Danny Terpentine's Private Oasis

Root trimming would be good video to add to mentor program.:wink:


Just a wee little update. :slight_smile:

I root trimmed my moms, they are now recovering. Made selections on my solo cups and moved them to 1gals. Got rid of the rest. Kind of hard juggling overgrown moms and a pheno hunt in the same space but where there’s a will… there’s a way! :sweat_smile:

Most of those solo’s were at least 3 weeks old, some older. So they were pretty darn root bound. But it does allow me to see how the different phenos react to things and how fast they recover, or don’t lol. It also allows me to get a larger population in a smaller space so I can make selections based on what I’m looking for. So in part, yes I leave them in solo’s wayyy longer than I should be, but with good reason. :stuck_out_tongue:

A couple that were not looking too good… well Oopsie that’s my bad… accidentally put them into cups with no drainage holes lol.

Bubba Kush (matt Berger cut) holding more seeds. (Panama Haze BX2 father).

Bubba Kush x (Limed Orage Or Moon Medic Og). I threw down like 6 or 7 and had a very hard time not wanting to keep them all going. First person to respond with the lineage of the moon medic og can snag a pack. There’s going to be some :fire: in these.
Oh also cool story… I found a MANGO smelling pheno. Wonder where that came from! :stuck_out_tongue:

People often question that I grow things in solo’s. Here :angel:

Cookie Bubba (Thin Mint Cookies x Bubba)

Cookie Bubba leaf mutation

Eutierria Solo Cup Tray. These are some hardy plants. 3-4weeks in solo cups. Not too shabby.

Indiana Bubblegum Tray. These are actually really nice plants. All except one have bubblegum terps so I kept the odd one out to see what she does.

Moon Medic Og keeper. This was the purple and pink faded plant. Very very nice smoke. On the first test joint it hit me like my first time smoking Thin Mint Cookies, but it was quite a different terp profile than thin mint. (Purple freeze, Hindu Kush, spice mix)
(this pheno…)

Limed Orange Keeper. This girl is really really nice. It was the first jar I finished after the hunt, and one of the most potent and flavourful and nicest bag appeal. She wreaks in VEG!

P98 Bubba x (P98 Bubba x Deep Chunk/Monkey Balls). These I had to pre-crack post germination, they had extremely hard shells. Glad I got a few above soil. Very interested to see what comes out of these!

Full Tent post transplant and root trim


@lefthandseeds Panama Haze 9 weeks.

Sour Diesel BX2 x Rez Sour D 9 weeks. She’s shown to be quite mold/pm resistant - she was in 80% rh conditions for a whileeee and took it no problemo!


Amazing update @DannyTerpintine !!!

Gotta say I laughed pretty damn fucking hard at the solocup with no holes moment. :rofl:

I’m getting some Blue Moon Rocks pollen from Doug, and if its arrives in time I’m gonna dust a few branches of one of the Bubba Kush: MBC. :+1:


Rofl yeahhhh I was wondering why some of those looked so wet. :sweat_smile:

Oh very nice! I was thinking of doing that too… if it wasn’t for my limited space. That should be a real nice pairing!

I’m finally getting the hang of when to feed/top dress the living soil. Was definitely a bit of a learning curve there.

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(and a reason I want to invest in a 1/4" ceramic drill bit :wink: )


Received your envelope . I was able to save 5 .

Thank you for those.:pray:
As you see I ripped the name right off before writing it down fully. Can you help a girl identify? :v::green_heart::grin:


@Pigeonman haha love the meme! :sweat_smile:

I find a blade along the edge of the bottom much quicker and easier to do than a drill bit (but I haven’t tried a ceramic tip). @Pigeonman

Oh NO! I really need to get my old supplies back and send that way… this flat method doesn’t seem to be the best. I will resend them for you once I order some flips.

Bubba Kush X (Moon Medic Og Or Limed Orange)

[Moon Medic Og] = Moonwalker Og (alien genetics) x UBC Chemo f2 (wood horse)
[Limed Orange] = Black Lime Bubba (katsu) x Mac Stomper (capulator)


Thank you for the information!

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How do I have to respond with the lineage of moon medic to snag a pack ?

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just respond here. super easy because Bobgrows asked me already rofl. Just make it official by saying it :wink: .

Moon Medic !

the lineage of that strain… :wink:

Moonwalker Og (alien genetics) x UBC Chemo f2 (wood horse)

Edit: wait, is that the wrong one! Never mind!:joy::joy::joy:

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My google foo has failed me on this one
I see a few strains with “moon” in it but none are the same.
I stand here looking from the outside at a window display of a closed store :frowning:

I hope you got it :slight_smile:

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Instead of searching goggle, you can search the forums. More likely to find it there, as @Loggershands has demonstrated! :bear::+1:


Look to the search bar! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I got trigger happy


Happens to the best of us

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I just read this part and it’s too sad an image :smiling_face_with_tear:

I would happily bow out of any contest and relinquish any winning to @madouesse :grin::+1::fire: provided he grows them out and posts pictures!