Danny Terpentine's Private Oasis

That one sounds epic to me, a lot of stuff you made does actually (you know your work intrigues me) man I’d cry about that bull rider :cry:


The Princess Peach x Pure Michigan F2 I made used Alien Genetics Princess Peach I won I think in an auction from you! I haven’t gotten to test it personally yet but i think @AzSeaindooin420 has his iteration of it in an outdoor greenhouse.

Here’s the best grow I’ve seen of the Pure Michigan F3’s I made so far, to give you an idea of what that half of the genetics can do under ideal cirucmstances.


If it’s the peach trees then ya def got a beast of it


I love Pure Michigan and it’s crosses! The prettiest plant I ever grew was Pure Michigan x Sangria :heart_eyes:



@DannyTerpintine is this 13 weeks total or 13 weeks of flower? What’s the expected flower time?

Wow. Thats really nice.

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That’s gorgeous. Do you have anymore of the peach cross? I was so sad to put that PP on auction. Glad it went into good hands though! :raised_hands: :100:

@Loggershands that Michigan sangria looks niceeee. :ok_hand:

It’s I think 3 or 4 weeks veg, and then 13 weeks flower. I was expecting a 12-16week flower time.


I’m not very well versed in haze crosses but it looks like it might go a while yet? The bud must be fire when it has so long to develop :grin:

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Yeah I think she’ll go 15-16 weeks easily. She has the whole tent smelling real funky, can’t wait to try her. A couple of the fluff bottom buds have orange hairs, was tempted to steal a couple… but I told myself to wait and just enjoy the final product :sweat_smile: :pray:


I do this constantly :joy:

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Anyone expecting… all caught up again. :slight_smile: :pray:


a couple days into flower here.

Monkey Bubba (P98 Bubba x (P98 Bubba x Deep Chunk/Monkey Balls))

Monkey Bubba Males

Cookie Bubba

Cookie Bubba Male. Bubba structure, heavy mint smell on top of kush. :stuck_out_tongue:

Bubba Kush x Limed Orange or Moon Medic Og. (This one seems like it’s Limed Orange)

Bubba Kush x Limed Orange or Moon Medic Og. (This one seems like it’s Moon Medic Og). This was taken 10 days in flower.

Eutierria. Way over grown her pot. She gets thirsty quick so she droops. :frowning:

Indiana Bubblegum. YES! Found a male. :stuck_out_tongue:

Panama Haze BX2 @lefthandseeds 15 weeks. She smells really good! Has that classic sativa smell, kind of candy (but no sweetness at all), a bit of a piff undertone.

Also found this new ac infinity cloud line t8 pro for a steal. I used to always get Can fan max pro inlines, but I have to say I’m super happy with the quality of ac infinity products.

Also scooped a second Scorpion Diablo. This one has a UV bar too! Will be fun to experiment and see what difference it makes.


Everyone’s looking good . What did they light set ya back heard good things about that brand!


The second one I picked up in the last few weeks. Trying to get some stuff together to build out my room how it was before I left last year. Second hand was like half of retail, still has an HLG warranty on it. :pray:

I had a couple of their 650R’s which were a HUGE upgrade from their 550 V2 r-specs. And these are supposed to be better than the 650Rs. The dude literally said it was too strong for his space lol.


Cruise control now. 2 weeks into flower here. Think I figured out my organics down to a sop now… that only took a grow and a half lol. I’ll still be making changes but I have a real base line sop to keep the plants healthy for the most part.

Full Tent

Bubba Kush x Limed Orange (Lo) or Moon Medic Og (MMog). Think this one is limed orange male.

Bubba Kush x Limed Orange or Moon Medic Og. Definitely moon medic og male. She had frost on her at 10 days in flower. :eyes:

“Mango Bubba” male. Bubba Kush x Limed Orange or Moon Medic Og. Moon medic og male from the cross. She had a niceee mango terp in veg but not really getting that anymore. It may come off in the off-spring. I identified that terp came from the moon medic og as I had a similar smelling female (I didn’t notice the smell until she was well cured).

…if you got any Bubba x Lo/MMog from me^ Don’t sleep on those :wink: .

Cookie Bubba (two different phenos)

Eutierria. She still impresses me every time I pop them. Terpy af and frosty at 14 days. Last night I realllyyy needed some of the mother I used for this. (My keeper cut that I lost) I still have a jar of that flower I keep for when I’m ready to call 911 (not literally). Yeahhh… I really realized how freaking sad I was to lose that. It had incredible medicinal value specific for severe pain. The Mac stomper male is really dom in a lot of the off-spring. In the next few grows I will probably drop an absurd amount of these to try to pull her (the mother) back out. I may have to take them to f2s, but this is a personal project that is a must for me.

Indiana Bubblegum. Love them. They’re all nice. Of course I’ve got some preferences but it would be difficult to go wrong with any (at least so far in the grow).

Monkey Bubba. Some real old school funk on these. I’m excited to try them. Get some of that classic bubba and you get strong influence from the monkey balls terps as well.

Remo Chemo. She’s solid but missing a littleee bit of depth. Hits hard and gets you high af and good pain relief. I only kept her to hit her back to one of her parents or my Eutierria to bring back some of those genetics to hunt through that I used in my Eutierria mother.

Panama Haze BX2. @lefthandseeds Not gonna’ lie I thought she would be done by now. 16 weeks here but she looks like she can maybe go another week maybe? On a plus note, I left her outside my tent room for a short bit (inside another tent)… and the entire space wreakkedd. :stuck_out_tongue:


Whew! You must have gotten a pheno close to ot haze with that one. At least you’re getting orange hairs now. :v:


Thank you @DannyTerpintine
Just received mail from you. :v:

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Awesome! Hope they made it safely. I prefer this method to the other one lol. :pray:

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Safely and intact.

The other way??
Are you referring to my pucks? :thinking::v:

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I meant in the flat corrugated… those kind of suck lol.

Your pucks are awesome! :green_heart:

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