Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Definitely! And you know it’s THAT if you wake and bake, then end up going back to sleep to wake up high and not even need a refresher. Fact is I smoke so much less of CripXmas compared to any other I’ve grown or bought, when I average 2-3 oz per month


B3 is dry enough for its weigh in…was I right about it’s potential being commercial producer ?


Damn straight 3.5 oz :trophy:


Man, I LOVE smoke that can give you the giggles. Sweet job brochacho :+1:


These 2 sticks alone are 32 g’s. Before I remove them off the stem I wanted to show how tight the formation is after dried. This is solid bud from the originals loose nuggets of TC


Yes, after smoking, it wasn’t long until I started bursting out laughing out of nowhere just like when I showed what happened with original A, and I had to show nothing has changed about how effects when I first tried it back in Jan until now, and like I said in between that time NOTHING else grown out does that to me.

It’s WHY mass spectrometry will be done on the 2 and my entry into the private MI growers cup, otherwise wouldn’t bother with either…


Good for you ODM ! I’m guessing you’re looking at cannabinoid/terpene profile
with the mass spectrometry !?


Yes, full profile. I need to know where the THC exceeds its base of 30% from Tampa Crippy, because I know this is a lot stronger than straight Tampa Crippy and the terps fill the entire mouth like nothing I’ve ever come across, it tells me the terps could be high and nearly pure, devoid of what alters or waters down what makes Crippy renowned by memory, it’s a lot more than “pinene” that I do know.


Well, I certainly hope you’re rewarded for your efforts in the MI cup !

Honestly, there’s nothing more rewarding than achieving your personal goals, with or without the cup !!


Oh yes, the cup would be a feather in the cap to these achievements, but I’m satisfied by the goals I initially set when I started this, and IF I didn’t think they were met, I’d keep pushing until all met the standards I wanted. Nothing is perfect or will be, but I knew what I wanted and THIS is IT! :fire::exploding_head::evergreen_tree::dizzy_face:


Excellent ! Determination and persistence will get you where you want to go…

Something I’ve learned in my life experience, is that I’ve always benefited from my failures along the way.
It stimulates research and usually leads me to where I wanted to be !


These are my core tenets in life, so you know EXACTLY how I operate :facepunch:


Keep in mind the key to Crippy could be the THC to CBD ratio.
THC without any CBD can produce unwanted effects.
Meaning you get way too high and afraid to climb ladders ect.

So you may not need 30% THC to get you really blitzed.
Be careful with the testing results too.
Meaning testing is very unreliable currently.
I am not sure a real 30% plant exists.

Anyway I see the hard work you are putting in. :face_with_monocle:
Keep on truckin’ brother and maybe we will see a stable crippy seed line that grow just like clones. :exploding_head:

Good luck on winning the cup too. :partying_face:


It’s funny you say that, I was thinking about that the other day. Some of those inflated numbers we see might be the total cannabinoids advertised as total thca. The lab I use brakes it down very well and easy to read.


I really don’t know how it all works but I look at it this way…

If I have I pile of dry sift and say 60% of that is what makes up a trichome aka plant matter and 40% of that is oil of some type.

Take 10% off the 40% for other oil and call that THC.
So you would have about 30 THC in your dry sift.
I do understand the chemical difference in THC-A and THC.

Now if your talkin’ buds you have stems and leaf matter to add to plant matter side of things.
I just can’t make the math work in a scientific manner.
But truth be told I am not sure how they get their numbers, just speaking on what makes sense in my head.

I guess we need to ask what percentage of a cannabis trichome is oil and how much is plant matter?

I just asked the AI and it just regurgetated the 30% thing…LOL

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That’s exactly what happened, I did get too high to know if I was safe to climb a ladder into the attic and balancing on wood studs, and even after 3 hrs I was still feeling it and knew I couldn’t have done that right after smoking. It’s interesting though, cause when I tried CBD hemp AG and Cherry wine, after my stomach would cramp up and be unsettled so my CDB initiation was short, its after that I knew THC is the responsible for the settling my gastrointestinal issues. Also tried a cultivar called Royal Highness, and had to give it away because of the higher CBD to THC.

This is true, it’s more than THC, there’s THC-A and THC-V so it’s far more complex, but I definitely feel there’s a unique cannabinoid profile to unmask.

There is a list of the 5 top highest THC cultivars, but I haven’t a clue if it’s factual. I’ve seen several descriptions of Tampa Crippy claim 30% but there’s no profile that says YES it has tested at that. Oh I’m well aware, I’ve dug into a few around the VA area. May need to post when I’m ready to have it done to get a lead on a reliable and affordable lab.

Thanks brother, I appreciate it and yes I want to make a Crippy that’s highly desirable to grow and commercial producers theoretically could supply the high demand it would have, so that MANY smokers can enjoy it from their local dispensary. Waiting to hear from Rick but there’s still time to meet the deadline. I’ll only say, once you break into the doob from lighting it up, you’ll know when it HITS like a bomb going off. We’ll see if any of ya’s can WALK straight after :smiling_imp:


So some pics me playing with loupe and shit phone. These are all A, B or C


What’s the skinny on the local test labs?

Those loupe shots could knock somebody out, you best be careful showing something shining so brightly to those with epilepsy… besides I can smell it from here! :fist_right:


Oh hell yeah brother, and you know THOSE are the Mc coys :face_with_monocle::facepunch::clap: Outstanding shots!



Now finally the B4 weigh in…

Grad total from 3 plants - 218 g’s

Almost 8 oz from 3 plants. I don’t think anyone could complain about that :face_with_monocle: