Danny’s Water Kingdom

By no means do I think I have mastered growing or even come close but I have no stress taking care of the plants or doing any work for them anymore. It’s become second nature and every time I pop a seed it’s happier than the last. This only makes me super excited for my future and what I’m going to achieve.

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Been 8 last day since full tent photo.


Another week gone, my watering schedule is now up to 3 times a week. The babies in the back want at least 4-6 gallons a week. The middle one has the tightest node spacing I’ve personally ever grown.
Just a reminder of what I’m using in my grow,
•Connoisseur Grow A&B (Connoisseur has better ingredients and also Cal Mag that’s Chelated. Bound with amino acids so the plants can uptake nutrients easier)
•Rhino Skin
•Orca (every feed)
•Growers Recharge (1x every two weeks)


A buddy is bringing me a cut of some Grape Cream Cake from bloom.
He himself doesn’t make hash but he wants me to try it out because it’s meant for hash.


Cleaned all fans in 8x8 and turned them on for more airflow now that we are coming up on flower.

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Another week gone by here’s a wide shot update of the girls.

Did a bunch of de fanning on them two days ago and train under the trellis.


My hands are shaking, ready to pop that timer to 12/12. Going to start my new grow a few weeks into flower. The next selection has been picked for a breeding project of mine!
Decided to cross more than one thing to the dread bread and pick my favorite.
The 3 crosses are
•grape cream cake x dread bread
•gg4 x dread bread
•runtz buttonz x dread bread


Had a thought, don’t know how much science or evidence is behind it but. I think starting plants in smaller containers in soil benefits the plants growth rate because all the water is easily absorbed. My next grow I’m going to start in solo and 5 gallon and see if there’s a difference in size after 30 days!
Also bought a pack


Another wide shot of the room and a close up of one of the gg#4’s. I made a mistake did realize her rez was empty and thought she had nute burn. So I gave her plain water and recharge. But today, 3 days later I came to the conclusion that she was HUNGRY. I’m seeing multiple deficiencies from hunger.
Everything’s back on track now!


Got my grape cream cake f2 cut today. Super excited to work with that next run. Thinking of trying just build a soil next run! Either way I’m doing a full soil run now that I’m getting a hang of it.


Cracked 5 chem dog d and 3 of the velvet moon. Super excited. This will be my next run along with my clone of the grape cream! Last minute change my mind on the burnt punch.


All is well in the 1st week of flower. New growth looks good.


420 has been crazy not only for my job but my grow tent as well. 2 of my 3 gg4 plants have hermed out week 3 and I have killed them. Due to this I am no longer doing my the dreaded gorilla grow project.


Taking these girls down tonight.
The pictures are of the goji og!


Nice photos man. Do you keep and clone moms and if so what? Are you hunting for certain flavors?

Sucks balls on the Hermie’s. Any idea what may have caused it?

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Hey thanks man!!!I didn’t keep any phenos of these certain ones! Gg#4 herms a lot anyway so a back cross made it even MORE likely too. Bodhi warned of that happening so it was all one me and taking a risk.
I am doing a pheno hunt as we speak on my other blog. If you go to my page you can see it! Or just look up Danny’s forever home!
There I’m pheno hunting through 5 creature panics from Solfire and mindflayer also Solfire.
I’m going for a sweet vanilla flavor like cream, and want a pheno that washes well!
I have two cuts already that are known keepers
Wilson one! Oni
Grape cream cake #2 bloom cut!