Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Definitely like the spacing on those.
Congratulations on your two year anniversary!:tada::tada:


You got it my man @OriginalDankmaster96. My CripXmas A2 is sooo close to coming down. She’s a big woman and so glad I saved a cut. VERY excited to run the whole pack to see what shakes loose. It is for SURE my go to for end of the day and then to sleep. I’ll take pictures but these buds are pretty damn big! My Maui is starting to flower as well now since the outside daytime is getting shorter. I’ll show that as well. Just typing here at night but will for sure not miss documenting it. Exciting times bros.


How long did you cure?

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Congrats! Awesome


About a week so far, it’s still developing though.


My cripxmas trio,
Cripxmas A

Cripxmas B the small one.

Cripxmas AB bx, this one and the bigger B had some rot.

Still have a lot of good smoke to look forward to.


Week 3

Maui A

Seed is set! I decided to redo TC A being stubborn to take last night, but I think I see swelling now :wink: Now it’s just waiting for the finish.

RKS up and doing well. Definitely had that initial elongation so glad I planted half way in the cup and then fill the elongated stem

@420noob Looking really nice on OD. Definitely seems suited for the desert

@Greenfingers Yeah those do look good, but how much as a percentage had rot ? You think A BX is the heavier of 2 ?


Great news on all fronts! Nice :facepunch:t2:


Well now it’s like most people’s summer highs 85-90 lows 58-62°


Thanks @TopShelfTrees1 as you said above “many variables” present when doing pollination. It’s never certain :face_with_monocle::facepunch: I just hope to see confirmation within the window, especially harder/solid calyx pinch feel. I feel relieved when it’s a solid pinch :relaxed:

@420noob Well, I meant drier conditions, as wetter seems to be prone to developing rot from density. I was hoping faster flowering would evade it, but it’s good to learn what conditions it’s suited to grow in and not.I haven’t done it yet, but will shuck out the BX1 x CX C (same male) that did the NLC and get ready to send out, along with IC pack and @Greenfingers too.

Now I have an update on Island Crippy cure. It’s changed more, it’s a smoother bouquet of pine-gas-pepper-floral, it isn’t as raw bitting. I actually like how it blends together, still hits hard, but definitely better than straight Corn. So takes awhile to get the terps to meld, but it’s definitely better fire when it does :fire::yum:


I was concerned that my CripXmas plants were gonna develop bud rot as well since they got so thick. One more than the other, but they only lost some of the tippy tops of buds due to dam caterpillars.

Both of my CripXmas A’s are harvested and now drying. I’ll chime back in with pictures when I jar them up. Then again when I smoke them. I got excited on harvest day and actually forgot to take one last picture of them before I cut them down. Truly the biggest buds I’ve grown so far and SO sticky.


BX is even bigger, so you’ll be impressed when you get to do those. Look forward to pics and results. You did great! Nice twin stalk cola’s underneath the dense vegetation :+1:


Ok gotcha :+1:! So day 40 flower

cripXmas A reveged


Just checked A2 seed, and this popped out cleanly from the bottom node… I’m going to test germination

Re-veg failed on me, that’s my 2nd attempt but I’m thinking intensity of LED too high and needs to be lower, however having BX2 dropping dust made its way there, and now IC x BX2 will be in place. There’s a weak stunted deformed RKS and another growing but it’s tip is showing weakness too. So there may be only 2 RKS, but just as well. So now Corn will get those stronger mint/pine terps of double Xmas and TC. TC and Corn could be super powerhouse. I think this next grow will be special around Xmas time.

About a week

Weak RKS

Strong RKS

IC x BX2


Cripxmas A front and Cripxmas B in back. It smells wonderful in here.


Awesome to hear! Which do you think did best in overall size ? The B NL pheno has more pine than sweet like her mother, so sounds like you got that one. Look forward to how the BX compares flavor/potency when ready.


Been stupid busy until Sunday!
Anyway crippy doesn’t like cold wet weather at all. I took some samples from each plant to try. I lost more than half to bud root of each of the seed plants of A and B. The NLC held up better and the sfv crippy held up the best. The clones held up better than the seed plants also.
Smell- got sweet smells from everything. Upon grinding a faint pine smell did pop up.
Potency- was told it’s potent and works well on physical pain.
My report so far. Any questions just ask


I personally think A did the best overall, no rot or mold, she smells awesome, yield looks nice, those buds are hard, stacked & frosty.

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A definitely held up better than the B did.
Did you have a wet season @Greenfingers ?

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Yes, if it weren’t for the rot B had some nice buds too. Even AB bx is good if you can keep them dry. Maybe a greenhouse. Hmmm, where can I find one of those?

Oh yeah I bought one just need to build a base to connect it to so it doesn’t blow away :joy: