Danny Terpentine's Private Oasis

Looking picture perfect in there bro! Noice! :ok_hand:t3:


Thanks brother! :pray:


29 days since planting in soil! :pray:

…hoping I can flip within the next 2 weeks!

Mothers… getting so out of hand it’s not even funny anymore. I should have flipped these like 2 weeks ago, but I’m tryyinggggg (very hard might I add) to get them to match the pheno hunt run, soooo twoooo moreeee weeeeekss!!! :pray: :pray: :crazy_face:

1111 - veryyyy happy with the way these are turning out so far! :smiley:

Biker Kush - had some runts and germ problems, but still got a couple nice phenos. Pheno 6 smells most authentic to me imo… very excited to find out the sex on that one! :raised_hands:

Bue Kush 15. Similar structure to the 14 male.

Blue Kush 14 male. Don’t know if I like the way the branches grow side-ways, but my goodness the terps on her are stillll top 3 out of the 100+ lot. :pray:

Eutierria 5

Eutierria 6 (I was hoping this one would be a male, and I’m 95% sure it is! :pray: )

Eutierria 27 (Female)

Eutierria 39

Eutierria 15 (Mac stomper terps dom male) - throw-away. Looks great, smells great, but I’m not working towards that side atm.

Eutierria X Mango Bubba… since I only got TWO seeds out of the whole plant, I think I will be opening her up to f2s… I think I’ll find some really unique fire terp profiles in the f2s. That Eutierria keeper terps were sooo unique, and the mango bubba has such a complex terp profile.
Eutierria X Mango Bubba 2

Eutierria X Mango Bubba 1

GMO Clone doing what gmo does… STRETCHHHH aha.

GTR ohhhh MAN!..
GTR one - male… this shit smells like OGGGG KUSSHHHH like that SHARP GAS/KUSH profile you smell on some DANKKK OG!

GTR 11 - female, similar vibes to the no1 male but not quite as sharp and strong on the terps. (I’m crazy excited for the male though!)

Mango Bubba no1 - still love love love her! Terps, growth, vigor, everything!

Mango Bubba no2 - also a female

Mango Bubba 11 - female. Veryyyy nice structure on her! :100:

Pink Kush (van city island cut). Still vibinnn, smelling fiyahhh! :raised_hands:

Sour D (dt cut) x Panama Haze BX2 - these are starting to get strettchhyyy. Having smoked both parents, the terps I’m getting from this have me real excited for some niceee sativa’s with full body effects.


Damn I’m starting to feel like I should have more pictures :joy:. Looks great!
Also looks like another possibility of snips going out!!!

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aha never too much pictures! :raised_hands:

… it’s just what I love doing I guess! :pray: :man_shrugging: :smiley:

Hmmm… maybe not this time around. It’s a deep freeze out there! :snowman_with_snow:


It is a bit chilly :cold_face:

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32 Days veg. Another pic dump! :raised_hands:

I’m so so sooo happy with the selections I made this run. Now it’s just sitting back and watching it unfold! :pray: I found some crazy killer male selections this time around! :smiley:

Lights off pic of the mothers. The Limed Orange are almost hitting the light again… Hoping 10 moreee days is all they have to endure before I can flip!

Blue Kush 14 - male. Still smelling wonderffuullll!

Blue Kush 10

Blue Kush 15

Blue Kush 4

Sometimes things work in your favour… you should have seen me shouting in excitement when I sexed these biker kush! :pray:

Biker Kush 2 (male). Ehh structure, but very nice terps.

Biker Kush 6 (male). Was my fav plant from the start. Very nice terps. Solid structure.

Biker Kush 3 (female). A bit more leggy but similar structure to the male.

Eutierria 6 (Male). I was hoping this one would be a male! :pray:

Eutierria 39. (still unknown)

Eutierria X Mango Bubba 1 (female)

Eutierria X Mango Bubba 2 (male)

GTR 11 (Female)

GTR 1 (Male). Again another toppp contender out of the 100+ lot of solo cups. And still one of my favourite terp profiles. Has the SHARP fuel/gas note you would get off off a real nice OG plant.

Mango Bubba 1 (she’s shaping up to be a potential keeper… will see how she continues to develop.)

Mango Bubba 6 (Male). Might end up collecting pollen to hit a clone with later on for f2s.

1111 - my goodness I am L.O.V.I.N.G. these 1111’s… So excited to try them! Got a 3 or 4 confirmed females already! :smiley:

Sour D (DT cut) X Panama Haze BX2 … these are getting legggyyyy. Smell is straight diesel/piff-haze. Still smell meannnn! :raised_hands:

MMog (Moon Medic Og) Reveg :pray: … this is one I’m super super happy I got to keep! I love the structure on her, she just packs on cola’s on cola’s on cola’ssss! :pray:

Eutierria Reveg. Obviously ecstatic to keep her around! :pray: :pray: :pray:




5 Weeks Veg :raised_hands:

Eutierra 6… pre flowers were giving me male vibes, buttt she’s a female. :"( … will go through some of my solo’s to see if I can find any other potential males that are along the lines of what I’m looking for. If not, the Eutierria F2 project gets bumped to next grow and I’ll drop another 50-60 to sift through. :pray:

Eutierria 39 female. A bit hungry but otherwise looking good and smelling wild!

Eutierria X Mango Bubba Male

Eutierria X Mango Bubba Female

Blue Kush 14 male

Mango Bubba 6 male

Mango Bubba 1 female. Still LOVE her! :raised_hands:

Mango Bubba 11 female.

Both GTR still hungryyy. I’ll keep spot feeding them for a bit. (Male is turning around, female still pretty yellow.) :pray:
GTR 11 Female.

GTR 1 Male.

1111 - very happy with these. Nice terps, everything growing nice and uniform.

Solo cups still kicking it. Natural selection at this point. And still a pool I can go to iffff I need to. No food in the past 2 weeks or so, and watered every 2 days (Plain tap, not ph’d).
There’s a couple nice plants in here still, but I don’t feel they’ll be nicer than my current selections.


39 Days Veg. :pray:


Bubba Kush (matt berger cut)

Eutierria keeper


Tahoe Og

STS! :raised_hands: @Pigeonman Thankkkk You! :pray: :100:
…Think I’ll try to reverse the Tahoe, GMO, and a Limed Orange.


What about the Eutierria ? :thinking:


Maybe next round. I just have the one Reveg plant atm that I plan on f2-ing this time around. :slight_smile: :pray:


My mind chooses to just read this part. :rofl: :laughing:
No maybe’s LOL.


That’s one I want to open up and hunt through in s1’s. That Eutierria keeper had really unique terps. Closest thing I can compare to it was a G13-Haze.


I’ve been guilty of selective hearing, memory and reading comprehension myself :joy:




Forget the plants, I want to see those nails again. :rofl:


Or the doggos!


MINE? Sounds like someone needs a girlfriend? :wink: :rofl:

@Pigeonman Say What?!!!


LMAO, maybe. hahahaha