Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

I really appreciate you sharing your experience, and yeah I can believe what you went through. Me and Subcool had chats about HT CC and he told me it was more marketing hype than competition. The best buds ironically were what I told him when all picked out the seed to bring back from Serious and Sensi. I was hoping it wasn’t the same stunt but apparently so. I know it’s unlike anything for pine/mint and a wild intoxicating high, you will too :facepunch::wink:


The phrase that stuck in my head years ago was “pay to play”.

That sort of nonsense really does a major disservice to the whole community.



Hell yeah! That’s perfectly said :wink:


Island Crippy week 3

Top bud

You can tell the 600 is enough since it’s not burned tips.

Closer in


Ironically the NL2 dried faster than I thought…reading 62% humidity, so I’m heading to the jar. Here’s the weigh in, which max my scale reads to, with 2 smaller branches at 5 so 124, pretty good for one plant :grin:


You don’t need those ass clowns to acknowledge you as a grower or your Crippy. You have the respect of OG for what you have accomplished. :v:


I have that same scale, man that’s an old one. Don’t know many who still have functioning ones, awesome! And they were like 175$ 25 years ago! Ahhh if my scales could talk! The drugs they have seen and weighed out. Crazy


none of those people you are referring to at that event are “ass clowns”… that’s not cool man. Some of those folks judging and organizing that event are people I consider friends.
It’s fine to disagree with results… heck if I sent my weed in it would be a slam dunk… I just know it !!!

But calling my friends assclowns… fuk that’s not cool. Not here to start drama with anyone but folks just gotta roll with it and results are what they are. Resorting to slagging people or calling out folks on the results… why??? for the love of the plant Why???
that’s all I will say on that but I’m a little disappointed in what I have read here.


I bet it would be too ! You said yourself “that’s my friends” lmao so you kinda made the point and it’s nothing personal just business, right? Lol and I’m not trying to argue either just saying the cannabis cup has been that way since year 3 or maybe 2 if I’m not mistaken:) just saying that’s why I don’t enter any of them

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Hey growmie you dont need justification from anyone! Yes winning is nice but I’ve smoked your genetics, you have smoked your genetics and a few other people on this thread have. Nuff said the bud speaks for itself. Keep on doing what you are doing man stay the course and we will enjoy your work.lol

P.s. I know you aren’t looking for justification or give two farts what others think.lol


I’ll have more to say tomorrow as I’ve been taking a break, but there is a valid point to trust if you’re an outsider from who’s friend who will favor another friend over the outsider. It’s like you said “buddies” look out for each other in things like this :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Nope you’re not mistaken. I’ve read comments about competitions in various forums, and there are lots of growers that won’t enter these commercialized events, because it’s not about competing, it’s about marketing and branding. That table the way it’s laid out shows it. They could’ve laid out a bud of all the entries instead and make it about that, showing off how they ALL ranked from the top to the bottom, but no, just 2 dark shots off in the far distance and a table full of BRANDS at the end. I bet more growers would enter if these competitions got away or lessened from that commercialized aspect…


this event was FREE to attend… even the RV spots were covered. Who pays for it??? Great Lakes Genetics. So that people can come, relax and have a good time… for free.
This was not a commercialized event this was a gathering of friends and has been only open to members of a small site up until this year when Shag decided to open it up to members of OverGrow.
The entry for the cup is also FREE… unlike any other judging event I have followed. All of those events charge a gate fee, a camping fee, food fees and cup entry fees.

So you guys are straight up talking out your asses. Being little children about this.
I got no skin in the game really. I am a member of that small site where this annual event started. I have been unable to attend a single one because I am in Canada and it my busy growing season. These people are folks I have come to trust over the years and call some of them friends. None of the winners are members of the site where this started, they are breeders that drop thier gear at great lakes and other banks. To suggest a free cup was rigged… man you guys got some balls.
The sad part is I’m guessing the event will go back to being a private event and no one from OG will be invited next year.
grow up, suck it up and move on and quit slagging good people… its not cool no matter how good you think your weed is.


FALSE I paid 100 bucks!

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No, but the impartiality can be questioned trying to JUDGE with dabs and edibles in the mix, discerning what really sticks out. I just read an article how a judge at a HT CC in Nor Cal just got very high trying to get through 25 samples in a week. He remarked how some judges just raced though theirs in a day…that made me think is it truly fair judging ?

Another place I just found called the East Coast Connoisseur Cup, IS free, required only 1/2 than a full oz and the judging was done over a months time back in July. It also says judges are hand picked, so no buddy buddy tricks I presume there.

THIS has the right idea of fair competition than all RUSHED. Might do that next year if I’m still growing for the BX.


I miss my top choice of pheno A now that its gone…distinct smell and taste deff a cool smell to the nose also I would say some kind of evergreen smell that’s for sure ! could pick it out of a crowd anywhere !
Good work brother and sorry for the delay !

Sorry about the contest :grimacing:


Did you get any feedback from people?

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Thanks everyone for YOUR SUPPORT, it was uplifting to see while I needed a break. I realized I fell for a marketing stunt and put misplaced trust where I shouldn’t ve, but it’s over and I’ve taken another lesson of life that’s learning

@Tejas Harsh, however you’re right, I don’t need those individuals that don’t appreciate what I’ve accomplished to acknowledge or justify it’s ‘quality’

@420noob you’re absolutely right, and MORE will find out soon, just like you and @Greenfingers Those that want the terps, will appreciate the pure profile it is.

@TopShelfTrees1 Yeah, when you buy off the street and from unknowns, it’s stupid NOT to have it. The amount of shorting was ridiculous. Bought QP’s at a time, some were 10-14 short :man_facepalming:

@SHSC-1 I respect THOSE are YOUR friends. I don’t dispute the results. I’m DISAPPOINTED of the IG portrayal, which is 90% merchandise display and 10% plant. Left in the dark. ZERO rankings given. Could’ve been more interactive and real time progress standings for the fee charged. I don’t believe my opinion will prevent any OG from attending again, but I don’t think entering a competition among “friends” will be looked upon favorably. Furthermore, when I arranged things cracks were made about my shrink wrapping from vac seal “crushed” bud shape but I was told to double vac seal. So your friend wasn’t welcoming at all, rather nonchalant attitude. I’ve already ‘sucked it up’ by finding a competition that rails against the HT model for next year. I’ve said my peace about the matter

NOW it’s time get back to the PLANT

BX1 is ready and you will see more visuals evidence of the cake in close ups

B4 ready as well

BX2 looking good


None! That’s what really disappointing as well, all the goodies shared falls on deaf ears. That shows me it was all unappreciated to not even comment.

You have the A BX brother, consider those gold. No one else is getting those now. You’re lucky before I found out how good those turned out.


I appreciate it !
I’m glad I finally got lucky :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Good luck on the voyage