Danny Terpentine's Private Oasis

I often say to myself, “sometimes the toughest selections are the one’s you chose not to do.” I also often say to myself, " I wonder if the wife bought any of those mini chocolate chip cookies. ":sweat_smile:
You’re killin it in the flower room @DannyTerpintine ! Best of luck with your pollinations!


Great looking plants and some killer strains.


Thanks brother! lmaoooo. I think the cookies thing too! :rofl: But yeah seriously so true on the ones you have to let go being hard decisions!

These actually go harddd :stuck_out_tongue: .

Thanks @ShiskaberrySavior :pray: :100:


You take gorgeous shots and have a nice ass garden, my friend. Thankful to have stuff you made. Speaking of… one MMog x choc diesel is confirmed lady. The other two haven’t shown and they all need new homes, but just wanted to let ya know flower from her is just around the corner :purple_heart:


Beautiful girls you are showing off right here!!


Thanks so much! Oh that’s great news! Feel free to share pics here too if you’d like! I think you should fine some real cool stuff in there!

@Emeraldgreen Thank You! :smiley: :pray: :100:


Turns out two of these little monsters are ladies. They got put into 3 gallons each…they were in probably 8oz of soil prior so I’m sure they’ll be happy. Both got topped yesterday, moved today. They should blow up here soon and they’ll hit the flower tent probably end of this month or so!


Ahhhhhh that biker kush ! Your plants ! Wow ! Scratch and sniff pictures !!!

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Just saying goodmorning ! To OG with a little coral kush for breakfast !

and have a great day !


Nice, looking good! Can’t wait to see them flower! :raised_hands:

@Thetravler that’s brother! MMMM coral kush sounds tasty! :stuck_out_tongue: Cute dog too! :100:

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Wow, what was that, a 24 hr cure? :sweat_smile: :joy: :rofl:

No but I had to give it a taste ,she’s still in the tent I have got to carve her up tonight after work , .

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Yea yea I’m still waiting for Sunday ???

Oh goodnornig


Good morning Buddy. Crazy weather.

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For sure they say snow next week !!!? What the ! Hey when buying bubble bags can. You buy individual sizes or you have to buy the whole kit ?is it cold up there ! I gotta let you try this coral kush what a beautiful flavourful she has a real sweetness to it , lots of resin borderline unbelievable resin !


Oh buddy you won’t believe either I got in on a great deal or I got my pants scewd on for.me ! The other nite I’m going threw market place it had this Amazon advertising 4x4 grow tent package 1000 wat led 8ft ducking and fan with filter complete page 59.99 85 % savings so I grabbed it the next day I was thinking I never checked my adress so I tried to track the order my bank shows 88.00 dollars was taken but with tax that’s not far off of the price but the store was a real store to but I can’t find how to get a hold of them to verify my order and my bank said I have to wait 15 day and changed my visa but if it is real what a great deal but I have been thinking am I gonna just get a picture of the things or a miniature version just freaking out not knowing I hate buying anything from the internet!!!


yeah I think some places sell single bags (I’ve seen them before). Not sure if bubblebagdude does though.

60 is an absolute steal for a grow bundle! Hope it turns out alright for you! :100:

yeah it was plus double digits here the last couple days, and then negative and snow out of the blue lol.

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Well, not an update I wanted to make but it is what it is…

Sometimes life knocks you down… As cliche as that sounds it really is about getting back up again. These past weeks have been a wild time for me to say the least and it really shows in my garden (which I almost completely walked away from a couple of times these past two weeks.) Time to pull up my socks and turn this around, and show you that you can make mistakes in your garden and still end up producing great flower!

It probably looks 10x worse in my eyes that it actually is… idk?

If you’re interested in what happened, I go into a bit more detail in my YouTube vid. :pray:


Hey buddy ! Sorry haven’t been around for an update and a chat but my phone took a dive in a bucket of water ! Talk about bummer ! Anyways didn’t want you to think I for got about your 111 you lent me to grow !!! Haha so here’s some pics