Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Week 4 (21 days left) 5-15-23

A2 is now starting the rapid yellowing I saw in the mother. So it’s a safe bet this one is pretty close to the parent. The more the mother opened up the nugs kept getting bigger. Tops already look bigger only at 4 weeks than mothers full mature tops. I do think the NL2 added the size I was hoping for.

B3 Now this actually looks like the yielder, and just about perfect stacking cola structure. I do see these as the biggest of all, and yes definitely larger than mother.

B4 I see more fatness than length here. The tops will still be heavy when done, but it’s also super compact so overall chunky fat nugs throughout could be more. That would be wild if B4 yields more. It would also tell us the cola doesn’t necessarily yield higher than more fatter nugs do.

From this point it gets to the fastest stacking and glands begin increasing the coverage, almost the way G13 goes ballistic in production. It definitely appears BOTH follow the same pattern as parents, with the benefit of added size to A and a longer cola structure on B that have more mixed traits than B4 95% copy of its parent. I did say the mixed trait plants could be better overall. I think this is proving accurate. Right now I’m still NOT finding anything to criticize that needs “improvement” in, so it may just pass all criteria met.

@Rabeats2093 should be about done and I imagine it’s even frostier than 6 days ago. I don’t know how much further beyond 7 weeks for a higher amber ratio you’d want. I wouldn’t go past week 8 if that’s what you prefer. You also still have the B version to grow too

Personally, I consider mature seed as the tail end of gland cloudy/amber ratios before degradation and oxidation begins. I’ll just say to use week 7 generally as the benchmark and past that is personal preference to amber ratio

Looking nice @Greenfingers That one looks like the best I have BX1 really short and compact stature.

Unfortunately BX2 is another late male. Luckily I decided to take cuts of BX3, so I’ll have 2 to compare later. Variegation here is very light, to almost none showing up. I’ll continue the BX to F5, which should be closer to the cubed phase of a new Xmas incredibly potent. Watch, I WILL make Xmas Bud become top shelf OG Kush level when completed.

@420noob just might prove how ideal CripXmas is to grow minimal veg and SOG style. Again, wild if the plan you thought out proves to be the most productive of all grows going.

(A2, B3, B4)




(A and B mother cuts)

Xmas BX1 and BX3 (for sake of reference it would be easier to just call it Xmas BX)

Tent canopy

2 A cuts and NL2 planted to 1 gall today


Damn, I absolutely love the look of those nugs! BX3 especially, just wow


Yup, they’re about to put on the show for the last half. Safe say you’re not going to be disappointed when you get to this point :grin: I think the outdoors part is going to be a spectacle to witness :eyes: Going to be a hell of a summer watching everyone :facepunch::drooling_face::evergreen_tree:


Looking good! Man these girls can eat up the nutes. Since using bbp I used Hawaiian buds and blooms 5-50-17 for the extra pk and these girls haven’t missed a beat started 1/8 solution 1 week before flip yesterday was day 21 got full nutes and just got fuzzy golf balls everywhere!

so 2 gal A

2gal B

2 gal C

So I think that 2 gal C is going to be top producer. Look even the inner bud spots have mini golf balls. The 2 gal A has a chance but I think the C is gonna take it.


Yes, they certainly do. Not sure what that 1/8 is in ppm but I start at 500 and raise to 800 near the 4th. Doesn’t appear to show the high cal-msg requirement of TC :+1: Everything looks great on your end and picking up fast, and the NLC (we’ll call it that for short) could be your special plant at the end. It definitely has girth in the mains. Certainly will tell me the pollen collected has a lot of the new Xmas contained in it. Also shows the potential of other cultivars being crossed to CripXmas hint hint @Gpaw :wink:


Yes sir I have been keeping them outside to finish up get alot of rays before harvest deffinatley close to done . I will further inspect when I get a min ! I know the seeded plant may take longer not sure though .I plan on running some more during this summer depending on how much I got going on …third time I forgot about seeds in a paper towel so far :upside_down_face: .deff looking frosty and I Am EXCITED


I was thinking that and nothing to do with this but hitting wedding cake with some blue kush from DD himself.

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ALL plants being grown now are from seed harvested at 49 days, so that would be the marker to go by. I’m sure the finishing has benefited from the giant light in the sky :grin: Can’t wait to hear the final results/smoke report :exploding_head: I do feel confident it’s going to deliver just like I described.


This A is going in the closet with the B

This A is outside

Still have to put a B outside.


The seeded plant have green bean size seeds still green!
But the calyxs are pretty amber!


Brother, those may be false/immature if they haven’t hardened a shell by now. Watch for the calyx split to reveal a brown shell and tips of calyx turn golden, but if you aren’t seeing that now, then it’s not a mature seed at finish. Not worth risking too late of a harvest…


I’ll take your word for it .you deff know this plant like the back of your hand



I’m so freaking happy :smiley: 3rd pic is INSANE coverage and colors. That is even MORE than mother!!! I knew the NL2 would pump it further and I can even see the blue of TC. Those DEFINITELY look ready to chop. Nobody should have any doubts seeing what you’ve just finished. Brother, you have my utmost gratitude for a fine job and if you can do better, it would be amazing to see it, but what you’ve done is beyond expectation in my standards :trophy::dizzy_face::facepunch:


I’m here for the same reason, I’ve been pouring over this thread for three days now, reading from the very beginning and I would dance for the man that could show me real pine! Not seen the stuff since 95 96ish, we called it Christmas bud or pine bud. I love having access to weed nerds!


Welcome @Hash_hog. Better get your shoes ready then, cause I’m absolutely confident it doesn’t get better than what I’ve done. In fact I know it’s stronger terps than my recollection of the 90’s…


I’m in! Thank you for not neglecting this mission from God! :v:


It’s interesting you say that brother, because I feel the 2 plants that are recombinant from the originals are just that, a gift from the Lord :pray:


All those plants are rocking! When I pollinate can I spray water where I pollinated to deactivate the unplanned pollen drop or will that deactivate the pollen I just applied? Thanks

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Glad you’re enjoying the sights to come :drooling_face:I’ve read up to a few hrs for pollen to germinate on the pistil. Are the tips singed ? It looks different than a calyx maturing, but if the tip ends are burnt, yes you’re safe to deactivate the rest.