Dark Sparks with Mr.Sparkle : Growing 2019


:laughing: Already thinking that


They say great minds think alike :laughing:


Hey what’s up dude I know you probably get this question a lot of times but what strain did you throw in that cup that you won with? That’s gorgeous I’m an aesthetic man myself and those are beautiful just wondering? I know I should do more research but do you have techniques that you have out for your training methods and such or have you thought about writing a book things like that interest me and I’m always available to do editing and things like that but you should write a book on your training techniques you’re a beast and I bow to your green thumb Glory! Seriously dude you got to going on if you have a page with just like pointers or you know anything to help a new indoor grow or like myself thanks bro keep doing what you’re doing man you’re fucking awesome


There’s alot of great info in this thread, and another from last year too if you search his name. You’ll find alot of cool info and some very interesting training techniques that I’ve never seen before.

It would be cool if someone condensed it all into a more concise format… could release it as a book and make $$$ haha


Yeah I understand I just need to go through the threads I wasn’t sure if you had you know what I mean like a little magazine or something like that with his training techniques I’m just mean and I would edit/help anyway I can. I’m a good note organizer lol.just to take some load off his back I have no interest in copywriting or anything like that but yeah he could probably make some good bux off the good work that he does and it’s credited to him. I was just wondering if you had anything but I’ll do some searching I appreciate it bro body so nice around here love y’all


No i don’t have anything condensed, thought about it sure and started at times but im also no expert.

The techniques, methods and processes i use is just stuff i have learned through trial and error and working with plants and seeing what they can do, really i’ve progressed now to where i am honestly by just trying new techniques and ideas to me with the intention that if i learn something from it then it’s been worth the effort, so whether a plant makes it to harvest or not that really doesn’t matter unless that was the goal.

In the end though we are just trying to provide good conditions that allow our plants to grow easily and happily with the least amount of intervention or direction as possible, as were here to help them grow not fight them as they are the ones doing the work, all we need to do is provide the conditions or environment for them to prosper in, and to me the simpler the solutions are the better.

As for that cup entry i was running other cups as well, but the one or two plants i think you’re referring to were Bluedreamatic’s by Fast Buds … which i’ll never run again, shit plants they fluffed to much and wanted to stretch in the buds and eventually hermied in the end like everyone else who got those seeds.

Also just dive through my old threads as i only really have 4 growing ones on here anyways, even just to look at pictures as the stuff that interests you will probably have some comments right about it about what i was doing.


@Baltimore General base of how i run things now, is i use coco as a media, run an automated watering setup that’s very basic and i force water cycle them once they are big enough to handle it and i adjust as needed, coupled to its a recirculating system in that any runoff gets reused till my reservoirs need a fill. I provide decent light, air exchange, and circulation, and only train plants when needed, and in order to keep them somewhat manageable i use root limiting “aka small pots” as my main control method, nutrients i currently use one-parts for the convenience and ease and just modulate their feed levels based on what the plants need which really only takes having a ppm meter to follow.

When i have to train the techniques i use and typically in this order is leaf tucking, followed by leaf pruning, to node pruning, then “Flopping” if they are really being unreasonable, like i did to one plant this morning, on here some people refer to it as “floptek” but its just essentially supercropping with some alterations to make it easier on the plant, then i tie down those “flopped” tops if i need to keep them in place, followed by stem folding “Zeeing” which is usually a last resort, after that im usually pissed off at the plant and it not long for the chopping block.


:grin: that’s what’s up man yeah I understand about your techniques that need to do some reading through your thread. That sucks that fast buds strain wasn’t good but I’m waiting for a gg4 from Fast buds to pop now hopefully it’s got some ass to it. Yeah I Ben skimming through your stuff a little bit me being a new grower I should have had somebody help me mix a bunch of soil up but I know now what to do next when the next run but I love the looks of those little balls in the hydro drip setups I believe. But I sat in my car mr. Sparkle and talk to my girlfriend and I thought to myself he probably pulled those roots out and literally got the roots to train the way they are not saying you caught anything or anything like that it just looks to me like you train the roots. What I mean is the whole setup and thing look great it sucks that particular strain didn’t have any legs to it. But we won the contest with it so it serves its purpose. Either way it’s cool just to check you out


They just do what they want, if it’s to populate the entire pot with roots thats them, i just provide conditions to allow them too.


Edit sorry nevermind I didn’t read back my bad

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I’ll compile what I can put it together in a format send it to him to see if he approves it to be circulated other than that it would be up to him. The way he speaks if he taught a class he speech for the Layman and yet I understand he speaks in a somewhat scientific term that I understand and I’m not a genius or anything but I almost have a photographic memory. But I can start compiling and organizing I truly believe if plants are trained right they don’t need to be 10-foot tall to gain I scrap just need right nutrients light like he said and the perfect amount of medium. I’m using canvas pots they’re good but they have to be fully watered I didn’t know that and I burn my plans because I was only partially watering and salts were building up I believe but they’ve grown out of it anyway I’ll drop what I got when I got it if it’s cool and only if it’s cool


Day 28

A Lot of flopping, nudging, tucking, and some accidental node removal, coupled to regrowth has happened in the last 3 days.

First my canopies needed adjustment as they were stretching and filling the space, so i have a decent base formed for them now, which i’ll adjust and tweak as i go along. They are transitioning into bud building now so ill keep that going.

The right side of the left cabinet had started to go too dry between waterings yesterday so they got a bit longer watering duration of 7sec and are now watered every 2.5hrs, water pass through of the pot has slowed due to roots filling it out, so to prevent overflow and add extra water space, i knocked off all the top loose layer that that would just make a mess if it overflowed as it didn’t have any roots holding it in place. so that’s all they get root space wise, they will still work at filling out what’s in place though.

The right side cab, the plant on the back left wants to be a beast but its working with the space it was given, saying that i gave it a bit more room by removing the fuzz the was in front of it this also give me some space for the solo cup plant im prerunning some of @toastyjakes plants with, im doing that to help work out a hand watering routine or method that will be effective and possibly a good base point for others to try if they want. With how im thinking it will be pretty straight forward in the end, and i’ll be trying to keep it to two waterings max in a day such as before and after work, and will train and only allow this plant to go as big as two waterings will provide.


They were looking quite nice and dense, but there not quite ready to leave alone, as they are overlapping quite heavily and still growing quickly.

So along came the weed wacker, being me lol

This is just to shape and select the shoots that i want to make buds, stripping out the lower nodes that were getting shaded plus the lower overlapping and or inward pointing leaves that are covering bud site were removed, the stem of various tops were also crushed and “flopped” some were redone, some i tweaked the rotation of or having them fall in a certain direction to fill spaces that didn’t have budsites. The goal for me is to have everything set to be on an almost even plane, some plants need more work than others but this is where you can fine tune things before buds start to set, as the plant is still growing quick. Bonus is doing all this also allows a bit more airflow around the tops of the pots, which brings down the humidity levels and makes it harder for other issues to surface such as mold.

Like so ;), not concerned and or worried, cool shot though, was spritzed with some h202 and that pot has some more airflow along the surface due to some leaf removal.

Just watch in two days its will be packed again but the buds that are starting to build alongside the leaf growth.


Day 29 Shaping… and uncertainty everytime.

Left side i did a swap around and moved the front green to the back left corner, and everything got adjusted. Now we can see everything better. Shaping wise im probably set now.

I have some uncertainty though and typically always do at this point, as your half way through, and everything is getting set in such as root space, feed levels, watering, cabinet fill out, full on autopilot switch over point, as it’s up to them and what you have done so far. And you figure 4-5weeks left , with small starting bud sizes, and being a bit longer in days compared to past grows, and uncertainty that your containers will be too small for getting good buds or end up being too big and still may get out of hand and create a larfy jungle, and going over in ones mind what can be changed to make things better or easier on the next round.

All while still not knowing how it will end up as your not far enough along to know yet…

Right side also did some shuffling and a bunch of flopping, the now back right plant will get flipped 180 degrees in a day or so i figure, i just needed a wall to support one shoot that i mangled, and bonus this will help kick up the current edge we see which will become the back, or so im hoping and adjusting to do anyways. I put the solo in front of the fan, as it just gives clearance for the fan for longer, i may need to have a higher fan mounting point setup wise…


@Mr.Sparkle, in your experience, what is the relationship between container size and the size/larfiness if the plant? If the latter was the function of the former, what would it look like?

I am trying to decide if it is worth it to find the minimum sufficient container size for my style of growing to save on pruning/trimming time, and on substrate; sort of let the plants limit themselves in veg. Not sure how much the roots grow in flower either… do you think it would be of benefit to the overall process with photos, or is oversizing the pot like most of us do the best?


It’s more container size dictating how big a plant can be coupled to if your space is too small to support it, as in my experience larfiness is a byproduct from having a very thick canopy which is usually from “too large” plants which have a root system that is fueling more growth than what a space can handle this causes the plant to keep going causing a lot of earlier growth to get outpaced and left below the lowest point that gets direct light, buds and stalks just stretch out under that as they just want that light too and are trying what they can to get it.

That typically happens first from planting to densely or say vegging too long before switching to flower but can also happens when your light intensity drops say from raising of lights, to having a canopy become denser from growth which will absorb more light leaving less for the lowers, or high height discrepancies between top most and bottom most buds causing the same.

As for photos it’s just more timing, and oversizing pots is just typically about having a bigger buffer room between waterings, if your automated its very easy to go to smaller pots, but a plant will only become as big as its weakest link. Saying that photos typically are still in full root growth mode well into 3-4+weeks of flower, its once your start to see bud set and the plants starting to switch over to bud build mode that root growth seems to slows but it also doesn’t stop, that plant is just focusing on other things as its priority.

Like if one can reduce their pot size or say number of plants and are able to time things so their space is filled by week 4ish+ of flower or that’s when their pots are fully saturated with roots then they’re probably gonna be in pretty good shape. Like your tents for example where your running eight pots, i wouldn’t hesitate myself to probably run only 4 in the same space, id be freaking a little wondering if i could fill the space but im sure i could, but again thats with adequate watering and timing and some light training “flopping and tucking” to make things even, and to keep that veg mode roaring into flower i possibly even limit the veg period of say 3-5weeks, but again that all depends, really in my mind the more i have to prune, the more ive miscalculated something , training though is just more about shaping a plant for more efficiency but the less of either i have to do the better,


Thanks @Mr.Sparkle; super informative. I may try 4 plants on the run after next, but as you have stated have to automate feeding first since I have to be able to leave them for at least 3 days.

I bought a 12k BTU AC on craigslist for 80 bucks, and already have co2 in my homebrewing supply, so a rebuild and more automation is in the future.



some blumats could fit the bill easily, and all you would need is a raised reservoir to create some pressure, something to look into.


Day 30

Well they are back at it, i have a feeling im gonna be knocking them over at least once more if they continue to stretch, but two conclusions from today, First is i think i can tell the differences between the pollen donor parents, or at least im gonna lump them together that way, as certain things seem to ring true, so the short stubby plants with a higher proponency for mutants smaller growth and color leach into the leaves will be from the Beyonce pollen donor, all your more stretched out vigorous typically greener phenos will be from the Rue Paul donor, with mutants percentages mixed in depending on the mother "ATM mainly in my case but higher percentage in the Dark sparks as well.

And the other is Regular Coco "Canna is out performing the chunkier coco unquestionably, every pot phenos accounted the chunkier stuff just isn’t as good.

Plugged chunky coco root mass

Vs Regular Canna Coco, you can tell where the chunky bottom was filled too.


Interesting results with the coco. I frankly would have expected the opposite. I’ve been wanting to check out the chunkier stuff myself for quite some time, so I’ve been watching your posts on the subject with great interest.

Have you tried coco with rice hulls? I did once and had a great cycle, but once is not exactly significant.