Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

48 days…amazing how a few days makes more difference :fire::drooling_face::scream:

Enjoy the tease until Mon :smirk:


Damn, now that is a sweet tease! Looks incredible brother.


Yup, I’m impressed by long cola structure, it’s twice the size of the original B. I’m definitely calling it for commercial production :money_mouth_face:


Higher amber = Opiate narcotic like effects. Rolled 2 of the really small unders dry enough and it’s feels like an injection of heroin :dizzy_face:


So today 42 days and 2 of the A are done tonight or tomorrow finishing fast and hard. Yes 42 days the Bs and other As are right there as well next week at most. The NLC are still swelling and is showing the slightest hint of orange on a few tips so they got a ways to go yet.

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@Rabeats2093 Are you dry enough to give me your full smoke report from each of your 3 A’s ? Also, the dry weight from each. Thanks brother

@420noob Do you have a keeper in mind ? Hopefully you did take a few cuts from each so you’ll know after you smoke each. I doubt NLC will be past week 8, but hey you’re being rewarded with extra bud for the wait. I’m curious what your dry weight will be on her

Week 7 (6-5-23)

As I’ve said so many times, 49 is it, now past that is PERSONAL preference but this is the peak window. You’ll notice B4 more than B3 thickened all its lowers since last week. B3 has some but it’s smaller and not as numerous. It’s a thicker bush than B3, but B3 has the biggest cola by far.

Today has been a big day, everything cycling again. Moving 1 A and B originals into tent. Planting clones to veg B4, another B, BX1 and BX3 and moving the rooted extras to cups, and finally 4 cuts of Maui A taken. The next round will be TC A’s and I’ll be dusting with CripXmas B2 pollen, that will be the start of BXing for Tampa Crippy and we’ll see how that goes

B3 27” finishing height

B4 finishing height 22.5”

Xmas BX week 4


Xmas BX3

5th week

Original A

Original B


Now that’s what I’m taking about



My B

My A


There’s another B in there. I didn’t know what to do with it :joy:


I don’t have a scale but each one fit in a ounce Grove bag ! The calyx one only filled a half ounce one …Can’t even remember how long I vegged them for

The one I just rolled up ! …

When sniffed it has a cooling effect to the nostril I wouldn’t say menthol smell but cooling sensation pretty wild that’s for sure …she says the cooling effect is like a cold winter night smells… cool and crisp …

Now the taste test is still in the blah stage I’d say…the smoke almost covers your mouth to a similar effect of what would happen when you eat raw cinnamon!

All I know is I harvested at 55 days …and that’s on the more amber side of things …
It deff gets yah high! I can feel it in my eyes then it floats up to the head …then resets and repeats!!@

While my body just sits here it feels really nice and relaxed.!
.but I gotta get up and finish the day out strong !

I will get the other two reports ASAP
Here comes the Cm


Not really a necessary tool for a grower but when you buy holy crap, you find out how people like to short an oz or even a qp. I still have a working one from my buying days so easy to forget not everyone weighs when growing, but sounds like it averaged an oz between the 3. I think you were about 4-5 week veg

So the way you describe this tells me it’s the NL and Xmas dominating terps. Back when I started this thread I’ve said “pine” can be associated with icy cool sensation, and yes I think how it combine’s together is complex, it’s a strong tingle. Do you think it hits the mark for a desired odor that could be called pine ?

Ah! Yes, you mentioned the green. I’m picking up that as well, but only at the start, slight melon/cantaloupe. More curing to dissipate, but that’s interesting how you say “covers your mouth” like cinnamon. I think how you describe this indicates the strength of the flavor, as raw cinnamon is intense to withstand. Does it hit expansively ? Brutal ? Doesn’t sound like gas or funk though, so TC recessive here. I have more questions about flavor but I’ll wait to hear the other two before I know what I need to ask :thinking:

It gets ya there but doesn’t lay you to waste ? This confirms TC recessive traits, the potency is slightly elevated to effects but there are stronger plants to blow your top. I think this one is the lone odd NL expression, Xmas and NL terps/potency, recessive TC and PTK potency, recessive PTK yield increase. The ONE will have unrelenting potency, make your eyes burn and tear incessantly, so better plants to find. I’d say she is definitely unique but doesn’t truly represent sheer raw power of the lines or all the notes in flavor. Very helpful brother, I appreciate this feedback and you will get a better stronger plant of Xmas in that BX, so start those when you get it from @Adventuretime86 :crazy_face:


That is a beautiful cola. Ok so I said that I have 2 As that are showing two different expressions. These were not topped or fimmed or any manipulation except leaf tucking and defol and used ties to pull the lowers down so they spread.
Both are A


From where it started, I’d say what I had hoped achieved the results desired to get the looser budding formation tighter :trophy: I’ll bet it’s the left plant that is the winner showing more numerous buds, but whichever has slimmer sativa leaves, that abundance of orange hairs pulling in, and yellowing leaves of it’s unders, that should be the ONE like original. My A2 is perfectly representative of the original A, so the way it flowered is a guide going forward. I think that other may be Xmas but if it’s doing the same yellowing pattern and puffing unders it may still be potent unlike the odd plant @Rabeats2093 got. Going to be very interesting to hear your results. Remember A goes toward Xmas part that will have Crippy potency in most plants, while B is the PTK expression of Tampa Crippy and has Xmas terps.


I wouldn’t say pine specifically it’s really hard to place a exact smell on it

A couple pulls here and there I would get a good cough going on lol

That my friend unfortunately hasn’t happened since HS lmao

It totally makes my nose run like a fucker though !
Deff good smoke

I will have the other results when I get to sit down for a min and actually reflect on what I just smoked!


Yes, I would agree, the odors are complex, but I think we do agree, it’s cool crisp like a winters night, like spearmint or wintergreen. Yup it’s the Xmas and NL

This tells me this particular plant has no TC/PTK potency. It SHOULD feel like a pressure cooker to hold it in as it blows up inside the lungs, nearly choke feeling. This why it’s sub par, good terps but lacks the strength I know it has like the one I’ve grown out. Crippy is lung buster material and it would be more impressionable than a cough. Hacking fit hard to stop is more like what happens after a hit. Don’t believe this one is giving you that Crippy experience it’s known for.

Hmmm didn’t happen with either of the other 2 ? Or are they’re not dry enough that you’ve really tried them yet ? Extremely curious how the other 2 differ from the NL/Xmas impressions. Won’t take anything away, she’s beautiful, sounds tasty and unique but if I’m right it’s a dog for potency unfortunately. NL2 is nice smoke definitely but it’s not Crippy. If you want stronger than what A is giving I suggest popping some B’s to really experience what Crippy is famous for, and trust me you’ll go back to those ‘days’ plus it’s 2x yeild. I think I’m gonna be about 3oz per on B :flushed:


Video time testimony

2 hrs after smoking A2


Si it looks like I’m gonna have to harvest a couple of the girls in sections. The A that has the classic shape is done almost all cloudy main colas rest need four five days. Might have to do that with a few but will keep separated for weight and all that no worries there. Hell I might cut tonight

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Still stoned 4 hrs later, but it’s wearing off now

Woohoo, can’t wait to hear when it’s dry. I knew you were but days behind me to harvest. Yeah I’m sure the classic shaped is the one like my A2, so we’re getting a read on which plants are the best now. Yes and I expect yours to be above average using BBP. One tip during drying, if you feel it’s too slow, put into a micro safe heat bowl and let it sit about 3-4 hrs on top of the light or above it. I’ve done this twice then back into jars to sweat the centers out more.

Speaking of, @BudBusterPro weigh in of A2, but I think when we weigh B3 and B4 it’s a scale buster producer


I forgot to mention I had a surprise brought to me, one of those artic air towers. This thing blows COLD mist and oscillates. Far better than my 2 current units. I asked how much it was, 100 at home depot THEN I found wholesale 2 for 99. At 35 a unit this can’t be beat. I’ll be down in the low 80’s even with my light at
80% power. This might help some of ya beat the heat when it arrives as summer beckons :hot_face:

Artic Air cooling tower


My tent already has hot highs of 93° already this year and we haven’t even broke 100° yet. So come August will be looking at 100° in my tent easily but I have great air movement and that seems to help. So might have to check this out!


LOL… :+1:

Wrecked but coherentdats the good shit!
