Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Looking nice, just like mine. As soon I scrolled to the 2nd pics I busted out :rofl: Classic!

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ATTN any member lurker thinking of asking for trade, let me save you the time. Follow and participate in this thread, show me 🫵 have come here to EARN my work :face_with_monocle:


Check out the NL#2 she’s getting close.


Hey @OriginalDankmaster96 , took down the first B. She smell’s piney for sure. It was confirmed by two unbiased smell testers. I can’t wait to try it. I’ll get a couple pics of her. The nugs are hard as a rock. I can only imagine what the od are gonna do.


Holy shyt!!! Those are massive brother, I’m in awe :open_mouth: INCREDIBLE main. I’ve got the B4 intact apical so I’m excited to see how it forms as main. Good to hear you’re getting the pine, so much stronger terps when smoked. Can’t wait to hear your report and experience :wink:

The NLs look great too. I knew both were prime. That plant confirms it. What’s the odor you’re getting ?

Oh I think you’ll be shyting yourself over the BX, I’m dumbfounded what I just saw, we’ve gone UP higher on the scale. That BX is seriously valuable. I do hope you have cuts, because you’re going to want this permanently. Anyway the next post is going to FLOOR everyone :scream::star_struck::no_mouth:


I’ve been thinking about taking a couple cuts off the bx, theres plenty of lowers to get some. All of the outdoor are getting pretty big, I’d say they’re going to give cg x xmas a run for the money.


The BX3 is dry enough to burn. I consider this ‘dry weight’ so I’m too curious what did I yield, is the YIELD trait there…. Holy shyt this is unreal

First just the 2 tops, the ones I did like a Y

Just these alone (drum roll) @BudBusterPro SIT DOWN for this one

Red cup is tared 0.00


144.5 5oz 4.5 g F***K ME I’m just beside myself from ONE plant in one gallon


BX1 is dry weight now

117.1 4 oz 4.5 grams

GRAND TOTAL 9 oz 9 grams

Says hello to the real KONG not some hype ass BS!


Very very nice my friend . . Congrats.


Thanks, it’s keen intuition. The Xmas A gave me ‘yield’ indicators and I only could speculate but it’s confirmed dead on. No compromise in terps either, still as strong just MORE piney than it’s predecessor.


Congrats OD ! LOL, time to move up to 3 Gal !! :wink: :wink:


Can’t wait to try this bad boy out sometime! Did you leave the branches on for your weigh in or is that a before weigh in pic?


Damn everyone’s looking good! Almost starting to feel bad after my weigh in didn’t put up numbers like that! The plant has the capabilities I just don’t have the wattage or enough experience yet.:cry: Lmao I don’t feel bad its been fun been smoking but seems to be changing daily with the cure! So far my A1 was the stoniest. All had soild solid nugs and so far have that cooling on the exhale. Wide range from earthy, pine, menthol and possible peppermint with the cooling effect? I need to clean my glass then I’ll know for sure. Everyone’s plants looking fire!


Yes, at the moment. I wasn’t ready to clip off, let it dry slightly more, but it’s dry to burn, so I don’t consider the branches water weight. It’s not a dry snap, but it picks off like it’s dry. It’s just sticky goo…Did you get that envelope ? I’m mailing more today but I like to keep an accounting of received so I don’t have to worry it got inspected or discovered.


Nailed it! You just picked out what makes it so complex and evolving. Yes, getting slighter drier is going to hit harder and stronger in flavors, I think intensity increases drier, but still staying stick AF and gums up a grinders teeth all caked. Best to stick to scissors until not as sticky, but mine not drying out even close to a month now. Doesn’t matter, you still did GOOD! And you’re going to grow one of 4 parents to the BX3 reversal. You’ve given me a lot data that confirms a complete crossover for both. Now I know for they’re not hybrids, otherwise it would’ve been wider variation and pheno’s shown.


I should be able to try the B hanging tomorrow or Saturday morning, right after I get blood drawn for my next doctor appointment.

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Oh scissors definitely! Since the buds are so dense and hard you can easily skim bud with scissors and it actually comes out better than grinder imo. Try just scraping the tip or edge of bud over and over makes a nice fluffy pile.


I just got home from last night and I have a stack of envelopes lol. I will open everything and post shortly. I’m sure they are in there :grin:

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Killed it my friend :facepunch:t2: very nicely done the numbers don’t lie!

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I couldn’t believe it, the shrink wasn’t there after 4 days. Watching the Xmas A male the way it shed its pollen screamed yield, although I couldn’t get a read on the terps like C, but I was like it certainly has something bigger going on. Maui is 3 times what the A produced so if I’ve identified that trait, LOOK OUT :no_mouth: We may be talking super yield territory in the Corn.