Danny’s pops his soil cherry in an 8x8

What’s up weenies?
I’m back and I’m better than ever. I’ve moved into my new home have my 8x8 tent set up with a 600w rspec and a 600w Cali light works cob. I’m doing a hydro run in there now but that’s not what this thread is about.
I’ve currently popped 50 seeds and the strains included are:
Sensi star JOTI
Gods green crack (extractor edition) JOTI
Mendo sunshine Bodhi
Pinball Wizard Bodhi
2 double grape autos Mephesto
ChemdxchocolateD X Christmas tree bud (420 2021 edition) useful
Choco D X skywalker og useful
Sherbert X forbidden fruit CSI
I may be forgetting one but I couldn’t tell you as of now.
I’ve put them in rapid rooters to start their lives, going to up pot to final homes in 2 weeks. Using M3 living soil which im super excited about!


Welcome back Danny. That is a lot of babies you have growing.

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hmm living soil, Ill change it to highest priority, Ill be around

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Yes it is a lot xD

That’s quite a list you’ve got there. Gonna have to pull up a chair for this one.

As an aside, when the M3 soil bag says to pH your water to 6.5, I’ve found you need to be somewhere close. Plain off-gassed tap water at pH 7.9-8.1 definitely isn’t close enough.


I can’t wait to see your ggc extractor edition! mine are just normal edition

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Thanks for the advice I will pump air for 24 into my water then ph accordingly!

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Hoping to find a cut to keep of that so I can do just straight up extraction runs for my press. If I find anything worth keeping I’ll send some cuts out for people to try!

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That’d be amazing!

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I’m excited for that and the sherb x forbidden fruit cross! Hoping to find a sweet girl out of that pack. No matter what all the fems will be kept which is like 15 out of 50 then the other 10-15 plants I keep will be all the other regs.

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The pinball wizard 420 2021 edition blew all the other seeds out of the water! 3 of them are already up before 24 hrs!

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Most of the seeds have popped, one died because the widow shut on it but I’m not worried about it. I got 49 more I guess :joy:


I have up potted and used my old 2x2 frame to hold my Mars ts1000 and hlg100 v2 full spec. For veg as of now. Once the auto flowers are done under the hlg I’m going to move the dress read, willie dog and runtz buttonz out and move these girls in and finish the other ones with the California light works. The plan may change depending on how impressed I am with the girls flowering. That’s the only reason I didn’t move them out already the autos are doing work.
I’ve given up on hydro so I am abusing these girls a bit.


Asked for help on what could be wrong with this girl, I was met with no replies. I did research and realized I had been under watering all my plants in soil. I have fabric pots which allows the water to evaporate quickly while also adding oxygen. For all the plants I wasn’t even giving to gallons, and I realized in hydro even at the age they were going through a gallon each a week. So I upped the amount of water for each plant and they bounced back praying to the sky.


Watering properly is probably the hardest part of learning to grow in soil.


Yes I’m coming to realize both the dry and wet periods are important. I had been watering enough and they weren’t really growing. As soon as I added ENOUGH water they were on their ways again!

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Water slowly till you have some run off at the bottom. Then lift the pot/bag and feel the weight. Then compare to one that is in need of watering. You want to water when they are light but not dry to the point of wilting, then water deep and not just the surface.

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All girls have now recovered from the abuse I gave them, I’m now water all plants with 2 gallons of water a day. ( 2 gallons for all of the plants together not 2 gallons each.)

Out of the 7 csi sherb x forbidden fruit I know I’m going to find some :fire: hoping to find a cut to keep that taste good and washes well!
Was thinking of looking for a gmo cut as well… but I like the idea of finding my own crazy cut!


Had to pull a sensi star because it was showing balls.

Watering from the bottom is good too.
Just fill up the trays they’re standing in.
Can’t really go wrong that way.