Danny Terpentine's Private Oasis

@Pigeonman Thanks brother! :100:

@Tappy appreciate it, can’ttt wait myself! :raised_hands: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

The aftermath… Even I look at that and think damn you crazy for culling all that. But then I look at the selections and tell myself not to worry about it! :sweat_smile:


Wow that’s brutal! I’m on the other end of this spectrum :joy: I have trouble culling, although I’m getting better! Beautiful little ones you got


Once you find that plant that’s such an obvious winner it gets easy to cull everything else 'cause nothing else compares.

Like that Blue Kush I called out, super STAND-OUT plant. If that was a guaranteed female I could cull everything but that and be happy with my run.

… same thing with that Limed Orange… she just stands out in front of other plants. It was so easy to select her.

(Now whether I keep them… that I’ll figure out at the end after I actually smoke them. :pray: )



:rofl: :helicopter:

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Holy…how you uploading videos?

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A few people have asked me, here it is for everyone. :slight_smile: :green_heart:

You can upload a clip to any streaming service (like Youtube or Vimeo) and then paste the link using the upload box option above your text box, and it should put it inline in the post. (Although it doesn’t work on all forums, it does works here! :smiley: )

I’ve been using streamable.com . (Just a free trial account). I might switch to YouTube or Vimeo after my account gets full though lol.


Holyyy look at them soil soldiers of the solos !
Good looking bunch …and you’re hand watering them
Sweet deal

First time I have heard this song ! Nice choice bro it’s a banger

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oh yeahhh! Moved them into 3gal organics today… Now I can just run the hose from the tap! :pray:


I wish I had friends irl like this :joy:

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It’s an old Drake song - Duppy.

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I was digging it

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24 hours since transplant.

Nice and perky! :pray:


You know you’re a weed nerd when…
You documented every single pick-up when you first got your license! :sweat_smile:
(Was going through some folders on my old hard drive and found this lol.)


I often get asked how I am able to “read” plants… and someone asked me and I actually ended up explaining… Thought it might be a cool read for some of ya’. :slight_smile: :pray: :green_heart:

Screenshot 2024-01-07 at 3.58.32 PM


24 Days Veg.

I can’t keep up with these limed orange… I justtt cut them back and they’re already reaching that “raise the light” point again! :sob:

Bubba up front looking pretty :smiley:

Fair to say the Moon Medic Og keeper will also be kicking it around for future projects! :raised_back_of_hand: :pray:


Day 25. More culling. Didn’t feeling like getting dirty tonight, but I’ll pull those GTR males tomorrow, look at my notes, and pull the next best GTR picks to replace the males.

Biker Kush F2 - very happy with this little one. Still unsexed.

Eutierria 15. None of the Eutierria have shown sex yet.

Eutierria 39. Very impressive with this pheno! (Also pheno’s 5 and 6, not sure why I forgot to picture those!)

GTR F2. Not my preference for showing sex this early, but sheeeshhh this no 1 male… My day 10 veg notes were “Skunky Fuel Funk”… Now she straight up smells like a mechanic shop… that funky grease/gas covered overalls been working on car engines all day kind of funk.
5/6 of the GTR I chose ended up being Male. One is unsexed. One is my no1 selections. The other 4 will most likely replaced with more GTR tomorrow. :pray:

The unsexed GTR F2

GTR F2 Males. The no1 terps stand out from these four in a brutally impressive way.

Mango Bubba F2 … HECK YEAH! Smells very similar to the male anddd she’s a FEMALE! :pray: … Going to be the PERFECT candidate to IX with the father’s pollen again and pull more of those mango bubba males from! :smiley:

Mango Bubba F2 No6. This ones a male and smelling really mean too (kush, og, artificial “purple”)… Will keep a close eye on him… I like him but haven’t fully committed him to any females matches yet.


@Thetravler popped some of the 1111. :pray: Good luck on those!
(Also if anyone else got those 1111, they’re very hard shelled, scuff well! :pray: )

Here’s a bit of inspiration. Day 25 veg since planting into soil. 1111. They smell dank!

Blue Kush 14 … this was the :eyes: pheno… looking like a maleee! :smiling_imp:

GTR F2 no1. Male :raised_hands: Diggin the structure. LOVEEEEE the terps on this one. Straight gas-mechanic-shop-funk

Mango Bubba F2 No1 … female… she’s going to be killer! :pray:


Hey @DannyTerpintine wanted to update ya than i may luck out with 4of4 limed orange cuts taking their wsweet time but rooting all the same!


Heck YEAH, that’s awesome! Great work :raised_hands: :100: