Danny Terpentine's Private Oasis

@Loggershands got that… I literally wrote it 2 posts above because Bobgrows had asked me because her package got ripped upon opening.


Haha! This is true! :joy:


I got a pac of Danny’s Orbiter from a secret Santa :slight_smile:
We’ve popped a few beans and are growing them out .
We took cuttings of them and 4 other strains at the same time to hold back if we find something we like , the Orbiter was the first one to root :slight_smile:


I appreciate the kind gesture but I wouldn’t be growing these till next spring .


there will be plenty more opportunities :green_heart: .

Oh I didn’t know that. I’d love to see some pics if you have. All out of those ones, but the ones I did run were really nice!

@Loggershands you can dm me your safe addy. :slight_smile:


Here’s a group shot of the garden

There’s some Jonny potseed sourbubble, a cut of Blue dream, Medman’s fragrant foul, one called Waco, a couple of blueberry that hermied on me due to stress a few years ago,a couple of what might be kush mint x animal cookies and a friend of mine’s lemon head which is lemon haze x alien dawg.
I’ll get a piccy of the Orbiter next time I’m there


Beautiful garden! :100: :fire:

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Woah! Looking good mate! :grinning::fire::+1:


Thank you @DannyTerpintine :grinning: you are a legend! :fire::raised_hands:


I was looking at my computer screen, and I could see both the question and the answer :rofl:


We started real late so it’s really an expedition to be set for next year .

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For plastic I use an old soldering iron. When that dies I’ll get a Dollarama hot glue gun and use the metal tip. :+1:

This is for if I find a “small cute ceramic pot” with no holes and I actually want to use it!


What a difference 2 days makes! Everything starting to turn around now. A couple in there still taking their time but I wouldn’t rule them out just because they take a minute to bounce back. A couple plants in there smell absolutely wonderful!

This is when things get really exciting for me… I get to see if I made the right selections or not! :wink:

Those cookie bubba… smell MINTYYYY AF! :smiley:

The bubba kush x limed orange or moon medic og is putting out some mean terps.

The Indiana bubblegum is interesting as well… despite being an ibl, it’s cool seeing the subtle variations you can still find. Most are a nice hubba bubba type bubblegum, some are more spicy than others but still have that bubblegum base terp profile. One has no bubble gum terps, more on the “kush” side of the terp profile.

Full tent

Bubba Kush x (Limed Orange or Moon Medic OG) Mango Pheno

Bubba Kush x (Limed Orange or Moon Medic OG)

Indiana Bubblegum

Cookie Bubba

Monkey Bubba


Sour D week 9


One week since transplant and you almossttt can’t tell I beat these up (well with the exception of a couple that are a bit slower to recover.)

Bubba Kush X (Limed Orange or Moon Medic OG) Mango Pheno

Bubba Kush X (Limed Orange or Moon Medic OG) Couple more phenos…

P98 Bubba x (P98 Bubba x Deep Chunk/Monkey Balls)

Cookie Bubba

Indiana Bubblegum IBL

Panama Haze BX2 @lefthandseeds at 10 Weeks. Coming along nicely. Very nice piffy, sweet-candy, fuel. (Not so much gassy, more of that classic sativa-y smell). Hefty knuckles on all the nodes.

Sour Diesel BX2 X Rez Sour Diesel 10 weeks. She looking frosty af!


Is theeaf clawing a sativa pheno or a bit of stress?


I’d say stress. Top maybe 3-4 clusters (like the top 1ft of the plant) have over grown the light - so probably heat stress. The space is also not setup the best, thought I could have got by but ehhhhh, I just barely am lol. I don’t think I will flower in that tent again without making some major changes.


A lot of times sativas don’t like nitrogen very much. That would be my first guess at it. I’ve had more success mixing my own low nitrogen formulas because a lot of times most nutes will have more than they like. Although it’s a little easier if you’re using organics because it slows the uptake.


@DannyTerpintine & @420noob sometimes I see a plant doing weird shit in the middle of a sea of perfectly happy plants and I tell that one plant: “YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF YOU EMO FUCK!



@Pigeonman :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

@lefthandseeds could be the N as well. It’s living organics. But I’ve been top dressing them too. For her size, she’s surprisingly less yellow than I’d expect other plants to be.


Well… it’s not always sunshine and rainbows… Probably the worst I’ve had my garden look in years. But I guess that’s what happens when you simultaneously run out of bottled nutes, and organic top dressing, and are in too much pain to make it to the store. Thank goodness for online shopping, things finally arrived last night! Will spend the next 7-10 days nursing them back to health, then clone and flip.

Thank you IndoorFarmer! :pray:

They’re pretty yellowwww. Was hoping they could feed off the organic soil for another week but guess not.

(Mango Bubba) Bubba Kush x Moon Medic OG “Mango Pheno” - smells like kush with mango undertones. Turned out to be a male. Going to keep a close eye on him until I decide what I want to do.

Bubba Kush x Limed Orange

Bubba kush x Moon Medic OG - female

Cookie Bubba (Thin Mint x Bubba) - strong mint with a kush backing. And super sturdy thick structure.

Indiana Bubblegum - these are nice sturdy plants too! - nice leaf serration on the first pic/pheno

Sour D BX2 x Rez Sour D at just under 12 weeks. A little beat up but nice and frosty. She should be carrying seeds. :pray:

on a positive note, I did scoop this Scorpion Diablo for one heck of a deal. Hopefully after this run I can re-build my room like it was before I left. :pray: