Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Really digging the exactness of these test grows. I like knowing what’s about to go down and what signs to look for. That way you know if you’re going off course.


Update: I’ll keep you posted on the outdoor, heres my B inside, 3 weeks flower tomorrow.

Indoor A 1 week flower

Ill get a shot of the girls outside

AB bx


Looking great! @Greenfingers Just starting to take off. I think the speed these gals flower at is amazing. The Xmas BX’s show even more uniformity as mine looks the same. I’ve decided I will take a TC A clone and cross with the B2 pollen I collected. This will be the first TC BX test, hopefully that is sexually stable and solid in structure/accelerated flowering/colas. I plan on sending those out in the fall to the testers who’ve completed their B plants, and who prefer B over A. It would be truer to Tampa Crippy than mixed of CripXmas as a PTK expression. We’d find out if CripXmas will build TC into a far better plant in original state but superior form.


I have 2 As compared to 5 Bs, 2 AB bx and 1 NL #2. I started the same amount of A and B if that’s an indication of anything. Could be just the way the ole seeds female/male genetic wise were picked out of the pile😃

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So tomorrow is day 35f. Just saw this on one of my girls when lights came on :scream:

The leaves of my big B are showing extreme signs of dry, burn and to much nitrogen? Idk same schedule as all the other plants. Even my autos get same feeding? What did I do?

So I dusted pistils week 3 and not showing the brown pulled in pistils. Did I do this to early? Can I still do it now and on lowers and just partial harvest for the next what 5 weeks​:joy::joy::joy::cry: thanks.


Should be able to handle a higher ppm…did you test Ph ? Doesn’t look too bad, just slight clawing from what I’m seeing. I think you should check Ph of run off and if that’s fine, perhaps just a bit of flushing to rinse out salts.

Generally between 2-3 weeks…but if it didn’t take it’s probably too late to get seed now.

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I can’t help it, I can’t resist the temptation, so I’m going in and this is why I like to keep the unders. Great for testing…

B3 40 days :drooling_face:

Back later tonight to report my initial impressions


Love all the updates, and great bud pics!


I think I remember being high as hell and spilling a nice stream of nute water. God damn stoners! What did you say about week 5 holy cow. By the way applied more of the pollen you sent since there was no brown pistils so doing a partial harvest for sure. Oh ya some pics

The unmarked are A I believe


Well @Rabeats2093 was right, the stickiness definitely requires longer drying. I couldn’t get a bud dry enough without zapping all the moisture out of it.

When I rolled up B3, I only got 2 hits before I burst out laughing, it cut through the buzz I already had and bam hit like a freight train, my eyes were 3/4 closed and super heavy stone. Watching a surf contest I just drifted off to sleep. I was still going after I woke up, so didn’t smoke for 3 hrs after. Next, the stickiness hindered getting the full body hit, however I was able to pull enough , that I did exactly the groaning sound holding and blowing out, which did give me that strong pine/herbal/gas/menthol funk of the B. So yes everything I pretty much remember, slight variations but NL2 won’t alter the profile. It’s still well within the family of terps that retains the original.

Today I needed to see how B4 varies to it, but this time I really dried it out so I could see if it hits WITH flavors like B3….YES I suspected this plant closest to the original. Without question IT IS. I could only smoke half before needing to put out to break. Hits as ruthlessly as when I started describing the original. Tomorrow I will do A2 and we’ll find out how close it is to the original, but if both B’s are on point, then so will A.

Early B4 is acting like OPIUM, I shit you not!!! :dizzy_face:


Ah splashing from watering :crazy_face:Anyway, so you noticed it now. Very good to hear. It confirms my visual observations are on cue. For 5 weeks I certainly don’t think many could complain, but it continues to puff up until the very end. Since time is short, it’s all compressed what would normally be like 2 week phases of an 8-9 week flowering time. Definitely some nice healthy fat tops peaking out of the profile :+1:


I just got done testing A2……

CONFIRMED! BOTH plants bred true to originals, everything I’ve said IS THERE. No departure. Hits, tastes and feels no different. If there is variation, I can’t tell it apart and it’s cohesive, so it all works extremely well. Not that I expected both lines being true breeding but I can say YES they are true, otherwise I’d be able to pick apart variances in taste and how it hits. This just upped my valuation when I take it to market.

A2 SOARS to the moon baby :rocket:


Before I start, since my last posting I’m still going since 2pm. I’ve BARELY smoked anything. Even a refresh hit reignites what’s slow, and I mean SLOW to come down. I’m just pouring sweat from SAMPLES. Maybe enough for 3 rolls total all day. When I tell you won’t smoke CripXmas like anything else, it’s a promise! It’s a far cry from 17 bong bowls, and that’s what I meant. It’s beyond what 17 bowls felt like. I can’t stop sweating folks, this is nuts. I’m going to post when this subsides. Now on to the updates, which at this point the pictures speak for themselves

Week 6 (5-29-23 3-4 days left)

A2, B3, B4


You can see how the stacks formed. It’s definitely bigger than mothers nugs. It’s not going to be wide but slimmer style, exactly what sativa does. Has that spicy odor. Shit, this one feels like eating ghost peppers how hot it’s making me :hot_face:

PS on that note the new Xmas line, will be called “pain and pleasure” :smiling_imp:


Where my hand is at, that cola speaks for its self. I’m estimating 12” long…didn’t I say it the whole time ?! :face_with_monocle:


The shorter stature plant is a perfect copy of B. Her buds are fatter than long, but still nothing to sneer over. It’s clear there will be heavier yielders to be found OR a version closest to the original. Only 4 seeds and I got one. The odds favor it

Xmas BX 3 weeks in

Look familiar ? That’s because it is, even the heavier glazing at 3 weeks is evident of true breeding

BX 1



Ok so I have a shit phone that takes shit pics so I don’t bother wasting time for the nice pic show because my phone has no detail. I gotta give it to you @OriginalDankmaster96 hitting week five of flower in major stride buds are swelling, calaxs are swelling and hairs are turning and curling. It’s happening so fast this is usually 2-3 weeks of growing in like 6 days weird. Day 36 today don’t know how many will be ready at day 49 but at this rate a good number will be. Looks like I might have a couple going into high 50 or so

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Brother, it’s not the quality that counts, it’s the effort and you’ve shown me pics I’ve been able to make detail of in plants such as identifying A in the NL cross , unlike a certain individual that has shown me none…

Yup, I know, and frankly I’ve never seen anything like it . It’s highly accelerated. When I did the originals, it only became apparent at week 5 it was near done but no each day left equates 2-3. The ONLY other strain did this was AB G13’s rapid maturity. Unfortunately it’s only maturity and not size in AB G13. This is the major advantage to growing CripXmas

Right, and it doesn’t seem like they will be done at 50, but remember the plants you’re growing came from 49 day maturity, and that was when calyx tips turning yellow. Also use @Rabeats2093 amber ratio to determine what your preference is, but don’t go too amber. His is an NL expression, but I doubt it’s longer than 56. Always use seed maturity time as the measure, because once they’re full mature it’s a rapid downhill in degradation.


Beautiful plants with beautiful effects, I love it!

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Thanks @Natea Yesterday was a RIDE I couldn’t get off of. It took a lot more food to metabolize the THC than I realized I needed to eat. I poured clammy sweat until 2am, so it lingered for 12 hrs :scream:

Today I will dust BX1 and BX3 again w Xmas A taking it to F5. Some will get BX1 and others will get BX3 to run being chosen at random.


I love at random!

Alright so the wonders never cease! The A and B are throwing pistils, swelling, pistils turning orange and pulling in at the same time :exploding_head:. They really need to swell more or I’m not sure I’ll be able to see any green just orange hairs :rofl:. This is pretty cool to watch I’ve never seen this before. The NLC are not going to finish as fast. The 1 gal has a few orange hairs and some tips the 2 gal is just getting fatter with more long ass white pistils but a few tipped orange. I’ll mark the progress so we can get a finish time on this strain.


Behold what the almost dried B wonder looks like, also I have a pic of browning calyx(circled) AT 42 days :face_with_monocle: Be careful @420noob you will get far more than you bargained for, the potency is also accelerated per day. I cut a tiny bit of that off, and my heart is racing out of my chest now. Hopefully I just pass out soon…



Been hectic here that’s for sure ! The smell is deff musty and peppery little bit spicy …the one bubble gum smelling one is still hanging on but turning more peppery that’s for sure not totally dried yet yet they r still hanging well just cut up an into paper bag for s couple days might just smoke one tonight and send out some feedback

Deff great job on taking those ladies!
Oh yeah I got your fricken letter yesterday in the mail bro !.some island crispy and tapa crippypheno A x nl2!.totally unexpected I appreciate you brother!