Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

That’s is only the START :drooling_face::fire: @420noob knows what I’m talking about :grin: The end will be unlike anything you’ve seen, watch your lowest lowers begin to puff up out of nowhere, and within the canopy.


I can hardly wait to smoke some of these. The AB bx is a big one, I didn’t have one for indoor. I didn’t have a NL#2 for outdoor.:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


You’re in for a treat with that A BX, has lots of TC and Xmas. How you’ll know which is if there’s coloring in the fans or just yellowing. Xmas won’t show those orange/yellow/red during flowering, just normal yellowing but the leaves will drop, and open the plant to more light as the lower are exposed more.


Well, the little bud you saw laid me out cold for 4 hrs. My blood is way too saturated still, that’s WHY I passed out…it was only up to 4 rolls today. The bud was all TC, still hit with force like A, mostly pine/gas flavor, not menthol or funk. Heavy stoned effects.


Thinking things over, I’ve decided I’m going for the colloidal silver treatments instead. Hybri-X didn’t give me pollen sacks, just calyx full of nanners inside. To jump start things, I do have an extra rooted clone of BX3, which my original plan was to grow one already vegged, ready for the 1 gall and the other would’ve been the mother instead. Now I’ll just keep that one to reverse and and forego budding another. Have one original A I will hold back to save more time from rooting and growing a fresh one. I have the TC A cuts rooted, so all I need to do is wait for Maui and I just took 3 off the A2. If all goes well I should have the cuts rooted and ready to veg by the end of the month

Today I’ve tested how long I can go WITHOUT before needing, since 10:30 EST only TWO of the A2 have kept me going. Keep in mind my rolls are about .3-.5 at most!


So day behind I took these last night so day 51f

B2 came in hot with nutes early still plump!

A3 another partial

NLC1 I just took the whole girl. She looks small but them buds are packed and dense!
Now quick overview of my tent with a bunch of partially harvested plants lol

What the hell black cream auto say 53 outside


They definitely added size since the last pics :flushed:

A3 looks on point. Good compact structure and overall size buds :+1:

C1 definitely NL expression. Devil is in the details though about potency and terps but definitely well formed tops

B2 looks like my B3 how full the tops are. There is a slight variation between my original and larger top yielding expressions but these show true to the original regardless.

Lots of smoke reports to come will tell me which matches the most. Looking forward to hearing those roll in around my B-day :partying_face:


Got a couple of Maui A’s and CripX B in soil last night. I’m the kinda guy that doesn’t normally do the drop in water then into paper towels thing. I’m no nonsense and drop them straight into dirt. Makes for a better well rounded test in my opinion. I would much rather grow genetics that make it easy on me than the ones I have to baby all the damn way. I’ve grown those as well…not much fun. My man says these should knock my ass out at night. Time to start exploring that.


These don’t need to be babied! They can take a beating and man they can eat. I grew mine basically sog style a few toppings on some and they grew well no lst or anything else. One plant completely opened itself up.


Good to see they’re started, and yes I decided to drop one of the mystery seeds in a cup with dirt, no pre germination and it popped up. I’m sexing it now to see if it’s fem. Also have an Island Crippy fem I think. Need to see hairs before I say definite.


Holy shit, I THINK these late occurring nanners are YY…the mystery plant looks like pre-calyx but no hair yet. This will be stunning if true and any seed found will be feminized :flushed:


I would have thought that was just a calyx. Nice catch!

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I’m not convinced its a male yet brother.

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I meant the plant may be selfed from mystery seed I’ve found in the TC x NL2, that’s why I say the nanners may be YY if only one is female, because odds say it should be male or hermie. We’ll certainly know first of the week.


So real time I pulled A4 before lights out this morning. Just took pics and now it’s getting the chop. These buds aren’t the biggest but damn squeeze test there is ZERO give! Rock hard buds homiez!

just gonna take the whole plant.


Luckieee! That looks incredible brother.

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Yeah, that too is on point, the A is small nugs, but very dense to give. Might be the closest, still other heavier ones have most original A traits.

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So this NLC is crazy and barely any orange pistils and all are still straight as can be

Some close ups of nlc and finishing lowers random

Above is all same NLC
Here’s random

My tent hhighs and lows over last 7 days


Interesting! That’s about my max high temp, even if the AC is shut off. Definitely seems to handle higher heat fine, but that’s good for both of us :facepunch: Looks like glands do fine in it, and those lowers show the A crusting very well.

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Do you believe all the white pistils on the C still? Them is sum thick colas there yep yep lol. So " cleaning" out the tent. I have 4 more girls I pulled this morning for the chop. One is untouched and is getting one chop as a whole. The other 3 have been partially harvested already. Those small lowers finished up nicely with few extra days of full light penatration. All the pistils oranged and curled and trics clouded right up :+1:. I love growing these plants can’t wait to smoke em.
That temp ain’t nothing in about 6 weeks it’ll be over 100° in there.,:fire::fire::fire:

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