Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Indoor not to shabby either.




Definitely unrelated. All terps are pure that don’t conflict, no lemon or fruits. Don’t want them in this, peppery blends fine and so do herbal, could be slight green melon of PTK but it dissipates as it cures

Yup, that’s her special trait, yellow/drop the leaves and add more buds. Who can argue with such a trick :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yup, that’s the interesting part of both. This lowers phenomenon they have, which I’ve NEVER seen on other cultivars do, but it’s an overall yield boost to say the least and not the normal larf crap :face_with_monocle:

B smells just like Bubblegum does but that’s all and only while alive, dried it’s gassy pine mint funk


Nice twist on the metaphor :rofl:


That’s it dead on man! Not berry but bubble gum. The herbal, citrus, gas/diesel smells I have no problem once they have a sweet smell I lose the nose to place smell unless it’s strong blueberry or very specific weird.


Everything looks on point here. A is definitely the right one and B does too :+1: Does it appear PTK ? The NL’s looks great too, getting herbal pine smell ?

Outdoors is monstrous. I can imagine it’s optical refraction but I bet the stalk is massive, like a bamboo plant has. The Xmas BX looks identical to the ones I have, and when the flowering is in the fall we’ll be watching for a conical formation to know the expression is even lesser variation, which means it’s at .75 now


I smelled the finishing A earlier, I’d agree it’s peppery cream, so that one may be the closest of all. I remembered you mentioned that when I whiffed it. I’m curious if I’m right :thinking:


Did some partial harvesting.


Some tent shots of others

NLC #1




Lost A#5 pic apparently


I’ve up-potted my two not so little guys into even bigger pots and finally moved them outside. These will probably be the last pictures of them indoors after this. I suspect that being outside in the California sun will perk these babies right up. Solo cup for size reference.

I’ve also lopped off the tops for cuttings after these pictures were taken.

They’ll be up-potted into their final fabric pots in a few weeks. Hopefully they will show sex by then.


I was thinking to myself last night when is noob harvesting, and then I woke up to a pelthora of pics of beautiful finished buds :drooling_face::facepunch::fire:

Ok both your B1 and A2 are exactly like mine, and yes I see the NLC budding those knobs like A finishes off, so that expression is more CripXmas than NL. So I was right again about that pollen, it’s was Xmas dominant as I suspected. It’s crazy but I can easily tell my Xmas male apart from minimal numbers. Does it have that spicy cream odor ? Truly interesting experiment to how true CripXmas would cross over, and by the looks of it, that’s what happened here :flushed: I

’ll wait to hear how it smokes and terps being picked up to say definitively it’s traits are mostly CripXmas. Need to do update later. Oh I’m also going to count how many rolls I do today to see where I have to tap out at and stop, compared to what I normally roll in a day. I know it’s about 1/2-1/4 less.

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No stretch and staying very compact. It’s definitely the one. Are you getting those Maui and B’s started soon ? You definitely want the B for night night sleep tight :wink:


Thanks for letting me know that. I’ll pop some tonight! Gonna be a great summer


Alright, yesterday I made it to 7.5 rolls before passing out. Through the entire day I didn’t come down at all and each roll up, was getting me higher than the last. I was unable to update…do NOT smoke this all day. It doesn’t follow the same pattern, even eating will NOT bring you down quickly afterwards. Still feeling last night and I even haven’t waked or baked so it’s telling me how strong it by that alone :flushed:


Dang, that sounds dangerous :skull_and_crossbones::thinking:


i need some pollen

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Week 6 (43 days)

Original A

Original B

BX1 week 5

BX3 week 5

Well I don’t have good news :pensive: BX1 and BX3 are sterile. The calyx is puffed, but it’s soft and empty. BX3 is all sweet pine in odor and heaviest sugar coated buds. I’ve been deterred by a road block, but not stopped, so my solution to this is reverse a BX3 clone with the hybri-X to be the pollen donor, and I’ll do open pollination among the original A, A2, TC A and Maui A when I run those cuts next. It will be awhile before I even have the BX3 cut taken, rooted, grown and ready to reverse, which I need to have coinciding vegged TC, Maui, original A and A2 (since I know both are receptive) clones ready for flip. Once those are ready, treat BX3, flip over and wait 2 weeks before flipping the seed bearers over, then add it in. If the timing is right full reversal will be at that 2 week mark for females to be receptive.


Nice BLANTS!! (click it)


The next male I do, I’ll make up a bag for ya :facepunch::wink:


However a little top broke on BX1 while checking underneath, so we’ll find out a preview of what’s here…reporting back later.


My A is looking frosty.