Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Lot of it lost smells after cure in my opinion. The taste was there but the open the jar and smells like a Christmas doesnt smack you in the face. Now 2 wks cure was strong over 3 weeks the smell faded can smell when break up the weed really good. I cured in grove bags and jars cause I didn’t haven enough bags for all the different plants from your run lol. So jars got used as well.


I just saw this and thought I’m fresh, took out the jar of cripxmas A and stuck my nose in it. Still has awesome smell, maybe a little more subtle but it still smells great.:peace_symbol:


Anybody get any decent smoke reports yet or still curing?


Awesome work guys


Well I’ve figured out WHY I didn’t do well. It didn’t occur to me my odors weren’t strong enough, hence probably being low on the points of scoring. Everything else was probably on point, except that. Based on what both of you say, it’s not the drying or lack of, it’s genetically. So for the next go round, I’ll be inquiring which “stands out” as odoriferous, without simply not competitive for submitting. I plan to be more strategic in my approach :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Smell isn’t everything. It can be a good indicator of a good plant but who knows what these judges even really go for? Effect is what I want. You go to the wrong cup and they may just want bag appeal… you know the cookies generation. Start your own cup. Some michigan z labs shit is irrelevant. I know it may mean something to you but even the biggest cup in cali (emerald cup) doesnt mean much. It is more of a pat on the back to all the humboldt people.


Smoke is fire AF! CripXmas A had more potency and B was good all around smoke. A was my fav and will get you lit fast stupified! B was better to get things done. I had 4 A and 3 B and pretty much stable across the plants except for the one bubblegum scented B.



So incredibly well said, and I agree smell isn’t everything, but I want Crippy to have recognition. It’s long past time and deserving of this title. It isn’t so much for my horn tooting, but for this lineage that’s old and rare.


So I should keep cuts of a,b, nlc is what your saying. The atlas seed I’m growing is great smoke, strong, tasty, long lasting effects with a muted nose


Thanks for the update @420noob, it sounds like you can’t go wrong :slightly_smiling_face:


Yep! I have a cut of A I revegged and is now outside in the ground going for round 2. After a few plants I e had and didn’t take a cut of was mad I lost that specific one. So I take or try to take a cut of every confirmed female just before flip or after couple days if waiting for sex to show. If not happy with original I can toss the clone.lol still have cut of one plant from my first grow coming up on 2 years now.


I’ll be sending you BX1 x CX C and Island Crippy shortly, so you will have it again, even better!


I’ve shuffled A2 mom to join and into 1/2 gall bag and will have a new one instead, so it’s ALL underway


A is showing signs of flower finally lol it’s been 17 days. Got a nice flat canopy let’s see if I can get a bunch of colas.


Week 6

@FieldEffect @Tejas @blendmedmedman @Smoklahoma @OhNo555 @Bayarealivingsoil @NDNCHILD @firehead @ix3u @TopShelfTrees1 @Coda @Sodapop @OldGator @District_Flora @Granola

Well I thought it might be longer but now I’m not so sure I’ll make it to week 8 with amber heads already appearing :thinking:

Dropping down to 550 and preparing for full flush now


Small bud broke off a few days ago…

It definitely hits like Corn and taste :+1:, less floral, although it’s uncured. I’m not picking up Maui terps either.


Sounds like something that could use some of the Temple Flo in it!


Here is some of the biggest lowers off of CripXmas A1 that has been drying for around 12 days or so.

Not much smell other than a light dried grass at this moment. I do remember that even in early stem rubs there was really no smell coming off this lady. I really have to get my plant count down in the garden so that I can pop a bunch of these at the same time for a real hunt. I mean the yield is looking to be pretty sweet with the main colas being as big as I’ve ever grown so far plus this trichome covered girl is sticky.

I have to un-gunk my scissors every couple of minutes. I’m gonna cure it as see how it hits me. May have to just make some edibles with this batch and hope for a more stinky one down the road.

Here is my CripXmas A2 that should be ready in a few weeks or so. This one has a slight stem rub smell but hard to put a finger on how to discribe it since its still kinda weak at this point. Hope it intensifies soon.

I’ve got the Maui outside in a 7 gallon fabric pot and is about a foot and a half tall now.


Here’s my cripXmas A outside doing great. I’m happy since my first in ground plant.



Oooh hope she’s a monster!


How about a outside cripxmas update.
Cripxmas A

Little B and big B

AB bx