Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

I have some clones going in the hoop house now. They appear to be doing great
We dug holes and set the posts with concrete with rebar sticking out to address the wind issues

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Sorry to hear it wasn’t the greatest :pensive:Do you think it doesn’t like long periods of cold wet conditions or any ? I do think it’s been “above average” for rain so may not be so bad when it’s an average season. Remember though, I told ya you could harvest right around 40 days. Did you let it go longer as I was thinking mid Sept at the latest. The sweet is like Bubblegum of B but A definitely doesn’t have sweet, should be more minty spice, but I’ve said many times going by odor isn’t how the flavor tastes, especially B. Probably needs more curing but it should get better later. Glad to hear it good for the physical pains though.

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Hmmmm perhaps it’s the B that should be scrapped, seems like more problems than A has turned out to be, however the BX may turn it towards the A side.

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I think if it was last year it would have been soooo much better. My area has been cold and really wet. In a 6 week period we had 8 inches of rain over normal this year.
I also wanted to see how far I could push it.
My sense of smell is not great, but I got sweet on both a and b.


I like em all, I’m gonna smoke em all.:wink:


Well, we can see if the BX for B holds up better for next year :wink: Yeah I know, the weather patterns are extreme to say the least…

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It’s a trip trying to get outdoor genetics for regions after so much time indoors. I think we lost so many outdoor genetics when we all went inside unfortunately


Exactly! The majority of genetics bred are acclimated indoors.


It’s been fun trying to take all these indoor clones outside and seeing how they preform


Yeah I’m starting to see which is more preferred, that’s part of this test. Determining which is more favorable, thus why A BX2 is being crossed broadly. I believe A is the path to follow, especially turning the B towards more TC/Xmas pheno from PTK expression.


Maui C loaded with BX2 seed


Looking fantastic, nice coat of frosting, the trics are standing tall.:+1:t2:


Just found this at HTG. Yup you guessed it, and I’m ON IT!


Here are the two biggest colas of CripX A. Really great yield. I did have to throw away about 3/4 of an ounce because of bud rot. They were just so damn dense, I love it! I be they would grow so much better indoors getting blasted with my 6 fans. I may have to try that this winter. I can keep that room warm but cannot seem to keep it very cool in the summer as temps reach lower 90’s in there even with my portable ac right inside the same room.

I gave them a rush trim just to take a quick picture. I did clean them up better before tossing them into jars.


Haha awesome! Hope it works as I know a few strains I’d love to try it on!

@HumblePie420 nicely done! I agree , probably way more girth and density inside if done right with full light etc.


@TopShelfTrees1 I’ll definitely tell ya if it’s worth it or not to bother. Needed Liquid Karma anyway, so 20 buck trial to get free shipping :smirk:

Really NICE :star_struck: size. That’s exactly like A2 gave me. Well we know size is far better :+1: Glad that made results better :smiling_face:

How’s the Maui going ? I’m so curious if it’s giving off the odor I’m getting

This is what I’m disappointed about, the level of resistances shown, however I believe I may have the solution, IC, why ? The Corn has Frisian inbred and now has Maui too, and soon we get to see IC in the CX A. So my hunch of introducing tropical lineage of a pheno male A could help boost the resistances to the next generation in the line. I’ll need to see what shows, but I’d like to have this ready for the start of next season to test run outside, but it’s clear CX B is only suited for indoors/greenhouse at this point due to dense foliage growth and dense bud. It sounds like by consensus A did better at fairing above average wet conditions overall, but still needs higher resistance worked in due to density to flower uninhibited in the open outdoors. The BX doesn’t have as dense foliage of either so the spacing combined with Hawaiian lineage of IC could be the ticket. Unfortunately, I can’t know anything since I don’t have humid conditions, so I’m only theorizing until it’s grown out.

Now what I’m about to show is the evolution from TC to CX A2, and it’s clear how it’s improved and will continue to.

Btw since everything is closer to being done I’m holding on sending, but when I do, expect a literal seed box. The next run won’t be so much of a ‘test’ per se, but more rather a ‘grow and show’ - though I won’t be requiring everyone to show if they’re unable to. I want to reach a consensus from the 5 to see how they will rank, and what ends being most preferred at the end.

Week 5


CX A (f3)

CX A2 (f4)

Maui A

This one is unquestionably pine odor. I think this may be a surprise with the BX2

Added old mom of TC A and TC B


About 2 weeks

I did have to uproot again and bury deeper at the bottom. This usually indicates legginess. We’ll see. I’m happy as long as they are sturdy and upright :wink:

The 3 IC x BX2

Considering what I just wrote about these, seems like this will be the next phase IF it proves higher resistance

A2 just about ready but not until I’m done with the last BX2 male.

Last male, definitely not as dense growing looking at it so hopefully that helps open it up


So my cripXmas A reveg outside is getting there. Between 7-8 wks so I know they are gonna be done quick looking good!


Super frosty! Nice


FAF id say.


Damn straight bro :facepunch:t2: