Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Thanks man that makes total sense.


Today I’ve hit both the BX1 and B4 with, CripXmas C (Xmas grandad) both Xmas A and C, only this time I wasn’t stingy, coated the sites in dust with A and C. IF this doesn’t take I’ll know it’s expired. Will be popping Xmas beans and a few more BX later if that’s the case. Keep fingers crossed I haven’t been giving enough dust on previous tries :wink:


so my revegg is throwing 3 finger leaves so it’s going good!


Final day in the jars

CripXmas A original

CripXmas B original


Just had B with the wife, it’s good chit, probably why I can’t type this :joy:


Oh yeah, it comes in waves, one min ok, then next swaying and stumbling balance, followed by laughing outbursts. It’s like torture ticking :rofl::dizzy_face::star_struck:


The judges kit


So I’ve learned more about how the potency works in this line. With A and B you keep getting higher than the last. I smoked all night long, some B ( perfect pine and by the skin of my teeth :grimacing:) mostly A and A2, couldn’t sleep, the adrenaline was running. I knew was at a point of being too high, several things I’ve noticed now when it comes to eating, the first is you DON’T come down much and the 2nd is after eating enough from being way elevated, IT BEGINS the laughing fits almost near hysterical, it’s seriously like being tickled and spanked over and over again, it comes in wicked waves that are unstoppable, at times I was gasping for breath. It definitely accelerates breathing, so I bet it’s part of it, but for those who are bold and brave to really TEST your limits, that old time of reminiscence can be had. I’ve had this multiple times, and I can’t remember many others doing it for long and as consistently to me, so @Greenfingers not the waste, although it doesn’t take tons, few nugs worth. Also,

I knew I wasn’t going crazy :crazy_face: Ready to hear you A report when you are :wink:


Ok I’m gonna roll one, I’ll check back in a few.


Honestly it’s as good as B in my opinion, my wife was happy lol, I have a good buzz, I’m actually pretty stoned. The jar smells awesome, sorta sweet pine but like piney flowers. The aroma has got stronger since being jarred. Very good smoke. I took some cuttings from BX so I can run it inside. Thanks brother, add A to the top shelf category.:peace_symbol:


That’s very interesting and informative. The way you describe it is more the Xmas/TC and PTK odor, it does have floral, I rather have the melon. Everyone knows I was skeptical about that floral in PTK as I dumped the mothers and a jar sits over a year now. It seems most pheno’s have a consistent medley, slight differ from odor to flavor. The sweeter pine is Xmas, cause that’s what I get from BX3 smoke, slight funk then to pine on the back half.

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Here’s a shot of B with a month cure

Tightened right up nicely. Has a peppery taste now but cool and exhales like sucking on a peppermint.


That’s like the B3, now we’re getting the different pheno identified, it’s definitely from the NL.

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I like it in a glass bowl, tasted like really good weed lol I can’t pin it down, it kinda takes me back to when the really good green minty piney weed I used to get in the 80s. Good head stash, really hits in the forehead.


Everything is on track btw. ALL clones are growing and have a BX3 cut just starting to grow, so it won’t be too long until I find out which direction I’m taking.


Yup, I definitely say it’s Xmas, that’s the impression I got testing the male, old school stone. It’s why I was quite excited testing the dried stamens.


Whoa folks, as a stoner, I’m sure some of you drop a bud somewhere, then notice it maybe not too dried out. I found a B and damm does the PINE hit better drier and than it does moist. I’ve relayed a a message to air it out, it’s so on the money even at a week, but DEFINITELY let your bud air out, drier than normal if it’s still moist @Greenfingers @420noob :evergreen_tree::ice_cube::star_struck:


Just so everyone knows I’ve salvaged most large and medium buds, but the small popcorn did fell victim and looks far too white to try. BX1 had it the worst of all. THIS I had to trash, but I have another budding half way so not the biggest loss.


Lol I have no problem drying out bud here in the desert.lol. I did notice that these at least A and B not C so much were so dense that a day after they felt dry they had a nice crispy feel. Throw in grove bags and hit 65-67%. Usually will drop that humidity cause I can’t not pull the buds out make sure air gets evenly distributed.lol I know I don’t have to but it’s more like a last loving caress before I’m done with the flower seed to bud now going away to become better buds.


Well not completely dried out, but I’m noticing a rest after being out of the jar/bag once a little air circulation hits it is best for stronger pine, definitely icier and cooler hit. Especially when I was doing tests, the buds that rested tasted better than the ones I smoked immediately out of the bag.