Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Yup you know it!!! Got the packs ready. You’re the 1st to get them. Send me your info. Mailing out later in the week.


I wish I had space to be a helpful with your project. Good luck to all the testers.


Whenever you have space, just drop me a DM w your info and I’ll send you the B’s to run :facepunch:




Week 5 (5-22-23 14 days left)

So it’s really starting to GO now. You can tell how the underneath has shaped up. Remove the leaves it becomes ALL bud, not larf! This time I’ve been diligent about wiping my screen daily from hair, so it’s much cleaner thankfully. The A is much bigger than original, clusters are tighter on the branch than spaced out. Glands starting secrete faster. She smells just like her mother, so it should be pretty similarly when smoked. The B’s now show their proof of production. It’s seriously very little waste as the finish comes. These buds look like 6 weeks in for the size, but it’s only beginning of the 5th…see what I mean :face_with_monocle: I’m giving potassium boosters and molasses solution, tapering my ppm down from 800 to 700 until back to 500 near the end of the 6th week and completely flush for the last week to harvest. Definitely hardly much to criticize and I’m always looking for something that can indicate a flaw, but it’s not there. Everything is on point as far as budding traits go. The rest yet to be determined but I have less doubts as this continues to the finish. If you thought this week looks great, wait until NEXT and you’ll notice clearly.

(A2 B3 B4)




Xmas BX 1 and 3

These did get a bit taller, but bending mains to the side easily fixes it. So 3 will have a lateral cola. Actually all side buds are much larger when the mains go lateral. Between next week and the following, I will pollinate the unders w the same Xmas male pollen that made the first. Some of you will grow those seed from BX1 and some of you will grow BX3, and we’ll see which plant goes on from there.

B and A cuts in the middle

Full tent


Really surprised they haven’t made a remake of that movie yet

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I agree brother, I’m not sure why the producers/directors didn’t run (literally) with it as a franchise like Terminator has gone. Hell it would have been intriguing to know who is behind ICS the Network basically running society in the future.

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Great budshots! Very nice


Oh man, those buds bursting outta those leave look like green fireworks! I swear I can smell that picture

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So I need to get some pics going damn. One of the girls is amazing not topped. Laterals are up all around bbp go and looks as though it has been trained to open yet no training has been done.

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Yup, you see the structure and that was very important to achieve in TC. I believe it, cause I know the internodes have shortened to form colas whereas the TC didn’t have close enough to build a cola structure, a nice top bud, but definitely no cola. I’m sure the next set will show how they’ve blown up since you shown them. Not only cola, but compact laterals with numerous sites unlike the wide opposite phyllotaxy. Your grow will be noteworthy at the end and I’m liking every bit of how you’ve done it brother :facepunch::+1::pray:


Yes, now is where the glands get dense like G13, but I think it’s far denser in ratio. The bud @Rabeats2093 shows, definitely says every millimeter of surface area isn’t bare, except the tips of the interspersed leaves. What makes sense is, everyone getting excited past the 4th week, just like when I first grew them. So as you know I’m dammed good w patterns, so I see it as continued consistency in performances and minimal variation :wink:


Here’s the truth the one plant with false nanners the smallest and oddest of the three
We tried smoking a joint of it last night been hanging for five days …
Grinding it up I knew it was too wet and to early but …I dipped my hand in the cookie jar and we gave it a go …wouldn’t stay lit …kept it in ashtray all day till about noon…I lit that joint up…tasted green but also had something on the back burner… but after smoking it I found myself wandering around the place in a daze and had pretty bad cotton mouth !

So if this is a preview of what’s to come I’m excited !


Yup! I believe you’re getting the ‘dazed’ (good term btw) experience I was feeling. Like I said I was in awe and it’s seriously not easy to do that to me. I’ve smoked too many growing, after and until now. Did you get the sense it HITS HARD ? Expanding sensation ? Yes, the stickiness is a slow drier, I even had to put them in a bowl on top of the light to warm it just a bit for a few hrs, before putting back into the jar.


Ok so here’s the untouched A in 2 gal look at the lowers


Yup I see it, it’s a good candelabra shape how the lowers on the outside are symmetrical in profile to tops. Looks very sturdy too. Good work brother :+1::facepunch:

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2gal nlc
2gal B
untouched A 1gal
1gal B
NLC 1gal


Love it! I agree NLC is your yielder with Xmas. You were wise to start those along with A and B’s. I like seeing the plants are completely upright, no bending or sway. I think your first B pic is going to be better later. The A doesn’t have a huge bud, but it’s definitely bigger than its mother. So you see what I mean about the speed and it keeps going faster each day… You won’t be far behind me to harvest day. Going to be an exciting time comparing tastes and experiences, offer feedback on where to go from here. The best is yet to come :grin:


So maturity STARTS at 39 and goes to 49. So that is the window considering we’ve seen 55 at a higher ratio of amber/cloudy. I’m going to 45-46 and pretty much call it the peak potency. So it’s coming up FAST! Told ya :face_with_monocle: Without seed it’s between 6-7 weeks, the potency and terps are going to be extremely hard to contend with as a 40-50 day range. A grower could absolutely harvest now, slightly on the earlier side, but if necessary and anything and everything unforeseen could mitigate loss from longer maturity times.

Amber heads circled


The excitement is building!

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Yes it is, in fact I want to see how this flowering time competes outdoors, so all my OD testers I want to know if CripXmas is first to finish, if not how many plant cultivars finished ahead of it.