Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

I mean the shape of the the pistil mass before startes to form buds.


@420noob Probably the 3rd week. You need to look at them as 1 week ahead. Mine are ending the 4th, starting 5th, but really they look like the 6th week. This why I say it’s accelerated.

Everything is looks like it should be at this point. I see the NLC, and it looks like to set up a fat cola. The magic really doesn’t start until the 5th week, then it turns on for the last few weeks.


I just edited that was day 28 since the flip I thought it was week 5 last night for some reason?🤷. Probably just wishful thinking.
I didn’t clarify when I said I don’t know where I stand is which is going to produce the most. B has huge pistil formations and NLC has the long spiral staircase. We will see if A kicks in and really beefs up. I watered with just ro water and molasses last night. I’m gonna add molasses every other water from here out maybe increase come week 6.


The end of the 4th, you’ll see increasing size starting

I’ve seen it in the last 5 days so I can only assume it’s going to really kick in now! I’m so excited!


B is the producer as you’ll see through the finishing weeks it’s fatter. NLC could be that one pheno that’s heavy in the end. These were a side test to see how CripXmas crosses to other cultivars and improved them in traits, again could be the surprise at the end. I choose 3 to run those, so hmmm @Rabeats2093 and @Emeraldgreen watch closely :wink:


I got mine out today so were set for indoor and outdoor. I have a few Bs so im gonna give a couple to a friend of mine.


I’m here for the party bro ! My eyes r peeled haha is it the islan crip you are speaking of or another project behind the scenes?! one pheno A that had nanners hiding in the calyx probably will yield me a ounce and a half or so …the one pheno has rock hard nuggets all the way down and is the most trichome laiden gonna be a good one!
My only regret is not running them in veg longer and giving them a pot thats bigger then a gallon lmao…also giving them proper space …they were pretty congested!

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I have yet to pack those and the Xmas BX for you, but those are the bonus beans I sent in your tester pack. You are gonna be busy for sometime :rofl:

Wow :star_struck: that is good…I’m curious though if there are hidden seed in the center. As said it will be very few, but do tell me how many you get. So how did the other 2 vary from the one chosen for display. Was just density/size ? I’m only referring to flowering aspects. Just a guess, but it seems like narrow variance.

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I think I posted both of them up !! I will see if we find any good beans ! As stated when I chopped most were immature maybe not on the top cola though. Hmmm…

The one that had the hidden nanners in it the buds grew really small and caylxy…but other parts of the plant had normal looking nuggets …like a half and half type deal …the second one was a really nice structured plant had a smidge less trichome production the deciding factor was that the nuggets were a little bit airy …so now the one chosen for display… good branching …seemed to grow so each branch was provided enough light w.o tying down …the nuggets r rock hard even the popcorn buds and is covered in trichomes. Everywhere leafs stems and all …it almost smells musty but kind of like that Zebra gum from back in the day … BTW almost all three were almost identical, especially looking how the top cola formed… also the one chosen for display has this trait image


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Excellent! That means the nanners are sterile. So they appeared but not viable. Yes let’s see what inside the cola. Those can’t be seen until broken up.

Well done :clap::clap:

So, I see the nanner one as TC, and that makes sense since it’s smaller nugs

The 2nd sounds like more of the Xmas and TC mixed, and yes mine weren’t large but they were numerous. The PTK gave it good structure

And 3rd is your star, I can see why now. It’s the A mother WITH the NL2 expression. Definitely looks like all 3 contributed to glands here. The musty is Xmas and the gum is TC, but you’ll be surprised how it smokes differently than its odor. It’s the HIT that will tell you where the pine/mint, I’ll bet that sucker will be powder WHITE dry :drooling_face::flushed:

You’ve done excellent in those descriptions brother, much appreciated, thank you :pray::facepunch:


I’m stoked I could be of help !
I’m deff ready for the testing of the taste!
From your experince what one is the fastest finisher…Any test or knowledge on susceptibility of mold …now I wanna pop some for the outdoors …I do have some clones I took from the chosen one before it was the chosen one haha …any info or test done with rooting ?


Both A and B finished seed at 49, so it’s the same, you went longer for the amber, so theoretically its peak window is about 45 days. You’ll know if you want less amber next round testing at 55 days.

That I don’t know susceptibility to mold, but the fast finishing can negate that before seasonal change that makes plants prone to it. We’ll certainly know how they can withstand once fall gets here.

Yes, all clones rooted within 14 days. TC was almost 3-4 weeks. Rooting time is faster and at a higher rate. Good to hear you have the chosen one as the mom. You’ve done well at picking the best :+1:


The one that had the most amber at harvest was the one with sterile nanners the other ones had more Cloudy then clear on them! The cuttings have been in fridge for almost 2 months still look healthy!
with early finishing you deff beat the rainy season and probability of mold decreases
Yield and piney taste combo wich one would you reccomend out of the ones sent ?

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That would definitely be B for yield. It’s the Crippy side w Xmas terps (minty/musty)of things. You did the Xmas side that has Crippy potency and some terps indicated by the bubblegum odor, but it doesn’t smoke anywhere close to bubblegum, that has the gas/pine/funk signature. Now the NL2 definitely has pine. It’s why everyone got it, cause that’s guaranteed. Perhaps wait to test the A’s and should you get pine flavor which I think you’ll be surprised how flavor is wildly different than odor was saying, the NLC could be special since it’s the Xmas part of the male. A mix of B’s and few NLC’s may be the ticket to a particular high yield pinene dominance pheno :wink:

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Okay now I’m gonna go look for them lmao Cripmasxa nl2 bx A
I give you mad props for keeping your shit straight !
From what I have seen from other growers B also seems to have a higher female ratio
All three plants are hanging rn…
Temps 65 humidity 55 so pretty decent .

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Tag on vial is NL2 x CripXmas C

Thanks, this log here helps me keep things text documented for reference points but I also have mental documenting the more I study plant to plant in the generations, my familiarity increases. It’s like @HumblePie420 I know these plants so well like the back of my hand. It’s taken about close to 2 years to map them out in all aspects.

It’s possible. For me it ended up being 50% for both 2 of 4 in B and 1 of 2 in A. I think B might not be so wonky the Xmas is responsible for. The B does have stronger and more intricate roots for sure, and its base is like a tree.

Great! I’m looking forward to when they’re ready to try out…I think it’s going to be the surprise you aren’t expecting :exploding_head::evergreen_tree::ice_cube: BUT what I think is irrelevant, its what it is that matters :face_with_monocle:


Being said With much respect. These r tester seeds I’m not gonna lie to please anyone :grimacing:All I can do is be honest through the whole thing ! That being said
I’m not worried about being unsatisfied! You have put alot of work into this and have been confident the whole way through!


Perfectly said brother. That’s all I want and care about, in this or anything in life is TRUTH. Anyone that understands that, gets me :facepunch:


Sadly it’s a dying trend .
Till next time brother :seedling:

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