Danny’s Forever home

Girls moved to the tent. Trellis is up and ready to go. I am going to be topping here within the next week or so. Lost one plant to transplant shock moving it up from the solo cup. Not a big deal it was a burnt punch which I’m not the most excited about.



I do not have any pictures because my phones camera broken! Getting a new phone Monday or Tuesday!
Took cuttings of all the creature panics and mindflayers. When I took the cuts I used riot cubes soaked in water and orca. When taking the cuts I cut at a 45 degree angle. I scrapped the first layer of plant off dipped in clonex and domed them all.
I also have received a cut of Wilson zero! All these starts have grown through the trellis and had thriving on my soil mix. I have my watering down to a science and can tell if the plants are thirsty. (This wasn’t a thing in hydro)
I flipped on the 27th, I’m looking for a 60 day pheno of each. 67-70 is acceptable. Must wash at 15% or higher on dry weight. Both are supposed to have high surface area which is good for washing as well. So foxtailing is expected!
Can’t wait to post some photos soon!


Hey guys I got my new phone early!!! Whooooooo!!! here’s some pictures of what I’m working on.

Let’s start here with the grape cream cake f2 cuts, (original bloom cut) vibing and going wild. I will be up potting these girls within the next week to 3 gals.
The ones in the dome are cuts of the mind flayer (2 different phenos) creature panic, (5 different phenos) and Wilson zero (original cut)

There’s the flower tent blowing up, only 5 days into flower!!! Super healthy!
So far mind flayer #2 and creature panic #2 have impressed me with vigor and growth!
On the far side we have the burnt punch that I honestly didn’t even take cuts of because they grew so slow.


Your new phone takes great photos.

:green_heart: :seedling:

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Thank you!!!

In the first few weeks I’m doing heavy lst. Do make sure the canary stays pretty even. Some of the taller at branches I snapped trying to train and can’t train because they are weaker than the others. Super excited to find some keepers out of this mind flayers and creature panics.
The Wilson cut and grape cream cake cuts are exploding!


Well… I fucked up tremendously. Two nights in a row I left the a/c unit running upstairs. It doesn’t have a temp gauge so it just keeps running and pumping cold air. Both nights outside it got to 55 ish. So my room dropped that low from being 80-85. 80% of my plants Herm’d out, but to keep them I’ll be plucking balls.


Bummer for sure, but I’m sure ypu can save em. Just gotta be vigilant :v::+1:


For sure!!! I’ll be super vigilant!! took cuts, they herm’d as well. But I heard you can get them to stabilize after a while again. Who knows I don’t mind plucking balls. Doesn’t seem like they are growing much more. I deserve it for not being more mindful about the temp and how a swing like that would probably make them think “shit we are starting to flower way to late”
I know it’s not a genetic thing because it wasn’t just one strain or one cultivar. It was either the low temps or the childish water I used to water them. Shoulda kept it room temp.


All we can do is live and learn! I’ve made many mistakes as I go along as well, won’t be the first/last.

You’ll do well, these kinds of lessons are hard learned, but never forgotten. :+1::v:


100% agree still new to growing only my 2 year and first true soil run!


I learn something new here all the time.

:green_heart: :seedling:


The plants have stoped throwing new balls so far after I fixed night temp flux and watering temperature. I felt discouraged about this grow for a few days after herming almost the whole room. But I’m bouncing back strong and feel great about it. The plants are still stretching a lot and will be done next week. I’ll bottom or “lollipop” on Monday!


Plants are doing great! Loving this grow!:joy:


Up potting all the grape cream clones today. Culled all the clones except the mind Flayer #1 and creature panic #3 because they didn’t germ and they have the smell profiles I’m going for!
The mindflayer #1 has super fat pistils and is stacking on the frost fast.
The creature panic #3 smells like lemonade and is pink. I like the stretch on it as well.

Whoa, who am I… where have I been…?
Well I haven’t officially posted here for 3-4 months! Crazy.
Since I have started a new job as a HEAD HASH MAKER! Whoop! The company I work for has had issues with the rosin side of things and just couldn’t get it going. They didn’t know what washed in their genetics and every time they pressed the rosin’s grade was 1/6 stars!

The top is the hash I produce while the bottom was what they were able to come up it the before!


Warm vs cold cure!