Danny Terpentine's Private Oasis

She’s a winner all around!!! Great picture

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10 Weeks… and that’sssss a wrap! :pray:

Sent half the Moon Medic Og for a reveg. As well as the Eutierria.

Bubba Kush - matt berger

Bubba Kush X Limed Orange

Cookie Bubba

cookie bubba 02

Indiana Bubble Gum

Another Indiana Bubblegum

Monkey Bubba

Another Monkey Bubba

Moon Medic Og

Remo Chemo

Eutierria - she hits me like I just came off a tolerance break :sweat_smile:


Garden Reset!

All these of these were not too happy in the vivosun tent. (I really hate that tent, have I said that before? lol). I’d imagine it would be okay for one or two fem seeds but that’s about it!

Anyways I’m sure these girls will be much happier under the scorpion with some more breathing room! :pray: (they’ve been in a little 2x2 with a 100w led, packed like sardines aha.)

Got a couple days break from the garden instead of the constant run run of perpetual grows. Mostly because I’m waiting for some mail! But I might just start a plan b run and then stagger what I’m waiting for by a week or two. Decisions decisions… :thinking:

These are all in 1 gals. (There’s also a bunch of clones in solo’s, still kind of rooting/growing. I’ll transplant and share what they are when they’re ready. :wink: )

Sour D keeper (Karma BX 2 x Rez Original Release)

Bubba Kush Matt Berger

Limed Orange


A quick 24 hours under better conditions you can see just how much happier they are! Especially the Limed Orange! Sour is a bit hungry, but we’ll get that sorted out next! :pray:

Limed Orange

Sour D


Is it just this one vivosun tent or all vivosun? What’s wrong with it just cheap?

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haha yeah it was cheap (price, and quality imo). The partition isn’t light proof. The stacked space isn’t really the best for cloning (it fitssss but just barley fits a tray, and doesn’t fit in the tent drip trays). Idk I didn’t really like it at all. But I did say, If I was doing about 25% of what I was it might have been more workable.

But it’s such a small space to keep things dialled in. I’m literally using computer fans as exhaust on them lol. It works but I’m not a huge fan. You can see from the prev two posts just how much happier the plants are when they’re not in that packed tent. It was a temp setup while I was getting started back up.


I’m not a fan of tents! I definitely prefer rooms for growing


So it’s cheap and too small for what you needed. If running less might be alright but quality isn’t there I take it. I dont have a tent just a sectioned off corner of room. Need to get tent so I can control temp in summer my house can get 90° with ac running full blast.


Because you said 90F I’m going to presume you’re in the states, shipping wouldn’t be worth the price (would prob be more than what I paid for the tent lol). Also my dad has dibs, he wants to pre-sprout his veggies indoor next season :sweat_smile: .


Oh I wasn’t trying to get your tent man :rofl:. I was just curious because I want to get one but I need tall and idk 3x3 or 3×5 would be ideal. With the tent I would have to get an inline fan to move air and that would help keep my temps down. The cost for that is not fun ATM.

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On a cost/quality bases, AC Infinity prob has the nicest equipment all around. Tents are tents though and they are hard to consistently make light-proof (Ive seen people buy $600+ gorilla tents and get light leaks). But I’d def go with AC if it’s in your budget.


And so the shucking begins!!!

Sometimes it’s the ugly duckling :wink:

Not the prettiest plant, but she is fully seeded. She did have very nice terps in veg. This is a (Bubba Kush X Moon Medic Og) F2. The terps on the male were scary nice. (I saved a pinch, vac sealed in the freezer.) Hope to find a nice female in the f2s to us the f1 male pollen with.

I picked out the seeds and threw what was left in my volcano. First bag went from unbearable pain to chilling very fast. Half way through the sesh I just wanted to close my eyes and rest :rofl: . After the sesh I was in another space stoned!

Moon Medic Og - holding chocolate diesel seeds. Not sure what’s happening with these yet because the plants still drying and I have no idea how many I have. Call dibs for the first pack. I did end up plucking a few out of the plant I sent for a reveg. I have no idea if they will even germ as I haven’t tested them yet. But the moon medic og pheno I used was phenomenal. (that’s the actual pheno holding these seeds.)

Anyways, I think I’m hoping off for the night, have to be up extra early, will check back in tomm! :sleeping: :zzz:


Wait I’m here in time for dibs! :exploding_head: happy to hear your first volcano was medicinal for you!
Just realized I’m sorry that the shucking just started😞


aha you caught it! Congrats! :tada: (dm me your addy! :v: )

Oh, my volcano is oldddd, just my first volcano bag of that specific strain. :pray: Now I get to see if I was right with my selections!

… so far so good! :raised_hands: (tried two I was hoping were keepers and they were really nice. Tried a couple non keepers that were nice but not to my standard of nice.)

madouesse isn’t going to be too happy about missing that dibs again :rofl: (Don’t worry you’ll catch one eventually!) :green_heart:


I love the “call dibs“ mid paragraph move ! Make sure they paying attention :laughing:


I was a little surprised he didn’t get it! Especially with the stalk alert :joy:
That is a great move!


Seeds landed, many thanks!


Looks amazing! All the finger hash is a nice frosty background for a frosty ass bud!:exploding_head:

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Day late , dollar short


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We got some clones rooted! These were really struggling in that darn vivosun tent. Glad I managed to save them and get them to root. At least one of each should be rooted (except for the ECSD). Irene, Giesel, Tahoe, GMO, Chem D. Not sure if you wanted me to tag you or not, but super grateful to you! :pray: :100:

Garden… two Moon Medic Og reveg, Eutiuerria Reveg, 3 Limed Orange in the back, Sour D keeper in the front middle, Bubba Kush front right. All in 1 gals (except one of the moon medic og that’s in a 5gal.)

The shucking and testing continues!.. These were both heavily seeded plants. If you gave them to me to smoke without telling me I wouldn’t not have guessed they were seeded.

Really happy with this Cookie Bubba.

Monkey Bubba - oh man this hitttssssss and tastes like old school kkkkkuushhhhhhh. The second I tasted that first vape bag I knew she was going to hit and she did not disappoint. Classic indica with very nice dimension and great pain relief.

Still surprised the package I’m waiting for is stuck in the mail, literally at the same spot for the last two weeks. I wanted to run those NOW! lol. Darn holiday shipping backup. Think I’m going to drop my new alt run tonight. And then I’ll stagger the mail package when it comes and start it a week or two after this one I guess. (most of you have no idea what I’m talking about, I’ll share when the time come. To those who do, yeah don’t worry too much about it, It’ll all work out in the end. :pray: )

Also finalllyyy feeling like I’m back in my work flow grooveeee! :star_struck: :pray: :raised_hands: Next year I’m coming with some serious focus and heatttt! :fire: This was just the warm up!