Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

I believe I’ve got two females in these CripXmas A’s. These fabric pots have taken a beating with last years grow being in 100+ temps just like it has been around here for the last two weeks. They seem to love the heat as long as you can water them just about every day.


Wonderful to hear brother :clap: I was a bit concerned you may not with the few starts, but now I can relax and watch this unfold. Really nice squat structure with those 2 :grin: Yeah, @420noob can definitely attest that claim as the desert grower :face_with_monocle:


Has anyone done a lot of defoliation on the bottom branches with these plants? I usually basically lollipop my plants, just wondering how they respond to it. Most of these photos seem to be natural growth.


YES DO IT, or she’ll do it for you as she buds, but you help the sites get more light down into the lowers and middle.

DO NOT remove those lowers! It’s special trait that blows lowers up as leaves drop.


Oh okay, I think I remember you saying you don’t now because even the lower buds rocked. Okay just making sure.


However wait until about the 3rd week as sites are too close together, it’s better done then.


Sounds good :evergreen_tree::scissors::relieved:

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Oh yeah, one thing I’m learning NOT FIM friendly or favored. I have a B I don’t like how it went, it went more popcorn style. So top or perhaps mainline.


I sure hope so. Anything is better then drying bud in a microwave.

Not exactly exposed to the MICROWAVE heat! It’s a STEAM dry that’s encased in Tupperware, it works for intended purposes. Your statement is generalized.

And before you poo poo it, know that it’s saved countless growers a fix and from BUYING when they have a plant to pick from at the bottom that’s underdeveloped and won’t get to be nice buds.

@Habitt gave the finger to his dealer :face_with_monocle:


Last week was the last time. Just waiting for the dry to finish so I can get everything into cure for proper smoke. Its happening!

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Amen! I bought at least 1000 of various oz from dispo waiting between September and December of 2021. Haven’t had to buy since then.


Good riddance to mids I say!


I haven’t bought any, I’ve been growing @OriginalDankmaster96 seeds. :relaxed:


A2 just about 3-4 weeks cured now

Yeah I know, you jumped on the CG x Xmas toe dip and now you and @mike28086 have the BEST seed as a result and oh @Rabeats2093 Still waiting on his last A and your indoor as well :wink::relaxed:


That thing looks dense. Love dense buds.


:scissors::scissors::wink::relaxed::open_mouth::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:….solid as a rock :laughing:


Outside is kicking ass, I was back picking at them taking damaged or yellow leaves off. I get in a trance when I go back there and the little B is about 3’ watch it be awesome. Thanks my friend, you da man.:green_heart:

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Nice dense bud.

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Defol yes but don’t touch those lowers no no no. Doesn’t matter if it’s the classic indica one main cola with lowers coming up or Christmas tree type phenos they will pull out and up. My main cola the lowers came 3/4 of the way up level with the top in the stretch. The Christmas tree pheno type they grew out and nice. I did clean up the smaller bud sites close to the stalk but that was for inside and poor lighting but outside just a few leaves and I’d bet those lowers will look just like the branches at the top.:+1:. Plants look phenomenal by the way!
@OriginalDankmaster96 yes nice looking nice tight perfectly manicured :ok_hand:.