Danny Terpentine's Private Oasis


I just can’t! Not a fan. Tried cauliflower rice… still a big no, nope, nada…


oh heckkk noo… that’s nasty. I have to draw the line there too. NOT cauliflower rice!

And pizza… don’t ever do it with pizza either! :rofl:


Nice pull @bobgrows ! I really need to pop some of Danny’s gear; I’ve got several packs (Suga Suga, Sugar Ray, Swakhammer, Drunken Mac, Eutierria), but I’m doing a hazy sativa run atm.

@DannyTerpintine if I were gonna slide one of those into the 2023 rotation, what would you, personally, recommend to someone who has never grown your genetics?

Also…mmm vegan pizza.


Fair enough, I can’t stand that cauliflower rice atrocity. I cook it and put cheese sauce on it or just snack on it. I find myself buzzed and grabbing chuncks of it as I walk by the fridge, lol. Cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, green peppers and carrots are all in danger as I open the fridge, lol.


Lol, I call this “eating ingredients”, and it’s a common issue when I’m stoned!
I say issue because I usually eat stuff that was intended for use in an actual meal :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::bear:


Yeah, me too. Ripping pieces off green peppers is also something I guilty of. My wife is constantly looking at me when she opens the crispers, lol. I know that look, it’s the I’m on my way to the store look, lol.


Same, except it’s an internal realization that I have to make the trip. I do 80% of the cooking, so I’m only hurting myself :smile:


I can so see Doug in there chomping on some green peppers :rofl:

more like mmmm vegan pizza…

My pizza game has definitely improved as of late.


Looks dope! I eat a vegetarian diet, so I’m totally poking fun.
I make 2 big foccacia every month and they’re always topped with seasonal veg. One of my favorite things to make/eat.
The structure on that crust looks great!
Edit: Now answer my question; don’t leave me hanging! :monkey::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


haha WHOOPSIE! Promise I was stoned and not ignoring the best bear to ever bless my garden!

That’s such a hard choice, and Cudo’s for having such a huge selection! :pray: :100:

Swackhammer might be my fav for hard hitting terpy and resilient if I really had to choose just one.

Eutierria will always be my medicinal saviour.

I’ve pulled multiple keeper potential plants out of a single Sugar Ray pack too. And I’d say @Bobgrows has a prime example of what I’d want if I ran my Suga Suga myself. :pray:

soo I guess that’s three… but that’s what you get for showing me that hideous vegan pizza :rofl: .


This was my first attempt at making pizza.

Also my first attempt at making bagels.

You would probably like my vegetable beef soup too, just have to leave out the beef, lol.


Hey hate to bring this up here but your book pdf isn’t loading on discord.
Edit: after 2 days of trying I can read! Lol that sounds funny!

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that looks delicious! we might have to do a cookout one day! :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

@420noob glad it’s working now! :slight_smile:


I’m honestly not sure whether that video is serious or a stand-up comedy bit. He’s either dead serious, or he’s got a lot of talent to deliver a line like “It’s got countless nutrients in it - like water,” with a completely straight face. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah that’s his shtick.
He does all kinds of videos, and they’re all totally deadpan humor.


If I promised anyone anything… all caught up on the mail. :slight_smile: :+1:

Some of the seedlings aren’t that happy… same thing as last run, the soil is just hot af. I need to get a separate batch of seedling/starter soil. But they should outgrow it, may just be a bit stunted for a bit. I’ve just been watering straight from tap, which is coming out at 7.6 (so maybe a bit high too).

The Eutierria seem pretty good with the soil though. A few of them also not too happy but a lot of them don’t seem to mind it too much.

And my mothers are super root bound. I’m really playing with limited space at the moment. Really need to get a vertical space going for my clones and teens. That should help a lot. Next on my to-do list.

Mothers from last run. They’'re extremely root bound. I will be doing some root pruning next week when I get some more soil.

Bubba Kush

Limed Orange keeper

Cookies Bubba (Thin Mint x Katsu Bubba)

Bubba Kush x 2 males (Limed Orange or Moon Medic Og)

Bubba Kush x 2 males (Limed Orange or Moon Medic Og)

P98 Bubba x (P98 Bubba X DC/MonkeyBalls)

Indiana Bubblegum


The Panama and Sour are 7-8weeks here.

Panama Haze BX2 @lefthandseeds (this is the remaining girl. I almost threw her because she didn’t form any buds until week 6. But I think I’ll run her to the end… looking like she may go a full 16weeks?)

Sour Diesel (karma bx2) x Sour Diesel (rez)


You must have a huge space!
Lots going on.
Looking spectacular!


Thanks! I really don’t at the moment. Actually a really small canopy space lol. Building back out slowly.

… it’s organized chaos for now. :sweat_smile::green_heart:


Wow she’s a long runner eh? Good sign though, I think my cut was at least 13 but not more than 14. It might come out about right for that.

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Haha yeahhhh she took her time.

Oh nice, good to know, 13’s not too bad. I’m digging the terps on her. Will be fun to try a true long flower sativa. :pray:

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