Def-Gardens In High Desert

The Fumè is awesome. It smokes very similar to how it smells, like 2 stroke exhaust and paint thinner, with a slight earthy funk twist. However the smoke is more chem/fuel with something sweet in there as well. The high is overpowering. It just sits you down and makes you wish had already picked out the movie before smoking it. I find myself totally lost in thought at times and have to snap myself back to reality. It’s pretty good stuff. Lol

I am also looking forward to the results of these crosses!


Looking good bro! Fume looks and sounds like a winner for sure, very nice work bud!

Keep an eye out on ur mailbox. Should be seeing some of the goodies I sent ya


sorry to hear the ipm went south, happens to me alot too when using oil based stuff. that gg fume looks like a gg leaner and dank. also those little beds you have would make a nice sog from clones. stagger 4 in each or just 3 down middle lol


Sounds great! Thanks for letting us know. Enjoy!


So, slacking as normal, i chopped the reversed male a couple days ago bc of lack of pollen. I had figured the run is mostly a bust, im haven’t been seeing any beans in production.

My idea is to dry the pollen sacs in my trim bin and soft them for collection. Hopefully get a little bit that way.

However, as I was doing a quick look over the pollen receivers I actually noticed most were growing some seeds! Not the full pollination I had hoped for but atleast seeds are being made, so my efforts aren’t entirely for nothing. So that makes me happy. Ill put up some pics tonight after I get a good idea of how many seeds we are looking at so far.


Ayyyyy!! Package received!! Thank you kindly!!


I was just thinking of a SOG grow as well! Haha but in 1 gal pots, it may have to happen soon. I could easily use these mini bed pots tho…. Hmmmmmmmmm


might just have to add one more how big are they ? i used to watch someone grow in those bins from home depot that are like 2x3x10 always wanted to copy but those beds are prob even better


Woo hoo! Your welcome bud! Hope u find some fire in those, thanks for the cinderevils I used in the run!


Fume F2s

BBW x Fume

Thought I’d share what Ive managed to grow with a few of your beans you so kindly shared with me…

Hope you don’t mind me sharing in your thread…


Oh man!! Those look awesome!!! I bet they smell AMAZING! I dont mind you sharing your pics here at all!!! Share away! @Skyf this one was my reply to you, sorry about that. Haha


I think they are 2’ x 1’ which makes them a perfect fit if had 4 to entirely fit the 2x4. I may have another buried in the flower pot pile… :face_with_monocle:

1 Like

Lost 3 males today. Both Scotts OG and a Big Bad Wolf x Fumè.


Scotts OG x Fumè, both males

Chopped Guerrilla Fumè at 75 days.

The next 4 were chopped at 68 days.






Whew that fume be looking so nice can’t wait to try out some of those f2 also stoked to get to the diesel therapy(ecsd x chem bx3) haven’t seen a bad plant from skunk va’s gear your buds be looking so frosty need to get a cut of tk sometime have heard to much good about her :drooling_face: how’s the bbw smoke?


Not sure if your last message was directed at me?
If so I havnt taken my plants down yet-we had loads of rain and I’m hoping to get another few days before chop-but will let you know…
SkunkVA gear absolute fire-i doubt you can go wrong with any of his offerings… no original cuts in my country unfortunately…


The BBW has a buzz similar to the Fumè, but the BBW is quite a bit heavier. I haven’t smoked this round yet but the last plant i chopped at like 73 days and it was very hard to stay awake after smoking it. The stone was incredible for the 15 minutes I could stay up, absolutely couch locking and stupefying. Giggle for no reason for awhile and then roll over and go to sleep. Im hoping it’s not as sleep inducing at 68 days.

It smells really raunchy, like raunchy body odor /garlicky with a sharp Chem touch to it. Smokes with a really sweet strong Chem flavor.


great smoke report sounds like some nice sleep meds. those pics all look so frosty man great job once again. sucks about the males. but all in all looks like your killin it


Soooo, after losing the final White Widow x Guerrilla Fumè to having balls….

I noticed pistils sticking out of both GG4RIL x Guerrilla Fumes!! Woo hoo! But it’s like they are growing branches out of the sex nodes… idk. They are turning into some big plants by the way….

Big Bad Wolf x Fumè and TK x Fumè are still undetermined.


Got some BBW going as we speak, around 50 days, hard to get smells with Chem-D , CDLC and khalifa mints in there (all loud af!) but I’m hoping one of them is as heavy as yours was, definitely stoked to test these beauties


Everything looks stellar my friend, very nice as always