Danny Terpentine's Private Oasis

That one is a 4x4. :slight_smile:

admittedly it could be bigger… but I can always use more space lol!


Couple days since flip… 2? 3? :pray:

Man I’m soo hyped to see what this Mango Bubba does! :eyes: (She was one of my real early picks at 12 days in veg.)


Just under one week in flower.

1111 # 2

1111 # 6

1111 # 12

1111 # 17

Biker Kush f2 # 1

Biker Kush f2 # 2

Biker Kush f2 # 3

Blue Kush f2 # 15


Eutierria; Just going to enjoy the smoke on these ones. They all smell nice. The number 6 I actually cloned, and am going to f2 and take a different direction from the other Eutierria keeper I found last run.





Eutierria x Mango Bubba This one is looking like some fireee. Terps on point too.

GTR F2 # 10 Prob just going to smoke these for fun.

GTR F2 # 11 Nice structure. Gassy funk terps. Taking this one to f3. Hope she’ll be a good match for the killer killer GTR male I found.


Mango Bubba # 1 I really like this one… has similar structure to my Moon Medic Og # 4 keeper from the previous run. Amazingggg terps, really complex and hard to describe. Also frost on the fan leaves at under a week in flower.

Mango Bubba # 11 Love the structure. May use this one for f2s. Solid terps too.

Sour D (DT cut) X Panama Haze (left her in front of a strong fan, directly, for 24 hours. She didn’t like it… windburn.) Took the top though because she smells very strongly like both parents. Hoping she’ll be strong smoke!


Holy future cannagar blunt leaf wrapper Batman!
Either you have small hands or that’s the biggest fan leaf I’ve set sights on. :ok_hand:


When I look at your pictures It might sound fucked up but. It turn me back to that kid who just found his dad’s favorite copy of playboy on the way into the bathroom as I’m looking threw it and getting more excited to see the next one but do you have time before you get caught with those dirty pictures ! Yes I’m catholic I fell shame ! Hahah beautiful picks you really put alot into what you do but that third pick looks like Sharron Stone !!! Lol


You giving me ideaassss lol. That last time I made a wicked cannagar was with her mother (who has just as broad leaves as she does!) Might have to do it again! :stuck_out_tongue:

@Thetravler you’re too funny! Thanks! :stuck_out_tongue:


Goodmorning OG ! From the big white north !

And Rosie says goodmorning. Too !


awhhh she’s so cute! :heart_eyes: !!!

We up north too but no frost here yet. It is supposed to be like -15C/5F next week though! :ice_cube: brrrr

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How far north of Steeles Ave! Haha my wife said that were supposed to +15 today in toronto !I don’t see it but I don’t argue with her she is female and I don’t want to hear her roar !!!ok it’s starting to snow here now !

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Plus 4 today in TORONTO

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Im commuting throut t.dot right now and i assure you it 3 types of snow so far

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we all need to throw a party together already! :100:

… maybe this summer :wink: :fire: .

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About a week in the flower room :pray:


Wow there’s a grand Master flash sound in there ! That is a mother fuckin jungle ! And I don’t swear ! Often ! Hahahah . I have a party everyday talking to you guys you have no idea !!! Hahaha I’m buying me a new pair of cover alls and turning myself into farmer traveler or the traveling farmer !!! Big old weed stalk tuck behind my ear !

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If you guys got rvs we can go camping in some Walmart parking lot roll up some big fatties and a little fire ! Party in the parking lot !

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I love it brother! Can’t tell you how many amazing people I’ve met and friends I’ve made through this amazing plant! :pray: :heart:

Aha tail-gate parrttyyy :wink: :raised_hands: .

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Well you know some one will have a joint !!!that so Kool love that logo professor !!! You can’t make that bigger so you can see the little guy or did you do that on purpose ! It looks like a cool eye ball that what I thought it was !

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Two cannons on me at all timesss! :raised_hands: :sunglasses: :dash:

Thanks I made it myself, but I lost the original source file, and it’s too much work to remake. So I left the Logo as is. Plus I figured after as many years as it’s been, people prob see the logo and know it’s me? (idk maybe not… I’m prob not that popular yet lol.)

It was supposed to be a “pot head” standing on top of the world, as to signify overgrowing the world or standing united until we can all freely grow this plant! :pray:

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Mango Bubba # 1 (Called her at 12 days into veg as a potential keeper.) Look at those earlyyy resinnn railsss forming! :pray: :raised_hands:

…Haven’t seen a cultivar packing on frost this early in a little while!


Yea ! That were I started then they threw me in jail ! I had to rethink the plan ! Iron out some of the ruff ends ! I remember getting banged out on highway 45 back in 89 they got me for a pound and when I went to court they kept calling me a kingpin because I had so much . Now you can go out to Tatinga just past Shannonville and buy a pound in the store for 150.00 to 500.00 I was born to soon !