Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Well it’s sounds like I’ve excited the whole family over it :relaxed: I’m happy you’re getting a refreshing change and it’s unanimous about pine terps, makes really motivated to get the gas spectrometry done. Truly rewarding to hear this, but I said I’d prove myself like I did 23 years ago and that’s exactly what I’ve done. When I started I was like I WILL DO IT and now it’s real. Happy 4th and it was a pleasure to make that desire a reality for you, for everyone that wants instead of sweet and fruit


Forget sweet/fruit :nauseated_face:


Skunk and Pine is where its at. Just to find it. Well done guys. Im envious.


There’s plenty of sweet fruity weed, im after the other ones, I have a couple superskunk going. Gonna get some stinky going on. It will compliment the pine, and smell like my backyard does sometimes. Love it man, keep up the good work. Didn’t you say you were entering this in a cup challenge? You my have a winner.:green_heart:

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I got real tired of so many dispo cultivars tasting fruity, I got extremely selective to landrace and would research what it is before buying, right down to lineages. Took me several hours sometimes before I knew I had something under its marketing label :smirk:


Yezzir gimme the funk all day everyday! Chem/Kush/Skunk/Sour I’ll puff a fruity bag to mix it up, maybe daytime but tbh I can live without permanently


Yes, both A and B are being entered. Very positive and encouraging since it’s a $50 per entry fee. I know it’s worth every penny to have the chance at this.


Excellent! I knew I had right gift that’s not for me, so you’re getting it :facepunch:

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Im pulling for you my friend, fingers crossed.:green_heart:


Out of likes like always guys, not being a dickhead @OriginalDankmaster96 you rock !


Dude fruity bud besides citrus is pretty much a hard pass for me as well.


It’s quiet in here… I know there’s more reports from other A and B’s, so whenever ready to say, I’m all ears. @420noob @Rabeats2093 @Greenfingers

I’m still getting the cuts settled in. Lost 2 TC to shock, but I have one of each the Maui, A2 adjusting and TC A growing, so I’ll have 1 of each.

Now, I’ve discovered something I wasn’t expecting, but I’ve been handed lemons. What do I mean, well the clones tagged BX3 aren’t female, they’re males. BX3 female is gone unfortunately, however this male smells and looks like Xmas, grown very short but some space between nodes. Minty/pine rub. So since I have the lemons, I’ll just make lemonade from this one and hope it’s the BX yield and glands of Xmas A that recombines what we saw in both, I still have BX1 female. So that’s the plan going forward and we’ll find out which turns out best as a toss up run off.

Today I’ve discovered another trick, sorta like my steam dry that I expect will be templated and used for years to come. For those who don’t frequent shags Island thread, it’s on there. The long and short is light decarb at 150 degrees minimum can KILL mold if caught very early, must be days, 2-3 max, but this light decarbing stops the damp odor, gives it slight decarb mixed original odor and full clean flavor, YES no mold in the flavor or even aftertaste, whatever was there is gone. it’s slightly drier, slight loss of odor but I suspect it can still sweat from the center to be slightly pliable but keep watch. Both BX1 and BX3 were more moist and sticky than anticipated going into the grove bags. Anyway forget all the other crap suggested once you know, immediately light decarb 5-10 mins, let rest to fully air out a few hours to be sure then back into the bags. It smelled so much better after the rest too, even less decarb like it’s more original smells again. Done! Don’t assume it’s completely gone, keep checking and if it smells again, do another round. Can be slightly more chocky even drier (roll tighter to solve), but it won’t taste damp. Haven’t felt anything strange, otherwise my system is susceptible to toxicities and I get nauseated bad, hasn’t happened or I’d say no go if it made me sick and dump. Buds that proclaimed experts and veterans say to trash is now a thing of the past IF early. I doubt seriously it works the same for something 2 weeks and really thick peach fuzz set in. I’d welcome my method be amended if someone does confirm longer time can save and retain its full flavors, but that’s NOT my claim here.


Indoor A came down yesterday and NL#2 coming down today sometime, when I get a chance.
NL #2


Dang! That’s does look great. Actually bigger than mother. Knew both parents were right, so definitely looks like I hit the mark on the F2’s


Sticky, thats how I would describe it. Im glad I topped it.


Very nice ! Well done


Jeez @Greenfingers, nice work. That plant has huge buds, I’m curious as what the final weight is going to be


Ok so I haven’t put smoke reports yet cause well they are changing like mad in the cure. At first most was kinda harsh with hints of flavor but now they have started to come into their own. I went through this morning and opened each grove bag and the smells are there. Mostly piney or minty cool smell couple had a pine with a citrus smell. The A1 classic indica structure is one of my favs strongest so far can’t place smoke taste somewhere between menthol cool and pine but very stoney. A2 had the open Christmas tree look not the big main cola but secondary and lowers filled out nicely. Smoke flavor is I’m not sure not much but the exhale is cooling and is like mouth breathing after eating a peppermint. B1 smokes nice not as potent but has good pine taste no cooling on exhale. C1 has a bit of a fruity smell and taste kinda like a gum flavor. C2 is great dense tight buds huge Christmas tree look and smokes great, isn’t as heavy as A1 but is very nice high. Flavor is mix of pine earth gives a bit of a cough almost everytime. So going for my first intentional reveg A4 has taken to reveg so should be able to pull clone hopefully in month or so :crossed_fingers:.

oh and I got new phone yesterday yay better pics! What do you think?


Very interesting, seems slight variation in terps but relatively consistent. The NL is definitely peppermint. The citrus must be mixed up in something eise, there’s zero, no parent had citrus terps. I’m guessing you chose A4 because it’s a bigger version of A1, just like my A2 is a bigger bud version of the original. It’s also interesting how there’s preferences. I personally smoke more A than B, like both for flavor and different effects but I prefer A, it’s always smoked down the quickest. I think you made the best choice on which to keep. Camera looks much sharper and good focus so yeah, you’re ready to show off some eye candy now :facepunch::wink:

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Actually I tried to reveg 4 of them but only one took the heat. The sun burned up the little bud spots I left lol. Didn’t have room inside now I do and she is inside to reveg. I think I like A better than B as smoke anyways not saying B is inferior just not my fav of the two.

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