Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

So one of my cripXmas A is ready to flower. I don’t remember if I mentioned but I decided to put her in the ground! First plant in the actual earth. Thinking tomorrow see how fast she finishes on a reveg.

Was outside in dark for couple hours so looking a bit down.


Looking good, certainly has a different leafier appearance outside but I see nice glands. I guess the sturdiness can withstand a tropical storm even :face_with_raised_eyebrow: BOTH can put me sleep if I’m tired or smoked enough , the amber side will help here. Might need to pop a few more Bs to find a female as this one is heavier. What happened to the Maui ? I’ll be looking forward to your smoke report when ready. Thanks for updating :facepunch::wink:


So it does good outside in the desert too, very interesting to hear. You’ve definitely done well re-vegging the plant. Seems like it does well on re-veg mode. Carry on, I’ll be watching :eyes:


Well here’s a bit more to watch.

I imagine it should “switch” to flower pretty quickly. My other photo outside has been showing flower for 3-4 wks.
Does revegging reset the plant? Like it should stretch and all the same cannabis plant behavior for the most part right? Maybe finish a little slower but basically the same?


Super excited about this one. The Maui is doing great. I’ll post some pictures tomorrow. I’ll update pictures of everything. I have my growing room set to lights on at night to help combat the heat we’ve been getting the last several years around this time. I find this set up works best for me.
I’m looking forward to a smoke report myself :wink:!!

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Yes, but flowering can be different as many more smaller nugs. I don’t know about CripXmas but TC self re-veg produced many more smaller nugs. The clone grow was bigger nug. Let’s watch and see if it’s the same as the seed cycle or smaller :thinking:


Thanks for the heads up. Breeding is a whole new road I’ve decided to head down so I’m expecting pot holes. It’s difficult to sort through all the mess some have created. I have four packs of fire Berries from chron don I planned on hunting for a good male to use on some fem lines I like. I’ll keep an eye out for issues with that one. Thanks!

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I had some bad insomnia myself, felt just like the way described it fight club. Best plant I found for Seroquel bred by Omuerta. La Plata’s Alien Bubba did a decent job too. I’m trying out some beans soon a vet buddy turned me on to from an east coast seed company. Two guns, a guy, and a seed company I think. Owner is a vet and he’s worked some lines for those dealing with PTSD


Romulan Bx1 is good for PTSD Jake has continued his dad’s work :slight_smile: I love that pine terp! PS I bet these dank master has been working also ate good for PTSD heavy pine terp but this is only me guessing but not for too much longer :slight_smile:


Here is the Maui as it stands today.

And here is the other CripXmas A that is a 2-3 weeks behind the one from yesterday as far as flowering goes. I didn’t put this one out until 2-3 weeks after the first one.

Here is CripXmas B #2. My #1 ended up being a male and had to go into my composter.

I’m a little concerned about this one being a male as well.

I’m gonna let it ride a couple more days until I make sure I don’t kill a female.

On another note, has anyone ever seen this before? Its a Purple Pineapple Bomb from Snowhigh that I let reveg. Seems to have been attack by a grasshopper or similar but I’ve never seen it eat all the external green flesh leaving only the center of the stem alive. And now its even starting to flower along with the rest of the plant.

It is literally all the way around. So strange to see this alive still.


So 24 hrs after transplant and she is rocking.

So I had to get kinky with some bondage.


I wondered if Romulan had a pine pheno. I should of grabbed that pack. Those guys I mentioned on th e east coast have a 79 Xmas pheno heavy on the pine they hunted from CSI’s gear. Out of stock tho


She took to the tie down well actually see way more bud sites than I had thought! Nice flat canopy right now but I know it’s not gonna stay that way.

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Yes romulan Bx1 has a heavy pine pheno I found 4 phenos from heavy pine to heavy skunk with a hint of pine :slight_smile: the heavy pine is my favorite! :slight_smile:


Starting to get smells from the crippy A,B. I’m getting a sweet candy smell from them right now


Note; I have not used this seed bank before but it was posted on the romulan genetics website as one of there seed bank partners
So I figured that they were safe


It’s like bubblegum, but dries way differently after. This is TC. The A should be a little peppery though.


Still early, very first faint smell. I’m looking forward to seeing how it evolves

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Yes, the odors change near the end, the NL2 in B4 gives me more of a pine odor finish.


You’re getting me anxious to start those Romulan :yum: but I need to wait for space lol.