Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

So sticky I found a lady bug stuck upside down on a sugar leaf :sweat_smile:


5 Xmas BX has your name on it AND the Island Crippy once dry and cured a bit :wink:


CripXmas A around 43 days by @Rabeats2093

Took your pic, blew it up and enhanced it. Hitting social media. Time to show this off :trophy: I appreciate you taking pics at the right time. Smart to wait then show a stunning sight for all to drool over :drooling_face: Thank you, thank you so much brother :facepunch::sunglasses:


Aww shit sounds like great news to me !


Ok didn’t think of that. You put these genetics through the paces so should be able to have light at the minium reccomended distance then work my way down you think? Also did light light defol at flip lots of tucking and wait for the stretch to reveil where the bud spots are going to end up and then open them up. It’s something I picked up from @BU2B so gonna see if I can sit on my hands that long and not start giving haircuts.lol. Today Im gonna clean up the bottoms that just aren’t any good get that out of the way. Hopefully when lights come on Im awake and will take single pics so we can all see what each girl looks like!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


A few of the boys


Yes, I know LED work differently to maximize intensity than HID, so distances harder to gauge but I measured both umol and inches from the board. I’m at 900 - 1600 umol and 8 - 12” from tops. I don’t think closer than 8 is safe, so I won’t be any closer. Getting close allows 1k + for fat tops. I saw what happened to CG growing too big, some tops were really close and bleached the tips, so it’s possible to find the safe maximum output to get the most out of the light. This also allows the mid part to have decent readings, so overall most of the plant is getting the strongest output. There’s a second phase with TC and it keeps growing the lowers as it matures tops, so this why I keep the lower shoots on. I also have to factor side lighting in my situation that helps the lowers what doesn’t get down from the main light

Yup that’s what I did too, especially since vegetation is dense, so easy to snip a shoot being too short. I do enough, then when it’s too close to tips I’ll just wait for them to grow out more and get more as it continues push up. Nodes and stems = more bud, especially using BBP

Looking forward to seeing them. I like that you’re going to show how a shorter veg time performs like a SOG style grow. It will be interesting watch :wink::grin::facepunch:


Really nice job of growing guys!

Here are my two going at the moment. I’ve taken the brace I was using to prop it up and will up pot them tonight or tomorrow night.


I went through this morning and removed some small leaves and such from the plants. Wow my lowers are almost up to canopy height crazy man. I’ll try and get some pics tonight.

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Now you’re seeing what I’ve been saying. Sounds like to me they do GREAT short veg SOG style. I’m looking forward to the entire show brother :popcorn::eyes:


I’m gonna try and do single pic and identify each plant so we can all see the growth.

So at 19 days since the flip. These lady’s will be getting cleaned up this weekend and then you’ll really be able to see what we got cooking!







Frankie fem

Wedding cake

My sea of green!
Damn I shot a video panning my sog how do I upload a video I shot?


Really amazing stuff here. One of the best threads on OG.

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Thanks brother, I appreciate it. Glad you’ve found it insightful and interesting. Long road to get to this point, but much is finally coming to fruition of what I wanted to accomplish. There’s more to come, and I suspect a pique of intrigue as the results start rolling in during June. CripXmas has only begun to catch on and I expect it to grow. Every OGer has a chance to get in on Island Crippy later in the month when I run my first auction, so hope you get in on it when I have it up. Keep watching, it’s only going to get better from here :wink:


Ok, so first A, from what I can make of it more NL

The 2nd and 3rd definitely Xmas showing. 3rd looks like BX growth.

First B more TC in growth, but stayed shorter in stretch overall.

2nd B looks denser, so that’s probably closest to mother. Also 3rd, being short. The shorter stubby growth indicates a plant that is closer to its parent.

Everything looks great from what I can make of it. Don’t be bothered it’s not clear. I can still make out features. ALL appear to have a solid structure of support to hold the bud growth and weight, so should stand on its own never needing stakes. Just stand back and watch the rapid explosion get bigger each day :drooling_face::grin:


Here’s a pic of Cripxmas B, 3 gallon container, end of week 1f the first to go into the flower closet for some indoor.


Definitely has a thick stalk going, so should be a nice size. Looking forward to watching it push the pedal to the end. As soon as the 2nd week hits, it’s all speed :checkered_flag:

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That’s what I was thinking. I used si for the first time and notice a good rigidity. I really want to open them up and spread em out but don’t have room with the sog. I gave a haircut last night and last round of bbp today is day 20 of flower.

Hey so quick question about light distance. What should I be looking at in my plants to read proper light distance? I know I don’t want the leaves bending down away from the light. My outside plants leaves are shaped like canoes or tacos. Is this what I want the leaves in my tent to look like as well? Thanks

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Ah, the best indicator, is the raised fans that are “praying” The worst is tips curling in, pointing up or down. Start at 12” from tops and lower a bit, see how they react, if fine, go lower to 8” IF too hot move back to 12. You’re probably thinking what’s the difference in 2” and it’s about several hundred umol and can be under 1k. Still good, but over 1k to 1.6k is the best range for density and size.

Now let me show everyone why I’ve said don’t cut off your lower unders and branches… You won’t be able to see the smaller leaf yellowing, so even if you leave it on the plant will shed them herself, some will even curl up and brown. The idea is to remove bit by bit each week until most is off, then light filters all the way into these spots.




Remember, this is only week 4 coming up, so once the light is exposed watch them blow to mid size. IF you remove these, you’re cutting you nose to spite your face :face_with_monocle:


My lowers came right up to almost even with everything except bigger main colas.
The magic between good genetics and bbp.


Cripxmas AB bx in its outdoor pot.