicates. Almost like insect damage but it’s just how some of leaves grow. 2nd B probably the same as the first

First A looks exactly like the one I’ve got going now. The 2nd definitely has more of the original’s appearance. Curved end points in some leaves will show you the Xmas traits. 3rd seems slightly sparser but they all show very minimal variation despite it.

The C (NL2 x CripXmas male C) is showing the A Xmas dominance, so you’re going to get NL2 and Xmas together, should be strong mint/pine/herbal terps. I do think you have unexpected treat coming there

Seems to be slight spurts in nodes but stretch even for short vegging keeps the plants very compact in shape. Everything is going well, far better than I could’ve projected at the beginning. Later this month and into June we’re going to see if the end results meet expectations. I personally don’t think there will be disappointment, but I’ll reserve my optimism for when the time arrives. Thanks brother, I appreciate all you’re doing :facepunch::wink:


Thanks for entrusting me with the privilege to help with your project. I have read and still can’t imagine the amount of blood sweat and tears to make selectedines and traits. I knew I could do your work justice and I’m glad it’s going alright.