Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Thanks @OhNo555 Im happy you’re liking the show and getting eager to pop those beans I bet :relaxed:

Island Crippy

@FieldEffect @Tejas @blendmedmedman @Smoklahoma @OhNo555 @Bayarealivingsoil @NDNCHILD @firehead @ix3u @TopShelfTrees1 @Coda @Sodapop @OldGator @District_Flora @Granola

52 days DONE. IF you wanted more amber up to 54-56, but it’s already 20% as it is. Keep ppm at 600-650. Keep her moist but not wet. I’ll show you the Corn fickleness, so IC is entirely a better overall plant to manage.

Corn, and I’ve tried so much with her, ph adjusting, lime dressing and NOTHING works, it’s frustrating but mainly for cuts, so you can see the difference. I’ve had trouble with both in the nutrient absorption levels

Well, that’s a wrap. I’ll be doing the weigh in and full smoke report in a week and how the sample compares , but it’s definitely ALL Corn in the budding traits so my plant is a good example of what to look for.

Has anyone noticed I’ve been harvesting on and off since June, quite the run as of late, but now it’s time for the seed, which probably next week I’m starting 1st round of the pollinations

You can see how big these sacks are. Just about ready to collect


Dropping…I’m too curious about this one


Starting to get all sparklely like!


Nice choice! I know for a FACT there’s gems in there. I personally know the creator and he swore to me it’s there, actually promised us cuts but our friendship and his time was sadly cut short. Looking forward to these very much


I’ll be watching @OriginalDankmaster96, I have a pack of those too. I’ve been curious how stinky it is.:skunk:


I have heard that the Uncle Fester’s Skunk (I’m aware that yours is the roadkill skunk) is unremarkable on its own, but really brings out the terps in a cross where it’s the male plant.
Maybe something else to play with if you felt so inclined!


I was just weighing the Island Crippy which is just about dry enough for the jar, so here it is

Some of the tops. Buds remind me broccoli florets

I’ve decided to revegg

:sweat_smile: I got impatient on the 2nd day and added another, now I’ve got 4/4

@TopShelfTrees1 Thats excellent to hear. Im looking forward to how it goes. I first heard talk about this at the beginning of this thread comparatively to “legends” before I could confirm anything authentic with both TC and Corn, but you’re now seeing more results, especially how it cuts through other varieties. Glad you’re around to see the results :wink:

@HeadyBearAdventures Oh that is INTERESTING indeed, so it’s in the category of Xmas and G13. I believe I am inclined to look and watch for a suitable male. It sounds like a high probability of being used, especially enhancement of terps

Pollen is definitely in the air, the Maui C has loads of bulging calyx, so there will another giveaway to come of the BX2.

Week 2

Sometime between this week I’ll be hitting them, but there’s already some of the single calyx under the node that show hard shell, so it’s started regardless of me

TC A front left
Maui A front right
CripXmas A center
CripXmas B center right
CripXmas A2 back center


I hit my super skunk with uncle fester skunk pollen I got from another og, I just cut it down the other day, guess I’ll know if there’s seeds soon.:peace_symbol:


This cripxmas AB bx is a beast, under all those leaves is monster buds.


Oooh that sounds like a great cross! SS x UFS18 nice


I didn’t get any seeds or I marked the wrong branch I pollinated.:astonished:


Damn, sorry to hear that.

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That just happened to me also. Ton of potential good crosses that didn’t happen :disappointed:


:weary: sucks hearing this, so many variables though


Chit happens


It was pretty warm in my flower room this summer. Could have been the problem, I came home to 100 degree temperatures.


I wonder if those old Dry-Ice air-conditioner in a pail would help out in peak heats @Greenfingers

This one seems to be pretty current, and “3-days cooling…!”


Adding co2 also! I’m going to need to watch that


2 year anniversary at OG :partying_face:

Island Crippy smoke report

Needed more time having more bite to flavor before mellowing out. Trying to nail down the profile hasn’t been easy, but I believe it’s a mix of terpinolene and myrcene, pungent herbal pine, gas and musk hit w total expansion and brutal force, leaves a tangy tingling aftertaste. Soon after, it wrecks ya hard, eyes super heavy, face starts to feel numb, head feels wobbly like it’s heavier feeling. My forehead feels sweaty. I smoked half that bud last night in the pic, and passed out. Definitely headier smoke. At times reminded me of Green Crack experiences. It works well, but I wouldn’t say as piney menthol cool CripXmas. It definitely needs more, which could balance out. Need more feedback here, which Im gonna be sending out @Greenfingers @420noob @HumblePie420 @Emeraldgreen

Collected 8 more bags. I have one for @SkunkHunt101

Notice there’s spacing between nodes. I remember @Emeraldgreen say he liked more node distance, so I believe going in the direction of the A BX is right. Seems to be short but not too, fast and heavy traits.

My perception of time is warped, thought it was was week 3, Im almost at it, so Im already hitting earlier. I’ll hit them again in a week for a 2nd layer

Looking great @Greenfingers I agree, A BX is a winner! I’ll be looking forward to your impressions of it

3 RKS up, one looks a little weak


So my cripXmas A reveg is coming along nicely. Now she is in the ground she is really kicking out the pine smell. So much more than any of them did inside. So this is 35 days Outside in the ground so 35 days if flower.