Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Yup, it’s peppery/musty odors from Xmas but how it hits is far different. And yeah I’m seeing a longer drying time for these coming up due to how gooey it is. I’m looking forward to reading about your experience. I’m confident it will deliver. That back part, should be so much stronger dry :exploding_head::evergreen_tree:

They’re definitely photogenic near the end with their glazing. The finishing pics of B3 will show the purpling and that is evident of TC coming in. Xmas doesn’t purple, that is how you can tell the difference. Glad to hear, the Island Crippy (Corn x Maui) and I’m just doing another random test after sorting (got 70% on questionable) and the other is the Xmas BX to run. You have quite the line up to get through for awhile :grin: Bother,I appreciate your time, effort and cost to show the results you have that’s offered me substantial text and visual feedback on performance of the line. I’m curious though which of the 2 you will like most after you grow the Crippy version of B :thinking:


That gooeyness usually translates to a sweaty joint just like the old days. So nice!

These guys are just about ready for another up pot. They are really catching their stride now.

I think they’ll be outdoors within the next 6 weeks or so. I want huge trees so I don’t mind the extra long veg time they’ve been sitting in.


Day light is still getting longer until June 22 longest daylight of year then starts lowering so wouldn’t start flowering for a while I wouldn’t think. Maybe I’m wrong I’ve never grown outside. Looking good though and shouldn’t trim those lowers cause they come right up with the rest quite well.


BX3 is becoming a serious stand out. The sweetest pine odor and the glands are truly pronounced under 4 weeks. Even my smelling it, just made me break out in sweat all over my forehead. I’ve re-dusted both twice and making sure it’s taken before time closes but wow, the new Xmas will be so loud when this is done. Serious fire coming down :fire::fire::fire:



Damn bro deff looking killer that’s for sure !

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And you have more of a chance of getting THAT in 5 beans than my 3 germ testers… get to soakin or shortly :grin: I believe today was the first I could get a whiff of BX3 and then I knew it’s a solid winner. Its lower branches did grow into each other, so it’s crowded mess, but the glands and odor outweigh the structural flaw by magnitudes. More numerous larger nuggets bending the branches horizontal at 140 degrees Y shaped. I think that might be a better way to distribute light for larger yield. Better performance than BX1 thats unbent :thinking: I think the Xmas’s respond better to bondage, kinky devil she is :rofl: Worth experimenting on your next run of it.


Deff some ladies like it more the others so you could be right ! I use to lst like a fucker !


I don’t think this B tops your picture but it comes close

Here’s A a week behind B


NLC 39 days

So Sunday will be 6 weeks the NLC isn’t finishing it’s just growing!


A2 is done. It’s 46 and it’s actually heavier on amber but that might balance better. The THC in this one is intimidating to say the least. Notice how I said unders form and keeping yellowing leaves dropping or dying to brown

@Greenfingers Thats the Xmas BX not B, the one you have outdoors that sticks out next to Frankie. You’ll be getting excited when you’re here too in the fall

@420noob Yup, NL’s will be slightly longer but does appear to have sizable yield for longer time. Looking good and they still have plenty to show during the last days

A2 46 days (6-2-23) 25.5” total


ALL lowers…SEE why I say don’t cut them. That’s probably an oz alone


NOW that’s a COLA I’ve wanted to achieve :trophy:


Nice cola and beautiful plants wish I knew where I could try some! :joy:. Quick question @OriginalDankmaster96 I can’t tell from pics but how are your pistils looking? I have half white and half orange then half of those are pulled in. Does yours still have lots of white pistils? Does hps make plants flower faster than led?

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I’m very happy w the results. It’s improved. You’re up next and it will be here before ya know it. I’d say 85% receding to live hairs. As to HPS, the spectrum is primarily red/orange so it can continue flowering in that wavelength. Remember though, it’s the glands and not hairs so I never pay attention to the receding ratio. Last night, I went to check the glands and saw at least 30% amber and knew it’s way past done. I told ya this comes FAST, because there wasn’t the amber at 39. With these you literally need to check each day. The B’s aren’t as ready but trust me it’s only a few more days, especially with plants that will tinge purple at the end and more yellowing.

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Wow ok so I haven’t even said this yet. First yes the bottom leaves are yellowing and falling off the lowers except on NLC. Second about 2 days ago I couldn’t SEE purple but I noticed purple hinted tips this morning can see more purple. The buds are beautiful neither of our cameras do them justice. The NLC came out 2 very different plants. One grew about 18in opened up and spread itself nicely not real training. The other one grew slow and is half the height and the buds are forming differently all though I might have damaged when seedling by drowning in peat pucks so I guess it’s hard to compare. I’m so excited!


I’ll bet I know what you’re seeing…the NL2 has a single leaf interspersed trait, so it’s a different formation and often can be higher yielding, it’s also a higher calyx to leaf ratio due to formation. And yes, I agree, there’s hues of color that don’t pick up well on camera. Less photogenic :joy: I suppose, but that’s nothing from the punishment she’ll dish out when smoked. NL2 is nice and it most assuredly as pine, but I want to see if the flavor was amplified and potency increased from using CripXmas.

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That is some straight crazy ass trippin carpet you have there!:astonished:

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Oh yeah, it’s a deep shag…problem is it doesn’t vacuum well :rofl: it’s like a hidden forest for crumbs and moths love to eat the fibers.

Zapped a small piece…stupid super stone high, feel in my eyes, my temples, my cheeks . Eyes go crossed at times bugging out in fits of zoning. Forget it, I’m losing train of thought. So spacey I can’t think straight. Yeah I think it could be even stronger than original :dizzy_face:


All these updates are making me excited for you guys! Great to hear success like this :+1::blush:

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