Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Ya if I had that money to invest I’d save and buy a light with some penatration power at least 300w. So here are my final numbers
A1- 14g 1gal pot
A2- 28g 2 gal pot
A3- 12g 1 gal
A4- 10g 2.75qt
B1- 11g 2.75qt
B2- 17g 1.74 gal
B3- 8g 2.75 qt
C1- 9g 2.75qt
C2- 21g 1.74 gal
So the C2 was a lot bigger buds than the A2 just the A2 had much denser buds were as C2 has more and bigger buds they aren’t very dense. The C1 that I said had a sweet possible bubblegum smell well 3 day in grove bags and it’s smells of menthol. I smoked some B1 today 3 day cure so far even at 59% in grove bags is sticky AF and moist still. Need to clean my piece couldn’t really get a flavor not nearly as harsh as the one I tried earlier. Had not a cooling exhale but your next inhale is very icy cool feeling in mouth. Only took 3-4 hits and sat down to trim. Couple hours later still got a good stone going. This definitely gives you a heavy head change quick love it. The urge to smile constantly and a bit giggly. Haven’t gotten munchies yet but few do that to me. Can feel the pie eye droopy eye lids. :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:


Yup, that’s IT. See I told ya, and it probably takes you back to your teen days, doesn’t it :smirk: And yes, it’s a mix, I can pick out the pine/gas/mint, so it’s complex to taste so cool and strong. Very heady strong, can take one off their balance to stumble around drunk like. Wait until it’s a bit drier, that intense ice will be stronger :cold_face: Glad you’re loving it. I’m definitely not getting tired of it. So it sounds like C2 is more NL dominant, as the buds isn’t dense, it’s fluffy, but the A in CripXmas is dense like rocks. It sounds like C1 is the A dominant. I think also you know with how powerful it is, size isn’t as important as lower strength at that same size. Doesn’t take much. Hell, I go to sleep and wake up with mayo saliva in my mouth still going in the morning, and most anything else is over by the time I’m awake. Your report is absolute confirmation of my experience so it’s ALL there, clearly can be found within 10 seeds. It works and there’s another leg of this path to refinement I’m confident in continuing. Thanks brother, I appreciate those thoughts and perceptions shared. Now go take a big freaking hit and hold it :exploding_head::rofl:


Pass the bong the reload it! So check out the staircases on these to mains.


Yeah, those definitely appear like the A buds do, and sugar leaf doesn’t detract from flavors. I’ve said you can get high and flavor on the trim alone.


I made bubble hash!

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Holy shit nailed it again! So I was going through my grove bags checking everything, making sure buds get moved around and I open is ont remember which one but it smelled like pepper to the point it tickled my nose like to sneeze. Wild man wild!


That’s IT…make sure you revegg THAT plant. It’s 100% A. So do you think I stand a chance at that cup after trying both ?


When it comes to getting a good head stone quick with a few hits and good to go for a while

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I’ll take that as a yes :+1:

BX3 leaning into the other plant, it’s weight continues to push it down :flushed: Watch this be heavy when I do the weigh in.

It’s even heavier frosting!!!


That plants a winner looks like :trophy:


Yeah you see it too :+1: I can’t wait to reverse and cross into the 5 candidates and see which is best from that mix. Definitely more excited as it closes on the finishing. 47 days now


That is a beaut for sure! The bx seems to pack em on.


Week 7

50 days done

Both plants are tipping 1/2 way down now.



Now let’s begin with the slide show



Both together

Saying goodbye to TC x Xmas (in the back), the one I did in Jan. Taking too much space as a mother, plus A2 is better. Actually being in a solo cup still for 2 months, I’ve never seen a plant do so well. Forgot to mention, the pollen took on B from BOTH, so pollen is still viable, so it confirms both BX are sterile.

1 B4 and BX1 moved in last night. Also saying goodbye to Maui C, it too has outgrown the space and still plenty in the jar along w backup seed, so it tells me I’m just not returning to it as much. Not like Maui A

Moved another B3 and the IC (Island Crippy) to the veg area, so there’s more to watch


Nice, you had to put a big toe on that bx to keep it upright :+1:t2:


Actually the whole foot :grin:


It’s very clear how to train Xmas for the biggest buds


Gorgeous those buds swell so nicely! Dig your shower nice and big.:wink:

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Looking… Bodacious!!
:partying_face: :+1:



Ok so we got a ginger in the house! Check out the orange hairs on my A4 that’s my B2 next to it smoke report later. Also bud porn a shot of my black cream auto.

well I didn’t save the pic so here is a pic I got today of what I feel like right now!