Danny Terpentine's Private Oasis

I seen this earlier you did a really good job like how you added the music

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You got some monsters in that jungle.


Quick question if I’m vegging on a vivosun 100w led but due to space only have 2’ clearance. This is for seedlings should I run that at 25% or is that still too strong for seedlings that close. Any opinions please. The fact in 2 wks your plants look like mine in 6-8 but not as healthy.


if it’s not too hot for the under-side of your arm to be there a good 20-30 seconds your plants should be fine with it to. (best old-school no equipment way to check imo.)

But 24", 100W light, should be okay for seedlings. :slight_smile: Just keep an eye on them the first day or two and make sure they aren’t being burned.


The I’m to lazy to whip out the meter technique. Works well :laughing:


2 Weeks Since Flip.


Looking excellent in that room brother! Happy plants!


Thanks brother! :smiley: :pray: :green_heart:


Hey @DannyTerpintine what about the step were you stick your tung to the bulb ! That how we did it in old time growing in upper Canada ! You should see how we checked ph back in the day right Dan !

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Hey @DannyTerpintine ! Hwrw some update photos of your 111 born jan16 2024


Do these look okay ? To you or did I let them stretch out to much ? I just don’t know this plant what are your average sizes to this or is this your first run outside your room ?

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Looking nice! That stretchy side branch could be related to lighting/wattage/distance. Overall the inter-nodal spacing on the plant looks pretty good!

I’ll throw up some single plant pics later tonight and you can see how mine are looking. :slight_smile:


Ok and did you see the hairs there the only one doing it ?

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The hairs are fine. Plants will throw out pre-flowers (pistils/hairs) when they reach “sexual maturity”.


2 Weeks since flip.

1111 - (the 6 and 12 both have crazy sturdy structure and strong kush terps)


17 (This one is a bit more lanky but smells like orange peels.)

Biker 3 (my other bikers herm’d but this one was my favourite for terps so yay, she’s still good!) This one reminds me of smoke testing the HA-og when it was first released a decade ago. I’m pretty hyped to say the least!

Blue Kush - very very pleased with this one. Loveee the terps, a nice 50/50 mix of both parents. A nice calming blueberry on top of this sour-ish kush.

These Eutierria are all :eyes: :pray:



Eutierria X Mango Bubba

GTR 11 lovely structure, gassy funk terps.

Mango Bubba 11

Mango Bubba 1 - this one has so many layers to the terps I’m actually having a hard time settling on a profile but this is what I pick up; earthy, woodsy, coffee, grapey, kush, sweet, floral, sugary (rasgulla Indian ball sweet). The mango was super predominant in veg but not so much after flip.


Oh OK I have seen them come in many times I just was wondering if it was a genetic thing the way they actually looked was what was different to me no biggy!

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Everything is on point and looking great! The description of the Mango Bubba is intriguing - I myself can never pinpoint down smells. And when I do…my only other nose (wife) usually smells something different.

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Beautiful ! Just so fenominal ! You have a very green thumb ! That blue kush has some big ass fans ! These 111 are a very sturdy plant, I will post update photos as soon as I figure out this new format ?


17 days from flip.

Chem D… first signs of reversal?! :pray: :raised_hands: (Still early but I’m super glad to see that!)

Mango Bubba Male

Eutierra X Mango Bubba male - love the golf-ball like clusters on him

GTR F2 male. Killer killer terps. GASSSSSSSS.

Mango Bubba Pollen :smiley: … F2’s here weeeee comeeeeee! :smiley:
mango bubba pollen


Outstanding I’m gelous of your talent man your good at what you do ! One I only aspire to have this kind of talent !