Danny Terpentine's Private Oasis

Thanks brother! Keep working at it, you’ll get there one day!

I’d have never imagined I’d be where I am today, but I do image where I will go moving forward and it’s so different from where I am now. :pray: :raised_hands:


Nice bit of pollen I, fucked up my first attempt at it I got to neveous with my other plants in the house . I have never had luck with have a male anywhere near my grow ! I still got what I did in a bag i’ll have to show it to you one time ! My wife went today and got me a little present for taking care of her while she was sick she new I wanted this and I have been putting my penny’s away so she surprised me with this !


Shit your work is so untouchable ! You really have the touch and it shows it self in every one of your pictures ,that stuff takes timing and precision to get it done without infecting everything else ,I have tried it 2x before both times it was a disaster !

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eyyy what an awesome gift (and wife) :wink: :raised_hands: .

That really means a lot, Thank You! :pray: :green_heart:

Oh it really is… I finally have a system where I can juggle many males together comfortably. But even then, I find I’m taking multiple multipleeee showers a day, new change of clothes, etc. I’m so over the top with things, but I think every detail is very important! Especially when you’re juggling so many different cultivars/pollen.


I have to agree ! I think that I’m going to buy a set of painters coveralls like they were in body shops but that’s once I’m in my new location and got things sorted out I was talking with the wife today they have those Steele shipping containers for 3500.00 and that with delivery included they come 10x20 10x30 10x40 so once the summer comes we’ll make our choices then . But there alot of advantages first and foremost fire prevention God forbid anything goes up at least its contained ! It like going weed at the Flintstones house in Bedrock !!

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She treats me like a king ! I have a great apartner ! She supports all I do ! And she’s happy as long as I’m happy !


Geez if your that bad at changing and playing in the garden you must have a good partner too ! A lot of your time is spent in the garden you must put hours a day into what you have ! Just see it in pieces you can tell your at least 6 to 8 hrs a day and that problem just fucking with your plants . That’s a passion tho eh ! That how I am you don’t now the pressure off me now I have that licences like I’m still only have 4 at a time here at home but I have my grandchildren and my youngest son is only 13 so I still have to keep so much respectable My son understands this is medicine he’s been raised that way. All my kids know it’s medicine and I can’t afford it so this what I do . I don’t sell to anyone and they know that, so again that helps the idea its medicine. Anyways it’s been another great shooting the shit with you hope you had a good day but I have my granddaughter here and I gotta read a book before she goes to bed ! I’ll get back at you when I finnish with her !


I think it’s great that your kids are educated about the plant. Kids are really smart if you let them be. Hiding and scaring them never works. Instead they understand this is dads medicine and he needs it and it’s not for kids. Who would have thought that could work! :100: :pray: :green_heart:


3 Weeks. :slight_smile:



Biker Kush f2

Blue Kush f2

Eutierria 6

Eutierria 27

Eutierria 39

Eutierria X Mango Bubba

Mango Bubba 1

Mango Bubba 11

Sour D (DT cut) X Panama Haze BX2

Finally done harvesting the males… just in time for pollination week! :pray:

Last two (Biker and GTR) came down today!

Chem D reversal… still uncertain but coming around!

Biker Kush F2 male (post harvest)

GTR F2 male


4 kids and 2 step sons well there all my kids no matter which way you flip them and never have I been called into the office ! I have always been honest with my kids on any subject I’m there father not there pal as long as it said and done with respect we can work with it around here !


Wow I should’ve just kept showing you the picks . I got ao paranoid! This grow went off the rails so much ! Out of 13 start with only 3 made it all the way threw, a couple got fuckerd when something I did with the heater and the mist machine (fibro minute )
I overheat and baked 4 and 3 males and one only made it a month and it just didn’t look right but it’s just buggered me for room and time !

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25 Days. Pulling out some plants for pollinations! :pray:

Biker Kush going to F3 . Smells strong spicy/gas/fuel. Very much reminds me of the HAog from a decade ago.

Blue Kush … this one smells soo sooo nice! Like this old school blueberry on top of this sourish-kush. It’s not 2024 poly-hybrid loud, it’s 2000s oldschool kind of terp profile. I really really like it!

Eutierria X Mango Bubba. Going to f2s. This one looks and smells like it’s gonna’ smackkkk. :pray:


Very nice ! That biker kush wow looks tasty ! All the technology and we still don’t have scratch and sniff phones !

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Looking great!
You do good at making seeds, do you always pollinate around day 25 or strain dependent?


Depends on strains (more so difference in long/short flower strains). But I’ve been pollenating something every single day this week. :slight_smile:

Had 7 different pollen from 7 different males. :pray:

Gladly… today was my final day. With the exception of my Chem D and Eutierria that I’m still waiting on. Flipped the Eutierria 10 days later from the rest, so should be good in another week or so. (By the way that Eutierria male is absolutely insane, like one of the meanest smelling plants I’ve seen in the past 250+ seeds I’ve gone through. Super hyped for the f2s that will be coming)

…And the Chem D reversal is still a bit iffy unfortunately… but that’s how breeding (and life) goes sometimes. (Might have to pull out the tweezers and start manually extracting and hope to find a couple grains of pollen.)


Eutierria Wild Cards. I already selected a keeper, but these two are very nice plants as well. Going on some side quests with the wild cards with different males because I think they will pair well together. Of course time will tell.

…Both smell incredible, musky kush on top of sweet orange and gas. Which one you picking? :wink:

Short Eutierria

Tall Eutierria


If I had my choice, the tall Eutierria looks gorgeous, if there was ever a need for smellovision. This would be it.
Been hunting around for pain recommendations and your Eutierria keep on popping up.
Best of luck with the F2 :seedling:


Thanks! Yeah I also really like the tall one for flower, but the small one looks and smells like a great washer “potentially”. The Eutierria is one of my most medicinal cultivars. I’ve received reports of great pain relief from both the Eutierria and her mother. (Like I got surgery and didn’t use the pain meds because I used Eutierria instead kind of reports.)

The male I found this run smells insane. Like the mother but more complex. Probably my favourite male in the last 250+ seedlings I went through.

I’m going to be taking the f2’s the route I originally planned to work the Eutierria when I made the cross - which is heavy potency, no ceilings, extremely medicinal.

Buttt… the male I found this run will be a good match for a cut I may be getting soon, that may allow me to recreate the Eutierria (essentially) a V2 hopefully with similar terps to the original release. :pray:


Going into 5 weeks (36 days from flip). Sometimes I’m glad the plants give me no break… Keeps me on my toes and out of my own mind lol. :pray:

1111 - this one was smelling a little too nice not to pollinate :wink: . That ollddd school fiyahhh terp profile.

Biker Kush F2… going to f3s. (I’m real excited to hunt through the f3s tbh.)

Blue Kush F2… pollinated

Bubba Kush (matt berger cut) - hopefully pollinated (Recreating a past strain.)

Eutierria 77 - side quest pollinated… very excited to see what she does!

This was my potential backup keeper. Didn’t end up pollinating her because of the small bud structure. (trying to teach myself that it’s okay to have stuff come and go through the garden… not everything needs to stay!) I will say she’s iced out though, down the main stalk, petioles, buds, fan leaves… trichs all over on her!)

Eutierria 84

Eutierria 89 - this ones also iced out with very sharp citrus/orange notes. (kind of burn your nose extract kind of sharp…)

Eutierria X Mango Bubba - taking her to f2. Very nice smelling and looking plant!

GTR 11 F2 - going to F3. Nice musky gasyy fuel funkkk!

Limed Orange. (a bit on the hungry side but still frosty as heck!)

Sour D (DT cut) X Panama Haze BX2 partially pollinated. Had to keep a branch sensi, but damn she smells sooooo fire. Strongly like both parents equally.

Tahoe OG