Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

@Rabeats2093 fantastic job growing friend! Can’t WAIT until I’m at that point. Should be some great stuff growing out here in my yard as well. I’m still growing them bigger before I set them outside. Probably another month or so before I move them outside. I’ll up pot them into 5 or 7 gallon fabric pots before I do.

Here they are up potted. I believe they are going to start taking off now that they can stretch their legs a bit.

Keep in mind that they lower leaf burns have been there since the start. I can’t help but splash some treated water on some leaves they way they are growing in my veg room. Once they get nice and big, it really doesn’t matter anymore.

To they guys that came out and grew these before me, great job! Really getting me hyped up about what I’m growing.


Just checked the smell of A2, and definitely that Jack Herer like pepper odor but later shoukd change to a minty/piney/peppery mix like mother did.


I love how the smell changes over time…most of the time.

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Oh I’m well aware these leaves show all kinds of burnt edges, holes, missing sections etc. I think it has a little do with water quality but mostly genetics. Seems to me leaf alleles are most affected in both plants, but hey if everything else is top quality and it’s just weird leaf anomalies and doesn’t influence budding, I consider that the best outcome of flaws. Kinda of like ABC in that leafs aren’t normal shape but doesn’t impact other traits in flowering

I’m looking forward to seeing those 2 become short trees. Actually you being familiar with bonsai techniques might be where to take them :wink:


Hell, I’m gonna try and make them monsters! By the time they go outside I believe they will have been in veg for 2 months or more. Slowly getting into bigger and bigger pots.


Im sitting here trying to decide which one of the three Cripxmas Bs are going out, I think I’m going to put two out. The fat leaf and one of the thinner leaf ones.



My choice is middle pot indoors. Looks like the parent and thick main going


Just stuck the A in the flower closet👍🏻


Nice compact structure, she’s a good choice :wink:


Potency baseline has been discovered in CripXmas testing this carbon coconut filter…17 bong bowls of everything mixed up to this point. I’ve reached the level CripXmas was getting me to in one to two small rolls. Let that sink in where everything else smokes like mid grade…not a joke and I’m hardcore in my limits to how potent I like it😈


YES! After decades of smoking I’ve noticed it does take a bit for me to get really high. Unless I take a few days off from smoking which I find a bit hard to do. Especially when I wanna sleep through an entire night.

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For you and me brother, CripXmas isn’t that chase. For others it may be too much to endure incapacitation. I found I used 1/2 as much less when I was smoking it. Something here, and I’m going to find out the THC % to what gives this, is it 32, 33 or even 35+


Thanks fellas !
I cannot wait till you all get this far along in flower !
Cut 2 down one left to go

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I’m outta likes or I’d back up the uHaul and dump 'em all out here! :truck: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


How’s the trimming ? Would like to see dry pics when ready to jar. I’m going to be making up the Xmas BX pack and some of the Island Crippy soon. I’ll let ya know when to send info.

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They’re all getting much healthier. The B line has the strongest roots out of all of them


Haven’t trimmed it up yet it’s still hanging !
Surley I will send pics .one plant deff has denser nugs then the other that’s for sure! Last one is coming down tomorrow .


I found the B line gave me more females than the A and AB bx unless it was just OD96 planned it like that🤣 but seriously they’re all nice. I see some awesome smoke in our future’s. Cmon pine terps.


Ok so not so sure where I stand A is covered in bud spots but has marble size pistil balls. B has a good number of bud site but golf ball size pistils balls and beautiful NLC has multiple beautiful colas forming nice spiral stair cases up the colas amazing!

in 2 gal pot

This is 2gal B

2 gal NLC

Just a few pics panorama of my tent

Lmao I forgot to add this is week 4 of flower 28days.


Looking good bro !
What do you mean when you say pistol balls lol

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