Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Well there’s a lot opening up, but they’re scattered in different parts of the state in VA, luckily most want you mail the samples than physically bringing them. Vary in requirements, registering, testing services offered, price points and results given.

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OK let’s go down this list…

Most of the A’s look on point to me, so that’s good to see :+1: I’m not seeing that NL/Xmas like Rabeats has, but still need to know if any others give weak potency.

The B’s all look great. I think you’ve shown SOG does work very well here. The one that’s brightly lit looks white from all the glands. Definitely Crippy in there. I doubt B will have any weak potency but I need to know if one doesn’t have it. Looks like a couple got heat scorched or is that the nute water affected leaves ? How was recovery time. I believe they bounce back from mistakes or problems fast.

Very interesting, the NLC looks NL in buds, but I think I’m seeing A in the glands, NL2 by itself isn’t that heavy. Will be interesting to know if the potency and terps crossed over, or if it’s just Xmas, which may not be as potent without TC/PTK combo or lower percentage.


The one with the water spill damage didn’t miss a beat. Leaves got burnt pretty quick after my clutz move but I didn’t notice any slowing down of size. That’s the 2gal B and might have lost some swell but I couldn’t tell so ya bounced right back. Also I feed heavy handed and they all took like a champ didn’t “paint the nail tips” until 3 weeks or so when I stopped using bloom nutes. Just phd water, molasses and some superthrive. Easy to grow. Did a mix of 1 and 2 gal pots but if I would have not topped any might have been able to use all 2 gal pots. 13 plants in my 33" x 53" tent. Ten crips a jenny kush, Frankie fem, and wedding cake as well.


I take all that to mean hardy and desirable, so it’s good they were put through the ropes and didn’t significantly affect the results. Do you intend do another round later once you know which ones are the best ? Have cuts stored ? Or would you have to re-veg to get the cuts ?


Smoke report on the one that had sterile nanners!
Deff has more of a faint menthol smell at first I would say closer to pine that’s for sure less on the menthol more on the pine /fir side …the taste is peppery I can say that for a fact makes my nose tingle !

The high is deff favorable …quick and hitss with a punch! The high for me starts in my face with this one !

Deff not coughing my balls of from it deff smooth and enjoyable

No smoke report on the second best but it smells
Like peppery cream if that makes any sense lol


This certainly sounds like the right one now. Yes I think it could be smoother later, so not the coughing fit but getting drier could set it off. The good thing is you’ve detected pine :partying_face: And also stronger potency. To me this is a keeper and hope you did put cuts aside. I was worried you wouldn’t pick up pine or notable potency but I’m happy everyone will get most of these plant expression at the end. For the most part everything crossed over and remains dominant, so I’d say it’s a resounding success :wink:


Deffinatley! The three plants are very relatable in many ways! With a proper cure we will see how they turn out !


That’s excellent to hear, you find relation between all 3. Id say that sounds homogenous :face_with_monocle: Looking forward to how the cure brings out more. One thing is for sure, it’s scissor weed, and not grinders. Sticks to the teeth when put in a grinder :scream:


Gonna have to revegging no big deal though. Ya I’d say I’m very happy and impressed by these crosses. I have 10 running now 3 one of each in 2 gal and 7 in 1 gal pots. From these ten I’m figuring 9-10 oz but Im kinda a dreamer and usually set to high. For sure minium 8 oz. Sunday is 7 weeks and some are right there so getting excited. I love opening my front door and getting smacked in the face with dank bud smell. Aahhhh now that’s the life.


See how much your tolerance will take before you tap out and say ENOUGH when you’re not busy with things and bored :smiling_imp:


I’d say that is the most rewarding part to hear a grower to tell the breeder… they want to run it again :grin: It says volumes. Lets the plants speak for themselves in end and not what the breeder had talked up about it.

Right, and being SOG it’s above average for that style of grow as well, I bet a really large supercropper could get heavy. The outdoor show is going to be so interesting :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Watching for you @HappyTrees23s :eyes:

Ya buddy, I told ya it really shows off at the end and so fast. The speed is so remarkable. It’s like you said, you’ve never see anything like it and I had the same thought growing out the seed bearers, hoping all this would be crossed into the new progeny and now proves all of what I saw crossed true, and that is what minimal amount of understanding I have in quality breeding is the BEST result to have achieved. It’s the gold standard. Just wait until you get them drying a bit, you’re gonna love it even more :drooling_face::fire: I love smelling it before cutting up, and even the cut up releases it’s lovely complex pine/gas/mint fragrance as you smell it up close ahhh :wink:

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I’m going to call this “CripXmas peak effect” and why I say “I’m taking the cup” because when these intense waves hit like you see in my glassy eyes, my heart rate increases and so does my breathing rate that has less oxygen, THAT is going to cause aphixia which will bring about that laughter, it’s OVER! IF any other entry can do that, well it’s a contender and if not, there won’t be an equal period.

I want @Gpaw and @HumblePie420 to especially see this since not everyone is at shags Island venue

CripXmas peak high effect


That’s pretty intense!!
:laughing: :+1:


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I can’t wait to grow out more of these or more cross variation that you are stabilizing!

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Yup, you know there’s more on tap to come. The Xmas and Crippy cubing process, as I take the make up of CripXmas B2 which had flavor and potency to BX to the original TC.75 .94 .99 The Xmas BX is already crossed once, now is the 2nd round hopefully. The BX3 has a heavy conical row of single sugar buds. It’s actually going to get even better from here. I can’t wait to send them out, then we get into the new line of very potent Xmas that will make waves as word starts spreading how piney it is. If I have the time god willing to complete the process, Xmas will be my Cindy99 story :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And the Island Crippy, which is the Corn and Maui and we’ll find out if Corn should be crossed into the make up to further enhance but it’s pretty wild and strong. Nearly chokes me holding it :dizzy_face:


Take that damn Cup brother! I’m big time rooting for you!


Putting my chips on the table and I’ll let those buds do all the talking for me at that event. All I know is I have a high tolerance, wanted G13 because of it, and now G13 is dethroned by the guy who located it and confirmed it, which personally I’ve thought G13 potency never could be matched or exceeded but I’m wrong. We all hear it’s a numbers game in genetic combinations, which most times numbers aren’t in favor of getting that recombinant genome that’s entirely new, so I do look at it as winning a “genetic” lottery, now I’m taking my winnings to play in the big boys pool :grin::drooling_face::dizzy_face::trophy:

Wanted to see if I could find any sign the calyx is swollen and hard. I think I feel hard areas on BX3 but oh I hope it’s not the confounded fertility issues. But I clearly see a swollen calyx on BX1, so it did take, and usually seeing one means there’s more unseen inside. Oh yeah, touching these is like SUPER GLUE. Next weeks up date at 5 weeks is going to be mind melting to see how the explosion of glands is layers of sugar white glands


Tomorrow is day 49f and I’m gonna be doing some partial harvesting. Couple days ago I removed big fan leaves to really open up the bottoms and they have exploded swelling up so definitely doing some partial harvesting. Should have a nice mix of 85%-90% cloudy and 10-15% clear and they do turn fast. I’ve been watering with molasses only the fade is on even though they had already started to yellow at bottoms :wink:. Can’t wait! Also love how I got an A full on Christmas tree and one that is one cola with low lowers neither had any topping or training. Something in my tent is ringing a sweet berry type smell when disturbed and can’t tell if it’s xripXmas or another unrelated strain​:thinking: I think it’s a B though. Some pine and menthol smells no strong heavy dank smells. Couple stem runs are like Vicks vapor rub and one smelled of dirt.


Outdoor looking good. Objects in pictures are larger than they look.
A right B left

AB bx


Nicely hidden so you can’t see the weed from the trees. Lmao