Def-Gardens In High Desert

Very nice garden.

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@Greenfingers Thank you! Its starting to shape up i think. Plenty of work to still be done for sure!

Calculate the volume of the container in cubic inches and divide by 231.
That will give you US gallons.

Love the garden :+1: :sunglasses:
The background looks like the Tucson area but the soil looks different…



Im up north a ways, outside of Golden Valley a bitup about the 3,000 ft range. The soil in this area is all sand and rocks.

Ill check the pot size in the morning. :+1:

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Dreamcatcher, stupid hps lighting. Ill do better trichome pics in a few days but she is absolutely covered!


I know that area… :thinking:

There’s Deathclaws in the quarry by Sloan.

:vulcan_salute: :laughing:



Bro, ur in a bad time to be moving those outside, they gonna go to flower then realize the days are getting longer and switch back to reveg, I’m starting mine from seed in 11 days and out in the greenhouse by end of the month. Beautiful plants but ur gonna be on a funky path with em, what hrs were ur light at before the move outside?

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Im wanting them to flower, Im not trying to grow these all summer long. They shouldnt reveg. And if they do then oh well.

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Oh Deathclaws huh? I guess i should get my Power Armor in working order lol!


Anything past April 1st-15th u run the risk, learned that lesson last year with a sweet tooth and truth serum trying to finish up flowering em late, truth serum was a total loss cuz I didn’t have the space or swamper on my greenhouse yet to let it keep going, sweet tooth I just plucked couple weeks early. We’re gaining 2 min 9 seconds of light a day now

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Wet, cold, and rainy today. Today and Monday are going to be hard days. Lots of wind, chilly temps. But should be good after that.

Cowboy Cookies


Sweet Lavender 1

The gang


Def, were there any issues with digging in the desert?
Looking Stellar my Brother



Midwest soil is muuch easier than this! LoL. But the garden is on a top soil mound, that was pushed up built before i got here. So i figure there shouldnt be any Caliche for atleast a few feet down, it was mainly sand and golf ball/baseball sized aggregate rock. The rocks sucked but the sand made it easy. Should have sufficient drainage.


Def, you always have a positive outlook! Have to admire ya brother!
Thinking about how you have rolled with the changes in the last year.
Oh yeah, and ya can grow that killer Green too :v:

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Thank you for the very kind words! You are THE man with those autos though!

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Pebblepusher in DWC, been on 12/12 for about a week.


Dreamcatcher, to trim or not to trim?


Dreamcatcher, week 5/6? Somewhere in there.

Pebblepusher flipped a week and a half ago.

Tombstone project is wrapping up her final week making seeds. They are sticking out and looking mature. The tall one on the right is a project of my own im working on. The plant itself gives off a B.O. smell. Im excited to see what the flowers turn out like. She will get the run of the whole tent when i yank the others.

Also, trying out cloning in rockwool.


Chopped the Tombstone Project today.

Beans look aight from 2 different branches.

Project/test plant was going herm, chopped it and tossed it. And decided to throw Lemon OG Haze auto in the tent, and shut off the hot ass 600w HPS light. Its gettin warm outside anyways, so that light was getting un plugged by weeks end anyways.


Killer looking bud there Def. Way to go!