Danny Terpentine's Private Oasis

I was looking at this smoke report from @Loggershands … reading things like this always remind me of my WHY… why I spent all these hours hunting plants in the dirt. Reading things like this during the ups and downs (especially the downs) in life remind my why I need to keep doing what I’m doing. :pray:


That Suga Suga was some real nice bud, only issue was I smoked it all too quick :joy: You do great work @DannyTerpintine! Thanks for always sharing the love.


Hey Buddy. I just got back from 10 days up north and came home to this.

I am ready to clone the clones.


Oh that reminds me @DannyTerpintine sorry I didn’t get back to you about those lime orange cuts ! I meant to say something and I totally forgot . But as far as growing Clones I have never once ever had any luck ! when I come to rerooting I’m a KILLer of small plants and tall trees ! And thanks for the advice about scuffing them could have used it days a go ! Hahah but I tried something new I soaked them in super thrive for 24hrs then put the in 3% hydrogen peroxide & mineral water . I have a hole new idea for this grow I’ve got some new ideas on the medium I’m going to build just for this grow if it works good it will be my new go to medium. Oh and is it OK that I call them 1111= fourdan only for growing and journaling purposes. !? Here’s some pics of my one tent this is a 5x5 Uploading: 20240109_094332.jpg…


Have you tried rapid rooter plugs? Those and a small cheap humidity dome from Amazon or dyi job and keep warm. I trust @DannyTerpintine knows which nice young branches to snip for better rooting.


Those were left unattended in hydro for 10 days?! :exploding_head: :muscle:

They’re growing fast, those are going to be tree’s pretty soon! :pray:

@Thetravler You should be alright. For me in testing, the ones that did not germinate after 4 days of soaking, I manually cracked, and 2 days later those were 100% germ’d as well. (I more wanted to make sure they were viable versus they were hard shelled.)

Oh and you can nick-name it whatever you want if it helps you keep track of it in your garden. :pray: :slight_smile:

@420noob I pull the most rustic hard stemmed ones… I like that watch ya’ll struggle :smiling_imp: :rofl: .


You never waste one piece of advice on me last time I had a problem of hard seeds you told me about the light sand paper then so right away I took some plummers sand paper and lined a jar from the dollar store to make a seed shaker ! Yo come on ! I even impressed myself with that one hahahah ! I’ve got it in a roxal cube and one has already got a tail so I’m on course . Thanks again for watching out for me ! Ok off to work ( my real job ) have and OG day and remember it don’t hurt to share your smile !


I managed to get 3 potted yesterday. Cut some clones off them before planting them. No shock at all to them, perky as ever. These are ready to flower. LOL


Very nice! Looks like you’ve got your game dialled in! :100: :fire:

(I don’t know if my time perception is just off, but that seems like a pretty quick turn around! :pray: )

1 Like

A quick 2-second stem rub shouldn’t be this sticky right!? :thinking: :sweat_smile: :raised_hands:
(that was the first and only plant I stem rubbed…)

Sour D (DT cut) X Panama Haze BX2

…smelling like Sour, Diesel, Piff, Haze, Sugar-Free-Candy!


All of those look fantastic, that is a great job done right there. So uniform :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:


Thanks brother, that means a lot coming from you! :pray: :100: :green_heart:


Candy isn’t candy if its sugar free! :laughing: :crazy_face: :upside_down_face:


That’s a :100: percent correct… no sugar it’s not candy


Your nails look great @DannyTerpintine !

:rofl: :nail_care:


Looking great in here homie!


@chronix ahaha I guess you’re right! It gives me candy vibes but there’s no sweetness to it at all. Not sure how else to describe that one - it’s pulling a bit of terp influence from the Panama side with that “candy”. But it’s more of a secondary note under the piffy/haze terp.

… It’s actually reminding me of the Limed Orange cut, the first time I smelled that I was like wait, I smell notes from all the parents mixed up and it took me a second to figure out where all the smells were coming from.

@Pigeonman haha embrace it :wink:

@TopShelfTrees1 Thanks brother! :pray:


27 days since planting in soil.

Eutierria 39

Mango Bubba 1 (female)

Blue Kush 14 (male). Interesting the way the branches grow horizontal… I’ve had that with one other IBL plant in the past.

Blue Kush 15


Eutierria (keeper) X Mango Bubba. The entire seeded plant put out two seeds (only partially harvested because I wanted to reveg her.)… One is female one is male… Tempted to f2 them to see what I’ll find in there but still deciding.


That’s a lot of plants, and they all look perfect.


Thanks! :pray: :100:

The solo’s are all still kicking it around just in case too lol (that’s half of 'em)…