Danny Terpentine's Private Oasis

eyyy there’s a pick me up! Thanks for sharing that! (and sorry to hear about your phone!)

She’s coming along greatttt! I can literally see frost on the top of the main stalk! :eyes: :fire: :raised_hands:

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Much love brother. Everyone makes mistakes. It’s all about how we bounce back. :facepunch:

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Actually I have to say sorry because you would have been so much happier before I cleaned them up ! The pictures don’t do them justice ! Really a beautiful plant that’s one of the biggest things I love about growing is just to see what the next one will look like !

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Just got my package from Hanks auction !

if you can read them and have any info on them let me know please and thank you !

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appreciate you, thanks! :100:

@Thetravler I can’t read all of the details on some, but from what I see, you made some killer choices! There’s some fire strains in those crosses. Good luck!


The others are hard to read but they are ( strawberry-banna X Indian Larry
Piescream 27 X grape stomper
Piescream 27 X Rossco Corsa X Cherry West X Cube / this one has some pics on the auction post it was advertised as being good for making live resin ! Just to add your more than welcome to any you like yourself l can see what the plant will look like grown right ! Give me a good example to follow ! Smooozzze eh ! Hahaha


MMog x Chocolate diesel! Settling into their new pots and fighting for light, but they’re doing well. The last of the three is still in a small pot, rootbound to hell and showing me nothing in the way of sex! Was trying to force it to show but it may just get repotted to see if it will show me if it’s happy lol


okayyy that first one looks really nice!!! :heart_eyes: They both look great!

@Thetravler Thanks! :pray: Yeah these some very nice lineage in those!

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1111 (Angel Numbers). Partially seeded. And if you saw my last vid you know how rough this grow went… and it still looks like that! Quick finisher, pulled this sample nug at 45 days. Threw half of it in a volcano vaporizer…

Notes; smells = kush and chocolate with a hint of purple. Taste = earthy, purple, og. Hit’s instantly, lasted a solid 90 minutes, and then I came back to normal. That 90 minutes was high af, a complete blur. A nice functional indica (does not make you sleepy), great pain relief. Don’t remember a thing and didn’t feel a thing for those 90 minutes at all. Zero burnout afterwards.


I agree! Great work, my friend. They seem to be growing pretty similarly, the one just had a slightly better position by the light so we will see if the smaller one branches out like the first here over the next few days. Really excited to flower them out.

That 1111 looks great :purple_heart:

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Eutierria - pulled at 45 days. smells like BO (body odour) and kush, on top of orange soda. Taste is very musky (like triangle kush) with some sweet orange undertones.

Hit’s FAST and HARD. Body feels incapacitated. I don’t want to move, any position is comfortable. Mind is blank. Feeling a sense of pain relief I haven’t felt in the last year. This might sound funny but it felt like my joints got greased… like I could do a backlfip, but I wouldn’t dare LOL.

Hit’s instant but also a delayed 10min creeper. (The mother was like that was well.) Right when you think this hit nice I’m good, well be prepared for it to really kick in another 10 minutes from now.

This one lasts a feww hours. Went to sleep still feeling it.


A couple shot of 111 she will be coming down soon the tricombs stand up and off this there so tall see if you can notice how big they are in the picture there incredible

Beautiful plant to grow very easy to care for . It give off a nice grassy smell to you get a wife of B O BodyOdor you can smell that for sure it might have been me but I don’t think so ! Cheers


She’s looking gorgeous! Beautiful work! :100: :raised_hands:

Oh by the way, @Thetravler , I don’t recall if I told you, but the 1111 (Angel Numbers) = Bubba Kush X ((Bubba Kush x (Moonwalker OG x UBC Chemo F2)). All worked by me. :slight_smile:

Most I’ve seen so far seem to be done at the 7-9 week mark. They’re faster finishers.


OK so now these plant are 1111 before I was only doing 111 . Next question is the name 1111 or is the name (Angel Numbers) ? And that’s funny cause I have been looking for that Moonwalker OG .
And as far as harvest I’m right on with nine weeks I’d say I’m in the beginning of 7 and my tricombs are just milky now the ones at the top have some golden ones but still have some in the middle and bottom . 2 weeks should have everything golden !


That looks absolutely killer, my friend. The MMog choc diesel are absolutely exploding in growth right now. Keep me in mind if you want to test any genetics ever :pray:t2: absolutely loving your work.


So 1111 is what I sent the testers out as originally. I’m going to officially name it Angel Numbers, but also keep the “1111” moniker in the name as well.
→ Angel Numbers (1111) will be the official label. :pray:

Also beautiful work! That looks like it’s going to slapppp! :stuck_out_tongue: :snowflake:

Will do! Thanks for keeping me updated and sharing pics of your grow as well! Those were some nice looking pheno’s you had there as well! :100:


Thank you very much for your kind words always appreciated ! Growing is made so much easier with great genetics ! This plant came with buds ! Never had one that shows you out right I’m a girl with big buds hahaha !!! Anytime you want to lend a seed ! Haha


Well I managed to pull it through to the 10 week mark! The real beat up/dead looking stuff is just really seeded. Some of the non seeded stuff still came out half decent.

Eutierria keeper from previous run. Finallyyyy putting out some roots after over a month in a cup. (It was a Reveg clone)

Tahoe OG. (Think this one was seeded with a GTR male.)

Eutierria Keeper (it actually is seeded too… you just can’t tell with this one.)

Eutierria # 57 “RD” (Hit this one with a GTR male too.) Vape tested the seeded flower and it was very nice.

GTR 11 (Also vape tested this one… gives watered down og vibes. Considering it was beat up and then seeded… I think I’ll run this one back and see how she does when she’s happy…) Has that strong spiced gassss terp profile OG is known for. This was also the pheno I struggled to keep out of a Calium Deficiency the entire run… she eatssss CaMg. LOL.

Chem D - was very nice smoke. I’m seriously surprised how some of these turned out all things considered!

And finallyyyyyyyyy… so glad to have this one wrapppedddd up! :raised_hands:

All clean! (Well almost… still have to mop and disinfect. And then rearrange the space because improvements are needed!)

Also HAPPY 420 To You! (First to call dibs can have a freebie variety pack from my newest work.)

Also… my little birthday dinner! :smiley:


I’d love to dibs that…

Gorgeous work this round, man.

And beyond everything, happy 420 :purple_heart:


BOOM! Congrats you got it! :tada: (Dm me your safe addy.)

This might have been one of the most difficult runs I’ve ever had to get through… between life and all the curve balls this run threw at me… man I’m glad to have it wrapped up. But I also knew I had to get through it because there were some really nice crosses/phenos in there.

@DirtySlowToes Happy 420 :raised_hands: :100: