Danny Terpentine's Private Oasis

Day 20 from planting.


These pictures make my heart happy.


Another smoke report on orbiter is “Spicey, very piney and earthy”


That sounds pretty fireeee :fire: :100: … you’re reminding me of the piney bubba pheno that was running around here for a bit. Lots of people got mad hyped over that too lol.

@HeadyBearAdventures :bear: :hugs: :green_heart:


Someone told me they like when I post these clips so… :slight_smile:

Here’s a Limed Orange… I swear it feels like I just moved her into this 3 gal lol…

Did some root trimming today. Yeah those pots are now way over full and watering is a pain (hooray organized chaos!), but I need to keep them in these pots for another 3 weeks or so and they’re already root bound! They’ll prob get root bound again, but I don’t want to go any larger in pot size because of space constraints. I guess I’ll treat her like a giant bonsai :rofl: :sob: .


Love the clips mate! Keep ‘em coming! :raised_hands:


Thanks fam! :pray: :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:


Haha! That visual procession was awesome! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Beauty vid :+1:
Root trim, how much do you remove?
I’ve done it to a solo cup challenge I’m doing atm. But never to something that far along, very nice. :seedling:


Around a quarter inch all around. :pray:

I don’t have any more soil or bigger pots, and I feel she’s already going to be massive when I flower her (that’s a 5gal)… so root trim was prob the best option .


Day 22 since planting into soil. :pray:

It’s now hitting me just how beast these little girls are. They’re going to absolutely explode once I throw them into the 3gals!


If you do this, pull more Mango :mango: I’d hope to used as a tester. Mango is my favorite food, drink, flavor of all time. @DannyTerpintine
Definitely would grow or smoke mango flavor


That’s the goal! :100:

It literally smells like an over-ripe BOX of mango’s on top of a bubba kush “kush” profile. Like when mango’s are really good and ready to eat!

I’m really curious to see how it will translate to the smoke if at all. With the father, it was heavy mango on bubba kush right up to flip, then it was this foul kush meets og meets purple meets just an overwhelming complex indica dom terp profile that says I will put you out lol. :boxing_glove: (I haven’t had that feeling from a stem rub for a while and I feel it’s going to be a really medicinal heavy hitter.)

I may end up cloning the super Mango phenos so I can f3 them next run. But I’m going to prioritize the mango terp, so I’ll end up going for an IX with the original father. (I’m actually working two lines with the same male with similar lineage, so I have two routes to the mango terps. :pray: ) I sure hope I get some mango flavour in the final joint though… time will tell!


The first time I smelled the male I had to do a double take because I had been drinking a fair bit of mango shakes that week… and was like wait… No, I haven’t had a mango shake today… it’s definitely the plant! :rofl:


Sounds fantastic :ok_hand: ohh definitely isolate your current Mango plant & continue working with it. Just be sure to keep backups incase you need it later on.


Anddd just like that a giant hunt becomes a small hunt!

… some of ya’ might think I’m crazy for such aggressive culling, all I can say to that is, trust the process. :pray:

21 Days from planting in soil. This is pre-water so they’re pretty thirsty/droopy.(They’re just about to start getting fed up with being on solo cups :sweat_smile: )

Post Transplant. Over a hundo… down to 40.

Biker Kush. Had a rough time getting these to germ, and then they put out a bunch of mutants. I have these three really nice ones. Let’s hope one female and one male… or I’ll have to source some more stock if I can. :pray:

Blue Kush … I said it at day 10… and I’ll say it again now… easily going to be a top 3 plant, easily a keeper if she’s female - mark my words :wink: :raised_hands: .

Blue Kush selections at the front, didn’t make the cut in the back…

Random mutant (blue kush). I was tempted to let her stay for fun but I don’t have the space lol.

GTR F2… these ones did not make the cut

These were my selections

Mango Bubba F2. This is pheno 1 (the Mango pheno)

This is the rest.

Sour D (DT cut) X Panama Haze BX2. (These are the seedlings that fell out of the reveg mother, and started growing, that I ended up planting. I was going to leave them in a solo but they smell stupiidddd fire, so 5gal it is! :pray: ) … sometimes it’s the things you don’t plan out that end up surprising you the most!

Anddd those struggling clones are all grown up and happy now! (Well at least most of them!)…





Tahoe Og


@DannyTerpintine you are killing it bro! Loving the in-depth look at the pheno hunt! (keep the mutant!)


Thanks brother! :100: :pray: :green_heart: Maybe I’ll leave her in the corner and if she survives she survives :sweat_smile: . I’m sooo pushing the boundaries on space already lol.


Whoa what a culling! Banger work @DannyTerpintine !!!

If you’re ever trimming down that GMO and are looking to share… you know who to tag! :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Awesome gorw!! Can’t wait to see the canons in there come chop!