Danny Terpentine's Private Oasis

I might have a problem…

Saw empty space. WHAT?! How can there be EMPTY SPACE?! Not here, no sir! :crazy_face:

Limed Orange. About 3.5ft tall in a 1gal. She’s wayyy due for a transplant. (She’s a bit lanky because she started under a 100W light in a 2x2. But she also has a bit more stretchy structure/good internal spacing.

Clones. Managed to save them :pray:, all rooted (Irene, GMO, Tahoe, ECSD, Chem D, Giesel). A little unhappy, also way over due for transplant.

They’ll have to wait a litttleee bit longer. :pray:


Ok family who’s on watering duty…NOT IT! :joy:


Since you spoke up you may indeed be it @DEFSeeds !


Coming from 60+ container coco runs that needed 2x daily hand watering, I’ll gladly hand water soil every couple days :sweat_smile: :pray:


Not gonna lie it’s why I landed on super soil type water only thing. I don’t have that much time or energy. Considering the quality of super soil herb. And you really gotta be able to repeat sops everyday without mistake or they suffer. So dang hard !!

So here is what I do daily. Check a pot see if it’s light. If so water with water wand. Takes 5 minutes. Then I just hang with the plants as long as I need check for issues and vibe with em. Sometimes it’s fk dis you good, lights on see ya.


This is why I love coco flood and drain!


Nice! Yeah I’m switching to living organics too mostly. But I can’t push my seedlings as hard as I want in solos, so thinking about starting with salts, then transplanting into living organics this run.

Im the same way, go in for a 5minute watering and then I end up vibing there for a good hour lol.

@Emeraldgreen After all the years I spent in hydro, I don’t want anything with connecting pieces and water for a bit lol. Straight from the tap is soo much easier too! :raised_hands: But the yields with F&D/Hydro are definitely nice. :stuck_out_tongue:


Lets be real the Trophy Pumpkin growers show everyone whats up, fully organic beds with salt feeding = supercharged plants if you do it right


Found some old pics… It’s fascinating to see where I’m at, but I think it’s also cool to see where I came from…

Bubba Kush from GHS. (That might have something to do with my love for bubba kush lol…) That was grown under 2 household CFL’s. No extraction fans, I don’t even think there was an oscillating fan in there lol. Miracle grow ftw, was slow release feeding and burning the plant the entire run lol. (I was 15 when I grew this.)

And the plant that started my breeding journey… Purple Kush from JOTI. I found a pheno with bright pink pistils and thought “WHOA this is amazing, I wonder if I can make more pink pistil plants” . I knew nothing about making seeds or breeding, so I hit the forums. Then I made some seeds! When I actually had a well pollinated plant, I was like shit… “this is what I want to do… I want to be like Green House Seeds and have my own brand on Attitude” :rofl: (I was probably 16 at the time lol). I still have this stock, and I remember the flower being really trippy/anxiety/paro driven. Unfortunately I never stored them correctly because I didn’t know better at the time… I try to germ a few every few grows but they never pop.


Saved them all. They’re growing nice too. Not too happy in the solos but I will be moving them to 1gals today. :pray:

Sour D keeper. She also needs to move out of that 1gal!

It was a seeded reveg…guess she dropped some seeds. At least I know they’re good! :pray:

100% germ on everything I planted. One tipped over while watering so I left her, don’t think. she’ll make it. The rest are rocking! :pray:

I also need to get my oscillating fan hung up. I lost the bracket and its sitting on the floor at the moment. Which is why a section of those solos is more dry then the rest.


Limed Orange Cuts

I want a cut list: (:canada: only for this one please. Signing up does not guarantee a cut. It will be based on how many snips are available.)

  1. @Thetravler :canada:
  2. @madouesse :canada:
  3. @TopShelfTrees1
  4. @THCeed
  5. @Pigeonman :canada: :metal:
  6. @CADMAN :canada:
  7. @Loggershands :canada:
  8. @chronix :cat2:

Add numbers as needed.

Okay, so the weather is actually pretty darn nice the next week so I’m going to try to rush a couple of these out before it changes.

In all fairness… Random number generator selected these names first. I’ll handle this batch first, then see get back to the rest of ya’.

I’ll send out dm’s shortly. :v:


@DannyTerpintine well met growmie!

:fist_right: :fist_left:


Good news! I managed to get enough cuts for the rest of the list. :pray:

Dm’s incoming! :slight_smile:

One or two of you might get an extra special surprise… if you do, enjoy and cherish it! :wink: :pray:


Spread the :fire: around!

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Hot Damn you don’t need no stinking number generator :grin:. And bonuses


I had sticky fingers like I was breaking up bud after taking those cuts :crazy_face: :pray:


That’s awesome.
I got a question for you. Do you only use the growing tip for cuts or will you chop up a long branch into a bunch?

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^^^ this is so OG. Thanks @DannyTerpintine I can only drool.


Damn arbitrary imaginary lines!


You can clone a branch (but they’re usually thicker and take longer to root). For uniformity sake, JUST THE TIP! :wink:

It’s best to clone off secondary and tertiary nodes. :+1: