Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

NP, when you have your ducks in a row and can take a breath, I’ll be waiting to hear :facepunch:


Hey @OriginalDankmaster96, I was out looking at the girls and took a picture or two.
A on the right B on the left.

AB bx is a beast


Just incredible :flushed: The leaves look as big as a head and I can see the stalk how thick it’s grown, you watch but I’m gonna say this will be your surprise sleeper. If it’s anything like BX3, you’re looking at a massive yield . That Xmas A male, didn’t I say when I was collecting it had yield traits :thinking:


They still have around 6 or 7 weeks to grow yet. Should be a nice run this year, thanks again my friend.:green_heart:


I have decided to do another pollen viability of Xmas male A and C test on a B roughly 2 weeks in. Since it didn’t take I must know if the Xmas BX is showing the fertility OR the pollen isn’t viable, despite looking silky smooth fresh in the bag. If successful, this will be a bonus thank you for a fully completed grow of BOTH A and B runs and the first to get these for a well documented run with consistent pics despite quality is @420noob Yup 🫵 will be getting more so I’ve got it covered.


F@$#ing A! Came to post and saw this thanks. So Ive been recycling my soil and while flushing the pots of harvested plants I noticed something that explains a lot. So one of my 1 gal pots had the whole old label on it. It said 1gal then flower name but in the lower right hand corner says 2.74 qts wait wtf that doesn’t equal said gallon. I also my “2 gal” pots are 1.74 gal. Damn nursery pots. So only 1 1 gal was actually 1 gal. Damn stoner brain pay attention asshole! Lol. So here are my weights up to this point. A2-28g, B1-11g, C1-9g, A1-14g, and B2-17g. As displayed by the numbers A1 true 1 gal A2 true 2 gal B2 1.74 gal the others 2.74 qts. So my numbers would’ve been dead on if pots were right I believe. I called 14g 1 gal and 28g 2 gal. So if using nursery pots make sure they are full size. It’s been fun can’t wait to smoke more got some rain 2 days ago and humidity jumped so everything picked up a little more moisture but will have smoke reports shortly. Cant wait to try the damn don’t remember which one I tried anyways I posted it up. Try it again after curing the fresh compost taste(it’s good taste like how fresh healthy soil smells) I think will cure with a awesome earthy cool flavor. The pine not there yet but the cure will reveal more. It’s been an honor to help you in your quest.


Can’t always get it right every time being a hazard of the trade’s influence, but it’s roughly averaging those weights from SOG style. Veg times and light penetration will vary the weights. There’s heavier pheno’s of both, though the smaller dwarf may be more like their parents potency and flavor and diminished yield. There’s balance as I said between plants, and the A2 and B3 showed it. If I’m right, the smaller will be stronger in both but it’s not a wide difference, it’s slight. Yes, it was A1, and that’s looks like a larger budding. Your A2 and A3 are the ones that take after the dwarf plant. How you’ll know is that pepper spice odor.

Definitely let it get a bit drier, you will find the hit gets harder not so moist, so it smokes very intensely. Mine is STILL moist, sticks in the grinder spaces and teeth but slightly crunchy sound, so it’s improving by the day. Yes you’ll be first to report on B which is more the Crippy side and should be more pine than mint. Xmas is more mint than pine, either way both are the strongest in terms of terps.

Thanks brother, I don’t always have the best judgement in life as several individuals have run off with the goods… but my instinct said this one is going to do it all justice, and I’m grateful you took a chance on me and a first release I felt comfortable letting out to see where that takes things on this path, which there’s still more to be done. Determining if the Corn should be crossed in or the Maui A, and next step BXing all CripXmas improved traits to the originals. So you’re only seeing the beginning to my end objectives :face_with_monocle: Which I need to send you Island Crippy shortly.


You found the nursery pot scam… :grin: :+1:

I measure and convert to cubic inches (231/gallon) to figure out what they really are.
Interestingly, the 3 gallon nursery pots seem to be 3 gallon actual, the rest is all lies… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:



Never occurred to me that’s intentional, but you learn something different than what perception leads one to believe :smirk:


I’ve been using these to start my plants instead of solo cups

I have a couple plants in the pots I bought some trees in. 3 gallon I think. My homemade air pots are 3 gallon I believe. This B is in one.
Won’t be long now.


So beautiful :star_struck: :drooling_face:, has really put on dense glands. Definitely the TC side there. Should have all that potency I refer to. Can’t wait to hear about yours too. Should put everything into perspective having 3 grow reports to go by.


The buds are nice n tight, thats a side nug.:+1:t2:

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I have a formal correction to make. @Chara immediately recognized the small bud structure when I showed them how it changed, so I’m going to trust what they’re saying,Tampa Crippy = Triangle Kush pheno…


I’ve altered almost all my pots to “air pots”. I use @Pigeonman speed cups for seedlings.

that’s a Oaxacan
Also my bigger pots if I didn’t put holes over hole pot I at least did bottom 5 inches since that’s where it seems to hold moisture and get rootbound. Idk if it makes a difference but I like to think so. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Also using a smart pot or felt for the first time just for the flowering of my bb#3


Just arrived


8 days A2. Guess what it means, the A’s have the NL2’s faster rooting time now from 3 weeks of TC.


Damn nice roots I need to get a cloner wow.

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I got that one off E bay, it’s called Turboklone T24 $139, refurbish, it’s the model with a dome, which you would need being in the desert. The fan cooling is worthless. A basic 24 model and dome is all you’d need. Look for used and make a lower 20% offer than list, speaking of. I just found you one . You’d need to get the pump, manifold and dome, but not the AC adapter for fan. Might be cheaper if the seller wants to “get rid of it” then find sales on the pump/manifold and dome separately.


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So much resin it looks greasy. Nice. I bet it grabbed you by belt loops and kicked you in ass.

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Oh yeah it does more than that, the new recombinant lines are stronger than the original TC. I was trying to watch the last Black Mirror and I just kept nodding off in and out of consciousness until I passed out, so yeah smoke too much, it’s lights out. This why I say no one is going to smoke too much at the cup :dizzy_face:

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