Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

She’s got the heavier side of red hairs going looks good. Here’s my A that has taken to reveg like something it’s supposed to do!


Awesome to see you’ve got her successfully re-veg :+1: I will say veg is kinda slow but not that bad. Definitely worth the quality, but having multiple plants ready to flip can be fast turn arounds too.


Ya it’s out of the tent under low watt lights. It keeps the plants growing but very slowly thats how I was able to veg my bb#3 clone for 4 months before flip and have it be manageable. Here it is at week 5-6

Oh ya you ain’t crazy bro! Got my weekly growweedeasy newsletter today and it’s about good smelling buds and here’s an excerpt
her whole thing is TEACHING! other people of all skills how to grow better weed easy and correctly for amazing results😉.


Heck yeah, I might get one and just snip the wire if that’s easy :grin: I’m hardly doing that for a 350 multi air cooker. You wouldn’t believe A2, she a champ solo cup mom :flushed:


That is a hell of a solo cup.


Island Crippy 9 weeks

@FieldEffect @Tejas @blendmedmedman @Smoklahoma @OhNo555 @Bayarealivingsoil @NDNCHILD @firehead @ix3u @TopShelfTrees1 @Coda

This is WHY I used the Maui…bang on the money with the thick stalk :star_struck:

IF these turn out better than I think, the next auction will go higher. Anyway it’s close to being put in the tent


That stalk looks hella robust! It’s looking really nice so far :muscle:t2:


Indeed! That’s what I needed to show cause it wasn’t as thick last week, I was like there’s the Maui and all the reasons I suffered sinusitis hell to collect him.


So here’s a pic of my A that had the Christmas tree shape pheno after about 4 wks cure. Nice tight solid nug!


Yeah, looks like my A2 buds, she has really cured well now. I almost like it better than the original A, definitely close for only being 1 grown.


Lmao this is my A2 also! I shit you not :rofl::rofl:


Last week to nail this down after a disastrous curing on B because of all the rain that came through, although I can smoke it, it simply has no more bag appeal, very slight must. I almost thought I over dried this batch, but my hygrometer is now reading at 60% so I’m hopeful to get a weeks cure at least :sweat_smile:


Buds look like the are tightening up very nicely!

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Well, I’ve had quite a day so far. I rolled 4 pea size of the A headed for competition… First, mid way into it I screamed bloody murder on 2 major hits. I felt like it ripped out my lungs, what followed was unreal. I panicked as it shut off my saliva glands completely, thinking something else is wrong and couldn’t restore it. This was about 1:30, with nothing working, drink water, brush tongue, chew/suck on ice, suck candy, listerine mouthwash, I decided to just chow down on chips and hydrate, around 3:30 I was like just get in shower and steam some, maybe that will do it, well it wasn’t long until I crack up :rofl:, and then it hit me I had gotten way too high and coming down will restore the saliva, but this bud is EVIL the shit it does. I’m still going, still have somewhat dry mouth still so it’s very long lasting. I doubt I’m smoking again for another 2-3 hrs until the glands are turned back on. This is going to DESTROY whoever touches it and play evil shit tricks on their mind. I’m finishing out the drying now in a paper bag as I’ve been letting this one go ever so slowly the entire 5-6 weeks now right at 60/62 humidity. Seems like it’s better tasting drier than moist


ATTN auction winners, after I’m past this nail biting week I will be collecting your deets and sending out your packs. We won’t be waiting on LJ to take his sweet time, so whenever he does, you already have the seed. Money can sit, not concerned. Getting each winner’s their seed is more important to me!


Ooooh boy! Buckle up and hold on!


Mold or not, I’ve still conquered. Let me say, I’ve intuitively slowed dry by jar for 3-5+ weeks after air dry 4-5 days. Me jumping into grove bags thinking I can open them and close them like jars proved fool hardy, however my light decarb technique DID save everything, because it’s only superficial surface. When I broke up BX1 I could smell HER! She DESTROYED ME, it was mega busting crazy funk. This plant is insane stuff. What a treat :scream::exploding_head:

Anyway, the must is so mixed signal to me I’ve had to get back into jars. I’m really still curing/drying after all this time. I have 2+ year old CG and CH like bone dry being in the fridge. I consider like emergency call back on stash but I’m giving some away to “friends” and rehydrated in the grove bag, WHOA it’s time for the 70s, that’s all I’ll say.

Point is I’m learning grove bags are better for rehydrating from slow jar drying, than thinking it can be emulated to slower dry in the bags. Maybe bigger bags do, but the oz ones not enough space for this. I was almost ready to commit harry carry yet again, on the B and sure enough it was getting closer to 70% so that’s when I was like pull it ALL out and begin airing it out more, all into red cup under the marked bags from out of the bags, after my last post I needed a nap for being confused medically and fell asleep, back to to check on the jars and paper bag.

Jar steady at 61% w B :+1:

Paper bag w A, read 55% but when I jarred with meter, it read 60%. I was like let’s go back, all the big stuff BX3, B I had as entry and B4, B3 into the jars to finish more drying, especially with the larger buds. As it airs it’s getting so much better now. The A2 being thinner did much better with the bags, hence why the original A is still perfect.

I’m getting at something here btw, the bigger denser buds aren’t as suited for the bags than jar drying or perhaps larger volume works better for those. I may TRY again with a larger big bag but for now I’m staying in the jars with denser and bigger buds of the B. It’s really only HALF volume these oz bags, and even 2 doesn’t seem like the volume of space I see in the jar. I’ve got other older stuff, like the TC B and Maui C in bags when it’s taking up too much space in the jar, and those smell wonderful in the bags now.

So I’m relived to be in jars where I can air out better than I can in the bags for now at least :sweat_smile:


Insanity!!! I just spent 2 hours and 45 mins cleaning the hair strands, picking as many as possible under the silhouette of the halogen flashlight with gloves on. To put it bluntly, and yeah I’m about try some of this now, but I did the marathon to get 28g’s perfectly shaped, touched up where leaf stems are trimmed. I’m fucking beat and back is killing me, IF I don’t win this fucking thing, nothing will!!!:face_with_monocle:


I do love some mouth lock mind fuck. Sounds like you got a winner :trophy: Good luck on the competition. :grin::green_heart:


Brother, I want to go to sleep, yet my mind races and then it pulls out of nowhere Chicken Out apricot chicken salad and to look up the recipe, this is what I’m talking about when I mean mind fucked. Start digging shit out of your brain and why now out of the blue, but my mind won’t leave me alone until I feed it the apricot chicken salad now :rofl::face_with_monocle::thinking::laughing::star_struck::flushed:
