Danny Terpentine's Private Oasis

Do it! Do it! Do it!
Or I mean…
Grow it, grow it, grow it! :seedling:


I’ll buy you a pizza and a cider at Cider Corps! :sunglasses:


He can be like me! :crazy_face:


The way I hear it, those will use up all my nutes! :rofl:

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Add budbusterpro into the mix and yes.

But I have 2 running! One is tall and the other is a perfect little :christmas_tree: . The latter i’m vegging until next years outdoors. :smiley:


I’ll get some pics of Orbiter soon .

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Whoa very niiice. Great pics :+1:t3:


Looks like a good hasher right?!


Thank You! :smiley: :pray:

@madouesse please do! :pray: :100:

@HeadyBearAdventures I should really start doing small jar wash tests to get an idea of how different phenos would differ. I just can’t be bothered to do full runs, too much water and lifting!


You know I really like something when I’m obsessed with it! :wink:

Mini Smoke Report (I just hit a tinyyyy pinner, prob like a 0.25g of a quick dried nug.)

Eutierria :hot_face: . 65days. 1gal. living organics. heavily stress tested.

Smells like the mother… funky woodsy floral earthy dirty socks more funkkk, with a touch of added gas from the father. You do get a bit of a sweet and bitter orange peel on the dry toke (doesn’t translate to the smoke a lot, but I dried that test nug in only 3 days lol, so probably not the best representation of terps.)

Tastes like no “none-weed” thing I’ve ever had. Closest cannabis strain I had to this in terms of flavour was a real nice G13-haze like 10 years ago, it has this distinct “Funkkkk” I can’t describe. I could still literally taste it 15 minutes after smoking it.

As far as potency, freaking home run. You feel it right on the exhale and it just keeps climbingggg. I’m an hour in now, and I still feel like I just smoked (Most joints barely last me an hour entirely! And the test joint was a super super small Pinner. Just crumbs that didn’t fit in my real test joint that I will smoke later tonight!) I’ll be honest, I was in considerable pain and didn’t think the Pinner would do anything because it was so small, but my body was numb head to toe. Very very good pain killer.

I literally went from severe pain to cleaning my entire space in 10 minutes. :rofl: It has this nice cererbal alertness to it, while also completing numbing out your body.

I pray I can reveg her successfully. I’ll def share her around when I do. :pray:


Damn @DannyTerpintine that’s a “holy fuck + 1/2” example if I’ve ever seen one! :exploding_head:


That sounds incredible, brudda! Getting more excited for the summer, every day… and that’s saying something because summer sucks in Arizona!

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Beautiful can wait to drop my seeds probably gonna try outside in the desert!
@DannyTerpintine you mention pain and have been in serious pain for years. If you don’t mind me asking what is the cause of this pain? Dealing with debilitating pain since 16 or younger is crazy. I’m glad you found a natural pain killer.

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That’s a line I’d get in.


@Pigeonman thanks brother! :100: :pray:

@HeadyBearAdventures Heck Yeah! Then I get to bless your garden with the best headiest vibes :wink: . Looks like you and @420noob are both growing in the sand :sweat_smile: :desert: . Also very nice, I haven’t seen my work go outdoors a lot, but I saw a cancer pateint grow the Eutierria outdoors and it turn out really nice. :pray:

@420noob Yeah, herniated discs and pinched nerves (thoracic and cervical). I was rear ended by a 18-wheeler while stopped at a red light (I was in a evo 8 lancer, solid af car, but also a tiny car to be in lol), he did not brake at all. Walked away from that. At like 15/16 I started weight lifting with a IBFF pro competitor (600-1000+ lbs regularly), which is around when I started to develop the pain. (I always laugh because I always had perfect form, had a spotter, never had an incident where I actually got injured while lifting.) But such is life.

I’ve prob said this a million times, but pain relief and effects are truly the motivating factors behind my breeding. I’m kind of at a point where I can take almost any of my creations, dig in and find something medically beneficial. Yet strangely, if I go to the rec market, I really struggle to find flower that works.


Haven’t heard this phrase in forever lol


Keeping your pants on then?




lmaooo me either… my one pape is normally a two paper lol. I can’t remember the last time I rolled something that small. :rofl: I just couldn’t wait to sample it :stuck_out_tongue: .

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That’s cool you have bred and grown in good conditions that work for you and your pain.


Eutierria. Had to do a little photo op before smoking her. And damnnnn does she hit. This hit how I want smoke to hit, but I have a stupid tolerance. I’d imagine this would give some newbies a panic attack :rofl: .

Shot on the R7 50mm. F/16. 9image stack.

Still getting the hang of it. Kind of hard to hold the camera steady for 9 pics, I don’t have a tripod yet. Top is a bit over exposed, I could use a light diffuser too.